Student papers
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Student papers (page 88 of 105)
- Bachelor's project: Australia in The Secret River by Kate Grenville: Salvation and Desolation
Author: Anna Lindeborg
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: En komparativt språklig studie av texter om grillning från 1955 och 2005
Author: Elin Lindqvist
Year: 2010 - Master's thesis: El presente de conato. Análisis y origen del fenómeno.
Author: Fernando Lopez Serrano
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: Estudio contrastivo sobre los usos del presente con valor de pasado en español y en sueco.
Author: Fernando Lopez Serrano
Year: 2010 - Master's thesis: Searching for The specifics of Debutante Works of Poetry
Author: Janna Lundberg
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: A diachronic corpus based case study. The Conceptualisation of Hero compared to Idol
Author: Joel Lundquist
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: Portrayal of Beast and Man in Colin Dann’s The Animals of Farthing Wood
Author: Alexandra Malmberg
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: Är konventionell svensk slakt förenlig med halal-slakt?
Author: Heber Mario Morrone Saravi
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: Relative misery in Nineteen Eighty-Four
Author: Matti Månsson
Year: 2010 - Master's thesis: Modelling the meaning of words: Neural correlates of abstract and concrete noun processing
Author: Frida Mårtensson
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: Fonetisk assimilation i japanska : om fenomenen onbin och rendaku samt dess likheter med varandra
Author: Oskar Nielsen
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: Carl Michael Bellman - Kvinnorna i Fredmans epistlar
Author: Jimmy Nilsson
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: Drama y teatro como métodos en la enseñanza del español en un instituto sueco, un experimento
Author: Malin Nilsson
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: -te iru, -yoo och -too : från ett aspektuellt perspektiv
Author: Viktor Nilsson
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: Ungdomsromanen Sandor slash Ida: ett ”måste” att läsa på högstadiet?
Author: Anette Nordh
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: DESIRE Conceptualizations and Culture in the Scottish Enlightenment
Author: Hugo Nordland
Year: 2010 - Master's thesis: Filmen i Statens tjänst
Author: Fredrik Norén
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: Censur av massmedia i Kina
Author: Susanna Olson
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: Från Best till Kultiverad Man : Tre nedslag i vampyrskildringar under de senaste 20 åren
Author: Johanna Olsson
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: Individen och omgivningen
Author: Denise Padron Benitez
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: Las preposiciones en las canciones infantiles
Author: Belén Palm
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: An ’I’ for an ’I’… : the semantic development of the first person pronoun in Japanese
Author: Tim Palmroos
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: Bisatser i Tisus-uppsatser : En jämförande studie av bisatser i godkända respektive underkända Tisus-uppsatser
Author: Fredrik Persson
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: The Final Particle wa in Japanese - Stereotypes vs. Reality
Author: Alexander Petersson
Year: 2010 - Bachelor's project: Värdebärande element i Hjalmar Söderbergs Historietter
Author: Frida Petersson
Year: 2010