Student papers
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Student papers (page 75 of 106)
- Bachelor's project: Noget om helte - en undersøgelse af kronotoper i den sociale innovatørs univers
Author: Kajsa Paludan
Year: 2012 - Bachelor's project: Det antropomorfiserade djuret - En jämförelse av Vergilius och Nick Flynns biallegorier Georgica och Blind Huber
Author: Anna Persson
Year: 2012 - Bachelor's project: The Complexity of Aisatsu
Author: Zanne Persson
Year: 2012 - Bachelor's project: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: Entertainment or Social Criticism?
Author: Sara Petersson
Year: 2012 - Bachelor's project: The Use of Allusions in William Faulkner's "The Sound and the Fury"
Author: Aili Pettersson Peeker
Year: 2012 - Bachelor's project: Människa eller djur. En studie i normalitetsförändringen i Eugène Ionescos Rhinocéros
Author: Ingemar Pettersson
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Satirical Depictions of the European Union : A Semiotic Analysis of Political Cartoons on the 2004 Enlargement and 2009-2012 Eurozone Debt Crisis
Author: Tra Pham
Year: 2012 - Bachelor's project: Fatherhood in Doris Lessing's The Fifth Child
Author: Frida Pode
Year: 2012 - Bachelor's project: [No dudo que] + «indicativo/subjuntivo» en la cláusula subordinada: Una investigación del modo verbal que sigue el verbo matriz [no dudo que]
Author: Johan Pålsson
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Lexikala och syntaktiska svårigheter vid skönlitterär översättning. Om The Buddha in the Attic av Julie Otsuka
Author: Viktor Rauer
Year: 2012 - Bachelor's project: Äkta makar och falska myter - en komparativ läsning av Elfriede Jelineks Älskarinnorna och Kristina Lugns Om ni hör ett skott---
Author: Sofia Roberg
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: An Immigrant in Sweden
Author: Jess Roberts
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Kodväxling som spelar roll - Kod och karaktärisering i översättningen av "A Confederacy of Dunces"
Author: Josephine Rosén
Year: 2012 - Bachelor's project: Existe-t-il des corrélations entre les stades de développement morphosyntaxique et les niveaux proposés du Cadre européen commun de référence ? Une étude de productions écrites par des apprenants suédophones de français L2
Author: Johanna Rosenberg
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: To return or not to return? The impact of the economic crisis on migrants and their return rate
Author: Paula Rosu
Year: 2012 - Bachelor's project: Descubriendo El país de las mujeres y los resultados de un feminismo original
Author: Olga Roussou
Year: 2012 - Bachelor's project: Reinventing the Exodus: Biblical Allusion and Jewish Parallels in William Nicholson's The Wind on Fire Trilogy
Author: Jonathan Rozenberg
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Who blogs what? : A qualitative study on the role of the Euroblogosphere in a context of a European Public Sphere
Author: Javier Ruiz Soler
Year: 2012 - Bachelor's project: Den satiriska metoden i Jan Myrdals Jubelvår
Author: Mats Rydh
Year: 2012 - Bachelor's project: Nomos
Author: Freke Räihä
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Processing filler-gap dependencies in an L2: An Event-Related Potential study
Author: Andrea Schremm
Year: 2012 - Bachelor's project: Encrucijadas: Transiciones identitarias, temporales y espaciales en tres cuentos de Julio Cortázar
Author: Gudrun Seiler-Holmer
Year: 2012 - Bachelor's project: En människa är det - en queeranalys av Jessica Schiefauers Pojkarna
Author: Emma Severinsson
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: “Med istidens utdødde stemme” A Contextual Introduction to Tor Ulven’s Poetry
Author: Magnús Sigurðsson
Year: 2012 - Bachelor's project: Att uppleva sin omvärld - Om motiv i Ann Jäderlunds Kalender röd levande av is
Author: Christina Skagert
Year: 2012