Student papers
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Student papers (page 91 of 105)
- Bachelor's project: Over in English A corpus driven cognitive linguistics study
Author: Christian Wiedel
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: Kvinnan och Rummet i Moa Martinsons romaner Kvinnor och äppelträd och Sallys söner
Author: Metta Wignell
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: Whitman och fadersrollen
Author: Josef Wikström
Year: 2010 - Master's thesis: Navigera i gränslandet - en problematisk imitativ översättning av Nancy Hustons essä "Nord perdu"
Author: Marika Yamoun
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: A linguistic corpus-driven approach to American domestic politics
Author: Michael Zetterholm
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: The Priest's Quest for Salvation in Graham Greene's The Power and the Glory
Author: Anna Zlomek
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: Famillen H***: en studie om beskrivningen utav en kärleksrelation i Fredrika Bremers roman i ett föränderligt litteratursamhälle
Author: Louise Ågren
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: How to live in post-apartheid South Africa - Ways of living in Zakes Mda´s novel Ways of Dying
Author: Ann Agardh
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: Att ta på allvar? Om självmedvetenhet hos Bob Hansson
Author: Anders Agebjörn
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: Motsättningar i det harmoniska samhällets gryning: En studie av sambandet mellan rule of law och rättmätigt motstånd i Folkrepubliken Kina
Author: Cecilia Anderberg
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: Preservation and Progress in Cranford
Author: Katherine Leigh Anderson
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: Social Criticism in Raymond Chandler´s The Big Sleep
Author: Annika Andersson
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: Strävandet som försvann i ett drogrus: från psykoanalys till LSD med litteraturen som ramverk
Author: Martina Andersson
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: To thine own self be true: Coraline and the Threat of Something Other
Author: Anna Antaya
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: Verbing weirds language: A qualitative study of denominal and deverbal conversion in English
Author: Olga Arapian
Year: 2009 - Master's thesis: Cumaea Sibylla horrendas canit ambages
Author: Karin Artorp
Year: 2009 - Master's thesis: Modernitetens brunnar - En kulturhistorisk läsning av författarskapet Haruki Murakami
Author: Henrik Bengtsson
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: Tracing Reasons and Consequences of the Death of a Sixties Dream in Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream
Author: Robert Bergman Carter
Year: 2009 - Master's thesis: Att se i blindo
Author: Marcus Björkqvist
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: From Sense to Sensibility: David Lurie's Development in J.M. Coetzee's Disgrace
Author: Anna Blücker
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: The Witch-hunts in Arthur Miller's The Crucible and Society Today: A Struggle between the Underlying Psychological Forces of the Individual and of Society
Author: Nadja Borg
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: Maten som klassmarkör i arbetarlitteraturen - Skildringar av mat i svensk arbetarlitteratur och dess värdebegreppsliga utveckling under två epoker av 1900-talet
Author: Anton Borgström
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: Thomas Hardy's A Pair of Blue Eyes: A Study of Characterization in an Evolutionary Context
Author: Robert Gösta Bredenmark
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: The Complexity of Class - A Study of Ideology and the Power of Literature in Ian McEwan's Narrative
Author: Carolina Carlbom
Year: 2009 - Bachelor's project: Kinesisk cybernationalism och nationell identitet: Att definiera den kinesiska nationen på 2000-talet
Author: Anders Christensen
Year: 2009