Student papers
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Student papers (page 23 of 105)
- Bachelor's project: Media Portrayals of Protests : A Discursive Analysis of Newspaper Articles on Gilet Jaune protests in France
Author: Matilda Nilsson Morris
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: Alien Octopodes: Öyvind Fahlström's Du gamla, Du fria, and the Institutional Practice of Swedish Experimental Feature Films
Author: Oskar Nilsson
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: Who am I and where am I? The idea of identity and place in Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea and Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre
Author: Matilda Nordin
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: References to Darkness : A study of darkness in a selection of poems by Wendell Berry
Author: Lars Norén
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: Das Deutsche als adverbiale Sprache: Zum gewichtigen semantischen Beitrag von Adverbialen zur deutschen Satzkonstruktion
Author: Anusche Noring
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: “Two brains are often better than one, probably”: Adult ESL learners’ paired and individual lexical inferencing task performances, in relation to L2 proficiency
Author: Elin Nylander
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: Jungiansk analys av Bertoluccis La Luna
Author: Anton Olandersson
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: „Panik erzeugt Trotz-Panik” : En komparativ diskursanalys av Fridays for Future i svensk och tysk media
Author: Judit Olofsson
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: Beating about the bush: written production and comprehension of L2 idioms
Author: Lina Palm
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: "Likvärdigt, det vet i tusan om det går" : åtta svensklärares tankar om bedömning och betygsättning
Author: Sandra Petersson & Nermina Ibrahimovic
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: Amor, furor et magicae artes: En studie av romerska ”häxor” och deras kärleksmagi
Author: Olivia Peukert Stock
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: Indigenous Perspectives: An examination of how the post-colonial state affects Sámi filmmaking in Sweden
Author: Amalia Pålsson
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: Extra-Mural Activities and Their Effect on Second Language Development : A Comparative Study of Upper Secondary Swedish L1 Gamers and Non-Gamers
Author: Alexander Rau
Author: Oksana Reznykova
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: No (Wo)man's Land - The Making of a Room of One's Own in Monica Ali's Brick Lane
Author: Wallentin Richardsson
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: Interesting, funny, weird or just incomprehensible? A study on Swedish Japanese learning students’ comprehension, thoughts and attitudes towards Wasei-eigo
Author: Therese Rogland
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: “Fragments held in a fragile clasp”: The struggle for identity in Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun
Author: Gustav Rönnhede
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: Margaret and the ideal woman: An analysis of the heroine of Elizabeth Gaskell’s North and South in relation to the female ideal of the Victorian era
Author: Gustav Rönnhede
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: "Man lär sig tänka på andra sätt när man läser..." : en fallstudie av en svensklärares undervisning med skönlitteratur för bildning
Author: Jens Sahlin
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: Father-daughter roles in Shakespeare’s comedies The Taming of the Shrew and Much Ado About Nothing
Author: Lucia Schoeffer
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: How to Identify a Bad Woman: A Study of Charlotte Brontë’s Bertha Mason and Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca de Winter
Author: Isabella Silbo
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: Making Myth: Narrative Discourse in The Shadow of the Torturer
Author: Charles Simmons
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: Language in Ronja, the robber’s daughter: Adapting the characters for anime
Author: Jahnesta Sjöberg
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: Hunger och mättnad - makt och relationer: En studie om mat som bärare för handling och berättande i den dystopiska ungdomsromanen “Hungerspelen”
Author: Sissela Sjöberg
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: Arabismos, ahora y entonces. Un estudio comparativo sobre la inmigración de palabras árabes en la lengua española
Author: Maria Sjölander
Year: 2019