Student papers
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Student papers (page 55 of 105)
- Bachelor's project: Swedish Civil Society Organisations’ Advocacy towards the EU : a study of their methods, means and challenges
Author: Linnéa Richardson
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: Ingen förstår varandra : Om poetiska framställningar av djur i Aase Bergs Liknöjd fauna
Author: Sofia Roberg
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: A long relationship, no membership: Turkey and the European Union. An investigation of cultures and identities standing in the way of accession.
Author: Maria Højer Romme
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Portraying the Antagonist : The depiction of Zionism and Israel in a Syrian Education Textbook
Author: Johan Rosell
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: Att översätta flerspråkighet : Hanteringen av kodväxling och talspråk i novellen Ahmed le businessman.
Author: Elin Rosén
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: "I chuckled. Rolig pun där" - A grammatical investigation of Swedish-English code-switching in two web discussion forums
Author: Johanna Rosenberg
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: Juegos lingüisticos en El enredo de la bolsa y la vida de Eduardo Mendoza
Author: Olga Roussou
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Författaracceleratorn. Analys av det egna skrivandet och arbetsprocessen under min tid på Författarskolan
Author: Erik Rudvall
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: I närvarons och frånvarons text. En narratologisk analys av en skriven historia.
Author: Niklas Rönnerfalk
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: A Psychological Approach to the Wicked Women in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and Neil Gaiman's Coraline
Author: Emma Samuelsson
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Stor oreda under himlen? : två ungdomsskildringar från kulturrevolutionens Kina
Author: Filip Sandén
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: The Social Chimera of the Economic and Monetary Union : Social Policy in the Context of European Economic Governance
Author: Stephen Schindler
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: Cultures in contact: The Catalan culture as guest of honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2007
Author: Aline Cecilie Schnieder
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: Identity Performance in British Rock and Indie Music : Authenticity, Stylization, and Glocalization
Author: Christine Schulze
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: Hät, här, höt and hör - An Articulatory and Acoustic Study of the Swedish Vowels /ɛ:/ and /ø:/
Author: Anne Schumacher
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: En el límite entre lo real e irreal: Lo extraño y lo que no se dice en tres cuentos de Samanta Schweblin
Author: Agnes Simonsen
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: Tröskeltid: Kroppslighet, främmandeskap och identitet i graviditetsskildringar i samtida svensk prosa
Author: Christina Skagert
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Närhet i dold jag-berättelse
Author: Axel Smith
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Fou ou Sain ? Une Analyse des Personnages Principaux de Trois Nouvelles Fantastiques
Author: Caroline Sotto
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: Laughter in Lucian: Perspectives on wealth and poverty in Necyomantia, Cataplus, and Dialogi Mortuorum
Author: Morfia Stamatopoulou
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: I Think I Am Going Up, I Think I May Rise - Death and Rebirth in the Poetry of Sylvia Plath
Author: Eva Stenskär
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: It's more than singing and dancing, right? - Musikalnummer och karaktären
Author: Maria Stilling
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: The Representation of the EU and EU-Hungarian Relations in Népszabadság and Magyar Nemzet : a Critical Discourse Analysis
Author: Patricia Szolnoki
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Bedömning av språklig nivå utifrån processbarhetsteorin : Har andraspråksinlärare på Komvux utvecklats språkligt mellan olika kurser?
Author: Johanna Söderlund
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: The Promotion of Girls’ Education in a late 19th Century Egyptian Women’s Magazine -. A Study of Western Feminist Influences
Author: Jenny Tellström
Year: 2014