Student papers
English Studies
Student papers (page 11 of 16)
- Bachelor's project: The aspect of love: A Comparison Between the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
Author: Azra Dzaferagic
Year: 2011 - Bachelor's project: The meaning of mean: Polysemy in disguise
Author: Mattias Dzieciniak
Year: 2011 - Bachelor's project: Meaning and usage variation of feminine and womanly in American literary history. A corpus based case study
Author: Lavinia Ferm
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: En amerikansk tennisspelare i Sverige. Om översättningen av Andre Agassis självbiografi "Open"
Author: Jesper Frihager
Year: 2011 - Bachelor's project: Cross-Cultural study in Noun Constructions. Corpus-driven Cognitive Linguistics
Author: Katarina Helgeman
Year: 2011 - Bachelor's project: What to expect when crossing the threshold? The importance of paratexts and generic indications in The Fifth Child by Doris Lessing
Author: Susanna Jeppsson
Year: 2011 - Bachelor's project: The Use of Different Genres in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight
Author: Sandra Juric
Year: 2011 - Bachelor's project: The Importance of Music and Dancing in Jane Austen's Early Works: Northanger Abbey, Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility
Author: Josefina Klang
Year: 2011 - Bachelor's project: Determining parameters of posture verbs in English: A case study
Author: Marysia Klim
Year: 2011 - Bachelor's project: The Shape Shifting Storyteller in Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events
Author: Johan Kullenbok
Year: 2011 - Bachelor's project: A Study of Criticism and Satire in Part One and Two of Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels
Author: Anna Lennartsson
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: En jazzig historia. Om ekvivalens av musikreferenser och talspråk i en text om Thelonious Monk
Author: Jenny Lundin
Year: 2011 - Bachelor's project: Tracing Social Values in E.M. Forster's A Room with a View
Author: Milena Milutinovic
Year: 2011 - Bachelor's project: Setting the Scene: A Comparison of Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre and its Film Adaptation
Author: Ida Mårtensson
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: Laying Bare the Moral Dilemma of Imperial Politics:
Author: Kerstin Nielsen
Year: 2011 - Bachelor's project: The time for dream is now. A diachronic study on the noun ‘dream’
Author: Annika Nilsson
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: Good news to the poor. Om översättning av intertextuella drag i en kampanjtext för Fairtrade
Author: Maria Nilsson
Year: 2011 - Bachelor's project: Realistic Fantasy or Fantastic Realism: On Defining the Genre in Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Author: Carl-William Norrmo Ersgård
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: Konsten att översätta kulturbegrepp. Överväganden vid översättningen av riktlinjer för Unescos konvention om skydd och främjande av mångfalden av kulturyttringar
Author: Lisa Olsson
Year: 2011 - Bachelor's project: The many ways of lagom. A case study
Author: Martina Palmitessa
Year: 2011 - Bachelor's project: A Conflict of Interests : Aspects of Morality in Drew Karpyshyn's Mass Effect-trilogy
Author: Olof Persson
Year: 2011 - Bachelor's project: The Leisured Class in 19th Century English Literature: An Examination of the Leisure Habits of the Characters in Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre and The Picture of Dorian Gray
Author: Jakob Preston
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: "Somebody'd get a fat lip if they called me Pippi Longstocking": Gender, Sex and Red Hair in Stieg Larsson's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Author: Elise Riedlinger
Year: 2011 - Bachelor's project: The Novelization of Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Author: Carmen Katarina Robertson Salas
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: The Perfect Gentleman: Exploring a Development of Masculine Ideals in Jane Austen's Heroes
Author: Jenny Rothman
Year: 2011