Student papers
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Student papers (page 49 of 106)
- Bachelor's project: Olika men ändå olika? - En undersökning om liknande problemområden gällande barns rättigheter i två olika EU-länder
Author: Michaela Bååt
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Mycken möda och mycket glädje - Två morfologiska aspekter av ett kongruerande mycken
Author: Max Bäckström
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: The conceptualisation of FEMININITY on English Wikipedia
Author: Max Bäckström
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Il Pasticciaccio di Carlo Emilio Gadda tra innovazione e tradizione
Author: Gaetano Campidoglio
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Turkiet och EU : en studie av argument för och mot medlemskapet
Author: Naomi Carter
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Euroscepticism och Nationalism hos Sverigedemokraterna
Author: Amanda Castor
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: Ellas se los tienen que decir. Yo- Voces que socavan políticas del nombrar dominantes en la poesía de Cristina Peri Rossi, Julia Álvarez y Ana Arzoumanian
Author: Azucena Castro
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Institutions running after economic growth : The challenge of a Common Industrial Policy at the dawn of a new Industrial Revolution
Author: Daniele Cavallari
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Come tradurre il verbo svedese kliva in italiano e francese?
Author: Gunilla Cavallin
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Unzuverlässiges Erzählen in E.T.A Hoffmanns Der goldne Topf & Der Sandmann. Ein Vergleich.
Author: Linnea Cederlund
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: How Achebe Included the African People in the Story of Imperialism : A Comparison of Things Fall Apart and Heart of Darkness
Author: Mia Christiansson Söllvander
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Om ordföljden i överordnade påståendesatser - en kvantitativ studie av andraspråksinlärares förmåga till inversion
Author: Louise Cordesius
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: La lecture du texte poétique
Author: Gregoire Croset
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: Sagoyoga - Att översätta engelsk yogatext till svenska
Author: Malin Crossley
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: L’influence de l’approche fonctionelle sur l’enseignement grammatical en FLE au lycée en Suède
Author: Linda Dahlberg
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Jiuguo : ett satiriskt verk om kinesisk dryckeskultur
Author: Josef Danielsson
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: An Island in The Mind? : A Case Study of English Erasmus Students’ Understandings of British and European Identity
Author: Hazel Davies
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Gender Differences In The Classroom
Author: Charlotte Davison
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Les lauréats français du Prix Nobel de Littérature Camus, Simon et J.M.G. Le Clézio : Quelles sont leurs visions de la littérature ?
Author: Sara Drews
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Vampires in the Classroom
Author: Caroline Drottz
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: The uncanny in Robert Louis Stevenson's The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Author: Josefine Ekdahl
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: Europioneers in Space : The Story of the European Space Agency
Author: Linnéa Elfving
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: Tid hos Jon Fosse : Stilistisk analys av gestaltningen av tidselementet i Fosses roman Det er Ales
Author: Sarka Erbenova
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Mot en ny tid av personlig integritet och nätfrihet i EU?
Author: Michaela Erlandsson
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: The Stable Self and the Fluid Self : Gendered Identities in Charlotte Brontë’s First and Last Novels, The Professor and Villette
Author: Rayanne Rhiannon Eskandari Varzali
Year: 2014