Student papers
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Student papers (page 41 of 106)
- Bachelor's project: Can elicited imitation be used to measure grammatical development : a cross-sectional study of L2 Swedish within the framework of the Processability Theory
Author: Karin Rasmusson
Year: 2016 - Master's thesis: Barack Obama’s identity-building in the health care debate: A corpus-assisted discourse study
Author: Katherina Riesner
Year: 2016 - Master's thesis: Cultural heritage for sustainable development - Qualitative study of the European heritage discourse and two cases in the region of Halland, Sweden
Author: Ruta Rijniece
Year: 2016 - Bachelor's project: Powerful you have become, the dark side I sense in you : on the typological similarities of object-initial languages
Author: Thomas Rosholm
Year: 2016 - Bachelor's project: Prefixkunskap kontra ordkunskap : är det möjligt att spåra ett samband mellan förståelsen för ordets uppbyggnad och förståelsen för själva ordet?
Author: Anna Rothman
Year: 2016 - Bachelor's project: L'alcool, un ami et un ennemi. Le rôle de l'alcool dans Les particules élémentaires et La carte et le territoire de Michel Houellebecq
Author: Felix Rozenberg
Year: 2016 - Bachelor's project: "She’s a comely angel, sent to teach me about all that is good in the world." - En analys av det kvinnliga objektet och det manliga
Author: Daniela Runesson
Year: 2016 - Bachelor's project: La nostalgie de la Russie et le pays merveilleux : la France
Author: Tore Ruthér
Year: 2016 - Bachelor's project: Universals in the usage of and attitudes to onomatopoeia
Author: Oskar Rydblom
Year: 2016 - Bachelor's project: Från skräcködla till gosedjur: Den kulturella representationen av dinosaurier på film
Author: Olof Råde
Year: 2016 - Bachelor's project: Den nya ideologiska vågen - En ideologikritisk läsning av den rumänska 2000-talsfilmen
Author: Isak Santesson
Year: 2016 - Bachelor's project: What Every Man Delights In?
Author: Unn Segrén
Year: 2016 - Bachelor's project: Women’s and men’s language use and all that stuff : a corpus analysis of general extenders
Author: Oskar Sellberg
Year: 2016 - Bachelor's project: Bibeln som intertext i Mästaren och Margarita
Author: Diana Sigfusson
Year: 2016 - Master's thesis: "Let me Deal so Candidly with the Reader": A Study of the Unnatural Spaces and Narrators of Gulliver’s Travels and the Discworld
Author: Atli Sigurdsson
Year: 2016 - Bachelor's project: "A pack of British boys"
Author: Hampus Siöland
Year: 2016 - Master's thesis: HOPE WANTED. Wall Writing Protests in times of Economic Crisis in Athens
Author: Georgios Stampoulidis
Author: Christina Stathopoulou
Year: 2016 - Bachelor's project: Kön eller Kultur? : en kritisk diskursanalys av den svenska debatten om sexualbrott efter nyårsnatten i Köln 2016
Author: Rosanna Stenström
Year: 2016 - Bachelor's project: "Min pik den er flot" - Den medieskabte figur Yahya Hassab i grænselandet mellem det faktiske og det fiktive
Author: Carina Strömqvist
Year: 2016 - Bachelor's project: Essäfilmens essens: En undersökning av essäfilmen med utgångspunkt i Agnés Vardas film Agnés stränder (2008)
Author: Erik Sundblad
Year: 2016 - Bachelor's project: Solzjenitsyn och nationalismen: En undersökning av En dag i Ivan Denisovitjs liv, Matrjonas Gård och Cancerkliniken
Author: Viktoria Sundlöf
Year: 2016 - Bachelor's project: Lost in Translation? – A Comparative Study of Three Swedish Translations of J.R.R. Tolkien’s 'The Hobbit'
Author: Louise Svensson
Year: 2016 - Bachelor's project: Ett reformerat EU på begäran av David Cameron : en argumentationsanalys
Author: Jonathan Takahashi
Year: 2016 - Master's thesis: Linguistic Landscaping in Singapore: The Local Linguistic Ecology and the Roles of English
Author: Hoa Tang
Year: 2016