Student papers
European Studies
Student papers (page 11 of 11)
- Master's thesis: Cultural racism without race : an exploratory insight into the discrimination and self-perception of the Sweden Democrats
Author: Michael Bossetta
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: This is who You are
Author: Lina Fog
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Livin' on a prayer: Representations of nation and EU in the Albanian political discourse
Author: Marsida Gjoncaj
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: "Populists are actually Democrats!" : A Content Analysis of Interviews and Speeches Given by Nigel Farage Against the Backdrop of Populism and Euroscepticism
Author: Nora Haedicke
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Punching Below its Weight? The European Union @ the United Nations General Assembly
Author: Jonas Herzberg Karpantschof
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: European Employment Strategy and unemployment of young adults: Focus on Finland
Author: Maija Komonen
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Sweet and Sour: The Self-employment Experience of the Chinese Immigrants in the UK
Author: Jing Li
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Governing Human Rights for Peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Civil Society Organizations' Perceptions on the Role of Human Rights in Conflict
Author: Stina Lundström
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: In the heart of the matter : a political discourse analysis of the process of regional enlargement in South Sweden
Author: Ann Mårtensson
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: The EU ETSʼs impact on renewable energy growth and a sustainable economy – a critique –
Author: Nova-Jeanette Nilsson
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Europe Through the Eyes of Travel Bloggers: A Eurail Case Study
Author: Larissa Olenicoff
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Satirical Depictions of the European Union : A Semiotic Analysis of Political Cartoons on the 2004 Enlargement and 2009-2012 Eurozone Debt Crisis
Author: Tra Pham
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: To return or not to return? The impact of the economic crisis on migrants and their return rate
Author: Paula Rosu
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Who blogs what? : A qualitative study on the role of the Euroblogosphere in a context of a European Public Sphere
Author: Javier Ruiz Soler
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Factories of Memory: Remembering the 12 September Military Coup in Beynelmilel and Bu Son Olsun
Author: Ozan Tekin
Year: 2012