Student papers
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Student papers (page 31 of 106)
- Bachelor's project: Mad or Misunderstood? A Study of the Different Portrayals of Mr. Rochester's First Wife in Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea
Author: Hedda Törntorp
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Violencia en la narrativa chilena de post-dictadura
Author: Mikaela Ubilla Persson
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Compound Accentuation in Tokyo Japanese: Examining the underlying location of pitch accents in short loanwords containing a deficient mora
Author: Helena Uddefors
Year: 2018 - Master's thesis: The Postmodern Aesthetic of Junot Díaz's The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
Author: Jonathan Urch
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Vad händer när en text görs om till lättläst? : en analys av Region Skånes webbtexter
Author: Nike Velander
Year: 2018 - Master's thesis: "We Are the Land and the Land Is Us" - Analyzing the Construction of Sami National Identity in Sami Political Discourse on Land and Natural Resources
Author: Melodie Viallon
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Att översätta ornamenten - Artiom Vesiolyjs poetiska prosa i svensk språkdräkt
Author: Nicklas Wallén
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Att betoningen kan spela roll! En undersökning av exklamativernas betoning
Author: Agnes Wallner
Year: 2018 - Master's thesis: Populariserad yta och vetenskapligt djup. Översättning av dubbelbottnade uttryck i en bok om evolutionsbiologi
Author: Maria Warnefors
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: #metoo Berättelsen som politiskt verktyg för social förändring
Author: Charlotte Wikland Carlin
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Managing EU Hegemony and Legitimacy : An analysis of the discursive practices of the European Commission in relation to the rule of law in Poland
Author: Sonia Ydreborg
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: The Failed American Dream? Representation of the American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man
Author: Johan Åkesson
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Resemetaforen i cancerspråket
Author: Julia Österlund
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: The Japanese writing systems, script reforms and the eradication of the Kanji writing system: native speakers’ views
Author: Lovisa Österman
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: ”The truth about Persephone”: Kvinnligt identitetsuttryck i mytisk poesi
Author: Edda Ahrent
Year: 2017 - Bachelor's project: The role of the orphan child in Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist
Author: Rebecca Albertsson
Year: 2017 - Bachelor's project: Les valeurs européennes d’une élection présidentielle
Author: Julia Andersson
Year: 2017 - Master's thesis: From Offense to Defense : The Political Discourse and Use of Sports in Putin’s Russia from a Historical Perspective
Author: Jeroen Bart
Year: 2017 - Bachelor's project: T. S. Eliot and Bob Dylan: Confronting “The Modern Condition” with Faith
Author: Adam Basson
Year: 2017 - Master's thesis: The politics of multilingualism : A critical discourse analysis of Europeanisation of language policy in the Netherlands
Author: Dieuwke Beljon
Year: 2017 - Master's thesis: There is always a little famine going on - A study of articles in the People's Daily during the Great famine in China
Author: Evelina Bengtsson
Year: 2017 - Bachelor's project: Zombies- ”They’re not the only ones looking for brains” En feministisk analys av tre filmer ur George A. Romeros Living Dead-serie jämfört med två filmer som anspelar på serien
Author: Emma Bengtsson
Year: 2017 - Master's thesis: The EU's Common Security and Defense Policy : The Cases of Ukraine and the Baltic States
Author: Greta Berkelyte
Year: 2017 - Master's thesis: La cuentística individual y postmodernista de Francisco Tario en el marco de lo fantástico
Author: Alfredo Berny Berard
Year: 2017 - Master's thesis: Rape - A Love Story? Representations of Rape in Disgrace, Cereus Blooms at Night, Atonement, and Rape: A Love Story
Author: Shuna Blankenhaus
Year: 2017