Student papers
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Student papers (page 12 of 106)
- Bachelor's project: The Influence of Forensic Science and Law Enforcement on the Sherlock Holmes Stories
Author: Leonardo Al-Shennag
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: The EU way or the Huawei : A comparative study of the values projected onto Europe’s 5G network by the Chinese Communist Party and the European Union
Author: Erik Alendal
Year: 2021 - Bachelor's project: Bland helgon, skurkar och vanligt folk: Heliga dårar i den ryska litteraturen
Author: Simon Andersson
Year: 2021 - Bachelor's project: Konvergens och grammatiska lån i minoritetsspråk till följd av långvarig språkkontakt : en jämförelse av nahuatl, ainu och romansh.
Author: Hilda Appelgren
Year: 2021 - Bachelor's project: Compounds or Phrases? - A Look at The Structure of Atypical Noun-Noun Combinations.
Author: Elna Arvidsson
Year: 2021 - Bachelor's project: What do Swedish demonstratives encode? : A study of exophoric demonstrative preferences
Author: Balder Ask Zaar
Year: 2021 - Bachelor's project: Interpretaciones bifurcadas
Author: Oliver Backman
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: Subverting Nostalgia in Twin Peaks: The Return - Resistance and the Television Revival
Author: Charlie Berggren
Year: 2021 - Bachelor's project: Promblemas de traslación de Emil i Lönneberga de Astrid Lindgren en la traducción al español
Author: Susanne Bjurestig
Year: 2021 - Bachelor's project: “For my whole life, I didn’t know if I even existed. But I do. And people are starting to notice” Om att bli till, dö, återfödas & existera via manus & musik i Todd Phillips Joker
Author: Helene Björkman
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: För skrivandets skull: Om skönlitterärt skrivande i gymnasieskolans svenskämne
Author: Alexander Brauer
Year: 2021 - Bachelor's project: Japanese Native Speakers’ Derogatory Language Use Against Men and Women
Author: Oliver Braun
Year: 2021 - Bachelor's project: Explicit Assessment Rubrics and L2 Motivation
Author: Anthon Brunzell
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: Translating “gender” into Arabic: “jins ” , “jinsayn ” , “naw ʽ” or “jindar ”? A study of the translation of the concept “gender” in single- and multi-word expressions in feminist knowledge building
Author: Cecilie Olivia Buchhave
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: Connectivity in Action: Activist Comments as Evidence of a Pan-European Public Sphere on Social Media. A Case Study of the European Commission’s Instagram Page
Author: Theodora Cristina Canciu
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: The Spectacle of the Alien/Migrant An exploration through Hollywood Science fiction and Horror Movies before and after 9/11
Author: Jonathan Cardenas
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: “Luz que contiene a las tinieblas”: la función del arte en La luz difícil desde la perspectiva del taoísmo y el budismo zen
Author: Santiago Cepeda Rebollo
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: Spectators’ Experience of Watching Dance without Music: A cognitive semiotic exploration of kinesthetic empathy
Author: Khatia Chikhladze
Year: 2021 - Bachelor's project: All You Need Is LOVE: Applying Conceptual Metaphor Theory to the Beatles' Song Lyrics - A Comparative Study
Author: Simon Christensson
Year: 2021 - Bachelor's project: Un (in)grato ambiente laboral: Crítica al trabajo en Pájaros en la boca y otros cuentos de Samanta Schweblin
Author: Andres Cotta Cabezas
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: Några tankar kring användningen av latinska citat som motton i svensk witterhet 1732-1814
Author: Jan Dahlberg
Year: 2021 - Bachelor's project: Disarray in the language: A sociolinguistic study of kotoba no midare
Author: Liv Danjoux
Year: 2021 - Bachelor's project: Émotions et traductions- une analyse comparative de l'œuvre Le Petit Prince et trois de ses traductions anglaises
Author: Elisa Desclous
Year: 2021 - Bachelor's project: Enstaka väderevent eller klimatförändringar? En diskursanalys av svenska mediers rapportering av tre europeiska värmeböljor
Author: Kevin Edberg
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: Den svenska Gatsby : en komparativ studie av två svenska översättningar av F. Scott Fitzgeralds roman The Great Gatsby
Author: Marjut Edelman
Year: 2021