Student papers
English Studies
Student papers (page 15 of 16)
- Bachelor's project: Cloning as a Reflection of the Outlook on Society and Mankind: A Comparison Between the Fictional Dystopias in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go
Author: Lina Svensk
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: Cloning as a Reflection of the Outlook on Society and Mankind: A Comparison Between the Fictional Dystopias in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go
Author: Lina Svensk
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: Mr Gatsby's Illusory Greatness
Author: Johanna Svensson
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: Old Traits and New Fiction, The Role of the Contemporary Bildungsroman in Contemporary Fiction : A Comparison Based on Hanif Kureishi's The Buddha of Suburbia and Charles Dickens' Great Expectations
Author: Karin Svensson
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: Old Traits and New Fiction: The Role of the Bildungsroman in Contemporary Fiction. A Comparison Based on Hanif Kureishi's The Buddha of Suburbia and Charles Dickens' Great Expectations
Author: Karin Svensson
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: An Investigation of the Prefix un- and Other Negative Prefixes in the English Language
Author: Stina Svensson
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: Love Does Not Conquer All: The Impossibility of Relationships in Ian McEwan's Work
Author: Malin Waern
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: Unreliable Narration in Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita
Author: John Wasmuth
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: Unreliable Narration in Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita
Author: John Wasmuth
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: Musical themes, structure and language in Toni Morrison's Jazz
Author: Andreas Wellbo
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë - A Novel on the Importance of Equal Female Education in Victorian England
Author: Kristin Wullt
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: Jane Austen and Her Advice To Women
Author: Alzbeta Zednikova
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: Reviving an Angel? The Angel in the House in Chick Lit: Jane Green´s Life Swap, Marian Keyes´ Sushi for Beginners, and Sheila O´Flanagan's Bad Behaviour
Author: My Zetterman
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: The Conquering Heart - Exploring allegorical short-cuts in Conrad's Heart of Darkness
Author: Matz Hammarström
Year: 2008 - Bachelor's project: "To Conquer and Subdue" - Okonkwo's Masculinity in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart
Author: Tim Löfstedt
Year: 2008 - Bachelor's project: A Subtle Slide towards Commitment: Frederick Henry's Identity in A Farewell to Arms
Author: Niclas Martinsson
Year: 2008 - Bachelor's project: "My name is Paul Auster. That is not my real name": The search for identity in Paul Auster's City of Glass
Author: Jakob Pearson
Year: 2008 - Bachelor's project: A "Toy-Box History" or "Rivers of Knowledge" : A Study of Female Intellectuality in George Eliot's Middlemarch and Dorothy L. Sayers' Gaudy Night
Author: Mette Sjölin
Year: 2008 - Bachelor's project: Candor and Apocalypse in Allen Ginsberg's Howl
Author: Lucas Skalleberg
Year: 2008 - Bachelor's project: Eighteenth-Century Female Conduct in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice – An Analysis of Elizabeth Bennet
Author: Alexandra Taavo
Year: 2008 - Master's thesis: The Figure in the Ground - Perception, Identity and Readerly Involvement in four Short Stories by Elizabeth Bowen
Author: Lisa Larsson
Year: 2007 - Bachelor's project: Homoerotic Codes in The Picture of Dorian Gray
Author: Luljeta Muriqi
Year: 2007 - Bachelor's project: The Development of Henry Townsend in The Known World by Edward P. Jones
Author: Tobias Andersson
Year: 2006 - Bachelor's project: Genre Conventions and Plot Structure in Dorothy L. Sayers' "Strong Poison"
Author: Veronica Andersson
Year: 2006 - Bachelor's project: King Stags and Fairy Queens: Modern religious myth in Marion Zimmer Bradley's The Mists of Avalon
Author: Aili Bindberg
Year: 2006