Student papers
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Student papers (page 67 of 106)
- Bachelor's project: Ringo o taberemasu ka? - An analysis of the shortened potential verb form in colloquial Japanese
Author: Varpu Sole
Year: 2013 - Bachelor's project: Genusperspektiv i Fright Night
Author: Rebecca Staver
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: Mobility and integration: The cross-border region of Øresund and its young citizens’ perceptions
Author: Sebastian Steele
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: Ekonomi och finans i ett vardagligt språk : Finansiell terminologi och målspråksanpassning för handboken Understanding Stocks.
Author: Marcus Stenberg
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: Film Practices on the Interstices between Art and Commerce: A Study of Gösta Werner’s Tåget (1948)
Author: Emil Stjernholm Billing
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: The freedom of mass media within the EU - the political construction considered the flagship of democracy
Author: Florentin Catalin Stoica
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: The Good Enough Approach and Lingering Effects of Error Correction in Antonymic Pairs: Evidence from Eye Movements
Author: Alexander Strukelj
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: Actions d'offrir et structure préférentielle. Analyse conversationnelle d'un repas de famille.
Author: Hanna Strömberg
Year: 2013 - Bachelor's project: Influenser från Konstantin Stanislavskij i arbetet med Björn Runges film "Om jag vänder mig om"
Author: Adina Ståhle
Year: 2013 - Bachelor's project: The song of the prisoner who’s come to hate his cage: Det anti-ironiska projektet hos David Foster Wallace
Author: Philip Stålhandske
Year: 2013 - Bachelor's project: The Portrayal of the Main Female Characters in Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials Trilogy
Author: Fanny Sundman
Year: 2013 - Bachelor's project: Romanprosans skrivprocess
Author: Yvonne Svantesson
Year: 2013 - Bachelor's project: As The Two Towers Fell - En analyse av Don DeLillos terrorverden i Mao II og Falling Man
Author: Johanne Svendsen Rognlien
Year: 2013 - Bachelor's project: Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists - Om tv-seriene 24 og Homeland, og Chomskys propagandamodell
Author: Johanne Svendsen Rognlien
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: Sancho Panza i svensk språkdräkt – Om översättning av språkliga förvrängningar i Don Quijote
Author: David Svensson
Year: 2013 - Bachelor's project: Fettpärlan : närstudie om gruppsykologi
Author: Emma Svensson
Year: 2013 - Bachelor's project: Analys "Sagor från ett järnvägshus"
Author: Karolina Svensson
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: Constant Tonal Alignment in Swedish Word Accent II
Author: Malin Svensson
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: Jäderlund som kannibal? Den litteraturkritiska diskursen kring poesiöversättarens röst i fyra svenska Dickinsonöversättningar
Author: Matilda Södergran
Year: 2013 - Bachelor's project: L’écriture qu’esquisse le vent. L’amour de Sarah et de Yukel dans le premier tome du Livre des Questions par Edmond Jabès.
Author: Matillda Söderholm
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: Skrivandet+och+utbildningen. En studie av skrivprocessen inom författarskolans ramar.
Author: Lo Söllgård
Year: 2013 - Bachelor's project: Hamases Børn - En Analyse af Samfundsmæssige Overbevisninger i Pioneers of Tomorrow
Author: Maritte Sørensen
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: Mollifying the Masses: Obscuring Class and Alleviating Inequalities in Charles Dickens's David Copperfield, Great Expectations, and Little Dorrit
Author: Lisa-Marie Teubler
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? - A study of the democratic obligations of DR
Author: Cathrine Zeemann Theilgaard
Year: 2013 - Bachelor's project: Ett evigt blivande - En feministisk nomadisk läsning av Unica Zürns Jasminmannen
Author: Emilia Thorin
Year: 2013