Student papers
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Student papers (page 28 of 105)
- Bachelor's project: Ein zersplittertes Europa? : Eine Analyse von Rezensionen zu Robert Menasses Roman Die Hauptstadt
Author: Amanda Koverberg
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Ett norskt trauma : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur nationell identitet omtalas i debatten om Utøya 22. juli
Author: Amanda Koverberg
Year: 2018 - Master's thesis: Approaching the Ideal Self through Love: Lacan’s objet petit a and Representations of Love in The Color Purple, Poor Things, and The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
Author: Lukas Krupka
Year: 2018 - Master's thesis: Frihet förutsätter disciplin. När komplex spanska blir idiomatisk svenska i en översättning av en populärvetenskaplig och filosofisk text av Fernando Savater.
Author: Eva Kälvelid
Year: 2018 - Master's thesis: Pearl S. Buck's The Good Earth : a Work of World Literature Influenced by the Chinese Novel
Author: Norah Landin
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Stratégie d’inférence pour les débutants de FLE
Author: Åsa Lannér
Year: 2018 - Master's thesis: Min krop er blå øjne hvid hud : en hvidhedskritisk undersøgelse af Peter-Clement Woetmanns Bag bakkerne, kysten og Lone Aburas’ Det er et jeg der taler (Regnskabets time)
Author: Sofie Lein Sadeghi
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: The development of a European identity : the cultural politics of the EU
Author: Isabella Lindahl
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Televisuella Illusionsbrott : Frank Underwoods relation till åskådaren i House of Cards
Author: Natalie Lindkvist
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: “Everything is in the way the material is composed" - Berättarteknik och tematik i Joseph O'Connors Star of the Sea
Author: Patricia Loggarfve
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Språket i svenska podcaster: en studie av manligt och kvinnligt språk
Author: Patricia Loggarfve
Year: 2018 - Master's thesis: From Unisemiotic to Polysemiotic Narratives: Translating across semiotic systems
Author: Karoliina Louhema
Year: 2018 - Master's thesis: Laughing at the World: Comedy and Gender in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice
Author: Linnea Lundahl
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: "For every thing that lives is Holy": Authenticity and Inclusion in William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
Author: Alexis Lundblom
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Vem där? Röst och perspektiv i Kristina Sandbergs Liv till varje pris
Author: Lisa Lundström
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Les chiens de Modiano Les fonctions des chiens dans sept livres de Modiano
Author: Karin Luttrup Balint
Year: 2018 - Master's thesis: Att vingla vingligt på osäkra ben: gerundium och enledade satser i tre svenska översättningar av en rysk novell
Author: Marie Långström
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Den franska och europeiska identitetskrisen - En narrativanalys av Emmanuel Macrons respektive Marine Le Pens politiska tal
Author: Julia Löfvenberg
Year: 2018 - Master's thesis: English Mother Tongue Instruction - Hidden Curriculum and Heteroglossic Repertoires
Author: Anna Mazur-Andersson
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: 'Soft, Subtle Things That Lodge Themselves into the Soul': Representation of Consciousness in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's The Thing around Your Neck
Author: Danielle Mbesherubusa Mittag
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: ‘Soft, Subtle Things That Lodge Themselves into the Soul’: Representation of Consciousness in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s The Thing around Your Neck
Author: Danielle Mbesherubusa Mittag
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Mer, mère et maire - Analyse de rôles actanciels dans trois romans par Ben Jelloun, Diome et Le Clézio
Author: Danielle Mbesherubusa Mittag
Year: 2018 - Master's thesis: An Exploration of Anger in Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights: Class, Gender and Ethnicity
Author: Sarah McIver
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Logophoric and anaphoric 'otagai' in Japanese: an acceptability study
Author: Vincent Medic
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: English in Europe post-Brexit: An analysis of the post-Brexit discourse surrounding English as a European lingua franca
Author: Jennifer Melckersson
Year: 2018