Public defences
This is a list of all public defences at SOL. Search for a specific publication in Lund University Research Portal.
Dissertations (page 8 of 15)
- Dissertations: Aspektualität ohne Aspekt? : Progressivität und Imperfektivität im Deutschen und Schwedischen
Author: Henrik Henriksson
Date: 2006-06-16 kl. 10.15 - Dissertations: Narratorial Commentary in the Novels of George Eliot
Author: Sara Håkansson
Date: 2006-05-20 kl. 10.15 - Dissertations: "Warum klingt das nicht deutsch?" : Probleme der Informationsstrukturierung in deutschen Texten schwedischer Schüler und Studenten
Author: Christina Rosén
Date: 2006-05-13 kl. 10.15 - Dissertations: Amerta Movement of Java 1986-1997 : An Asian Movement Improvisation
Author: Lise Lavelle
Date: 2006-04-06 kl. 14.30 - Dissertations: Probes, pronouns and binding in the Minimalist Program
Author: Fredrik Heinat
Date: 2006-04-01 kl. 10.15 - Dissertations: I litteraturens mittfåra. Månadens bok och svensk bokmarknad under 1970-talet
Author: Ann Steiner
Date: 2006-03-18 kl. 10.15 - Dissertations: Rhythm and Intonation in Halh Mongolian
Author: Anastasia Karlsson
Date: 2006-01-13 kl. 13.15 - Dissertations: Herodes Atticus Reflected in Occasional Poetry of Antonine Athens
Author: Foteini Skenteri
Date: 2005-12-17 kl. 10.15 - Dissertations: Konsten att lägga pussel. Deckaren och besvärjandet av ondskan i folkhemmet
Author: Sara Kärrholm
Date: 2005-12-10 kl. 10.15 - Dissertations: L'immagine pubblicitaria dell'olio d'oliva, della pasta e del caffè : uno studio comparativo sulla ricezione
Author: Christine Wikman
Date: 2005-12-10 kl. 10.15 - Dissertations: Researcher, Traveller, Narrator : Studies in Pausanias' Periegesis
Author: Johanna Akujärvi
Date: 2005-12-03 kl. 10.15 - Dissertations: John Philoponus against Cosmas Indicopleustes : A Christian Controversy on the Structure of the World in Sixth-Century Alexandria
Author: Birgitta Elweskiöld
Date: 2005-11-19 kl. 10.15 - Dissertations: Ubi est unitas? : The Latin Letters from Johannes Annorelius, a Swedish Catholic Convert, to his Brother. A Critical Edition with an Introduction
Author: Cajsa Sjöberg
Date: 2005-11-12 kl. 10.15 - Dissertations: På samma scen. Om samarbete mellan amatör- och yrkesteater. Exemplet Huskvarna.
Author: Kristina Nero
Date: 2005-11-03 kl. 10.15 - Dissertations: Evangelium Cyrillicum Gothoburgense : A Codicological, Palaeographical, Textological and Linguistic Study of a Church Slavonic Tetraevangel
Author: Mirja Varpio
Date: 2005-10-28 kl. 13.15 - Dissertations: La sollicitation dans l'interaction exolingue en français
Author: Christine Bozier
Date: 2005-10-21 kl. 14.30 - Dissertations: Avstånd - Närhet. Ingmar Bergmans Vintersagan
Author: Rikard Loman
Date: 2005-10-01 kl. 10.15 - Dissertations: Language and Literacy : Some fundamental issues in research on reading and writing
Author: Per Henning Uppstad
Date: 2005-10-01 kl. 10.00 - Dissertations: Omission de l'article et du pronom sujet dans le français abidjanais
Author: Marita Jabet
Date: 2005-09-24 kl. 10.00 - Dissertations: Emily Dickinson : A study of the production of an author
Author: Lena Christensen
Date: 2005-06-04 kl. 10.15 - Dissertations: Le paragraphe oral en français L1, en suédois L1 et en français L2 : étude syntaxique, prosodique et discursive
Author: Åsa Conway
Date: 2005-06-04 kl. 10.15 - Dissertations: Trials of Device : Wallace Stevens and the Realities of Poetic Language
Author: Stefan Holander
Date: 2005-05-28 kl. 10.15 - Dissertations: On the Relative Order of Adverbs in the I-domain: A study of English and Swedish
Author: Fabian Beijer
Date: 2005-05-27 kl. 10.15 - Dissertations: Hellraiser : om Clive Barkers film
Author: Anna Arnman
Date: 2005-04-23 kl. 10.15 - Dissertations: The Margins of Writing: A Study of Arthur Machen and the Literary Field of the 1890s
Author: Sara Bjärstorp
Date: 2005-03-19 kl. 10.15