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Articles (page 31 of 86)
- Törnquist-Plewa, B. & Kowalski, K. (2017). Europeizacja dziedzictwa : O moralnym zaangazowaniu pewnego pojecia. Zarzadzanie w kulturze, 18, 549-570. Jagiellonian University Press.
- Urrutia, A. (2017). The Credible Voice in Pedro Lemebel’s Oeuvre : Identity, Gender and Censorship. Interlitteraria, 22, 139-153.
- Van Epps, B. & Carling, G. (2017). From three genders to two : The sociolinguistics of gender shift in the Jämtlandic dialect of Sweden. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia, 49, 53-84. Routledge.
- Vetushko-Kalevich, A. (2017). Some Notes on the Literary Sources of Historia Belli Sveco-Moscovitici Decennalis by Johannes Widekindi. Philologia Classica, 12, 177-187. Saint Petersburg State University.
- Yager, J. & Burenhult, N. (2017). Jedek : a newly discovered Aslian variety of Malaysia. Linguistic Typology, 21, 493-545. De Gruyter.
- Zlatev, J., Wacewicz, S., Zywiczynski, P. & van de Weijer, J. (2017). Multimodal-first or pantomime-first? : Communicating events through pantomime with and without vocalization. Interaction Studies, 18, 465-488. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Ågren, M. (2017). Étude expérimentale sur le traitement de l'accord sujet-verbe en nombre en FLE. Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquee, 105, 7-24. Institut de Linguistique de l'Universite.
- Ambjörn, L. (2016). Medicinsk teori i medeltida arabiskt källmaterial. Kungl. vitterhets historie och antikvitetsakademiens årsbok, 97-108. Kungliga Vitterhets- historie- och antikvitetsakademien.
- Andersson, L. G. & Sundholm, J. (2016). Accented cinema and beyond : Latin American minor cinemas in Sweden, 1970 - 1990. Studies in Spanish & Latin American Cinemas, 13, 227-246. Intellect Ltd..
- Bagiu, L. (2016). Lectoratul de limba română, Universitatea din Lund în anul 2015. Despre Sebastian, Sorescu, Dosoftei, Derrida și limba română, 434-450. TipoMoldova.
- Bagiu, L. & Negru, P. (2016). "Fartate" and "Nefartate" in Lucian Blaga's Arca lui Noe. Journal of Romanian Literary Studies, 177-187. ARHIPELAG XXI Press.
- Barratt, D., Cabak Rédei, A., Innes-Ker, ?. & van de Weijer, J. (2016). Does the Kuleshov effect really exist? Revisiting a classic film experiment on facial expressions and emotional contexts. Perception, 45, 847-874. Pion Ltd.
- Bernhardsson, K. (2016). Människan som biologiskt reservmaterial : Ninni Holmqvists dystopi Enhet. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 93, 234-241. Stiftelsen Socialmedicinsk tidskrift.
- Bernhardsson, K. (2016). Nordic Studies : Swedish Literature. Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 76. Brill.
- Bernhardsson, K. & Hansson, K. (2016). Tema: Tio fallstudier i medicinsk humaniora. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 93, 229-233. Stiftelsen Socialmedicinsk tidskrift.
- Blomberg, J. (2016). How can language be grounded – in a deconstructionist semiotics?. The Public Journal of Semiotics, 7, 43-58. Open Semiotics Resource Center.
- Blomberg, J. & Haglund, J. (2016). Världen som representation och bestånd : Antropocen, teknik och konst genom Heideggers filosofi. Ekfrase, 7, 49-59. Universitetsforlaget.
- Blomberg, J. & Thiering, M. (2016). Spatial phenomenology and cognitive linguistics. Metodo, 4, 159-212. Svdig Press.
- BLOMQVIST, J. (2016). Byzantine Greek on Maltese soil : evidence from Tristia ex Melitogaudo. Melita Classica, 3, 141-168. Malta Classics Association.
- Cariboni Killander, C. (2016). Discours indirect libre et narration négative : "La vertu de Checchina". Poétique - revue de théorie et d'analyse littéraires, 180, 71-86. Seuil, Paris.
- Carrol, G., Conklin, K. & Gyllstad, H. (2016). Found in translation : the influence of the L1 on the reading of idioms in a L2. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 38, 403-443. Cambridge University Press.
- Christensen, P., Fusaroli, R. & Tylén, K. (2016). Environmental Constraints Shaping Constituent Order in Emerging Communication Systems : Structural Iconicity, Interactive Alignment and Conventionalization. Cognition, 146, 67-80. Elsevier.
- Claesson, C. (2016). Localizando la política : subjetividad, publicidad y revolución en tres novelas recientes. Kamchatka: Revista de análisis cultural, 363-381. Departamento de Filología Española, Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació, Universitat de València / Programa EDICE.
- Colonna Dahlman, R. (2016). Did People in the Middle Ages Know that the Earth Was Flat?. Acta Analytica, 31, 139-152. Springer.
- Colonna Dahlman, R. (2016). Narrazione dell’abbandono tra letteratura e cinema. Revue Romane, 51, 125-146. John Benjamins Publishing Company.