Student papers
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Student papers (page 105 of 105)
- Bachelor's project: Words in Battle: A Study Of The Rethoric Of Churchill
Author: Josefin Shaar
Year: 2001 - Master's thesis: Ofelia ? en ny syntesröst : En studie om talsyntes i allmänhet och konkateneringssyntes i synnerhet
Author: Adina Svensson
Year: 2001 - Bachelor's project: Talande webbläsare
Author: Adina Svensson
Year: 2001 - Bachelor's project: Skrivande som handling : Paul Austers roman Leviathan mellan språkspel och mimesis
Author: Tomas Lundén
Year: 2000 - Bachelor's project: Lexikalt semantiska förändringar hos adjektiv i den skånska dialekten
Author: Anneli Nilsson
Year: 2000 - Bachelor's project: Om presupposition och åsikter
Author: Johannes Müntzing
Year: 1997 - Master's thesis: Orson Welles:en kung utan krona
Author: Magnus Widman
Year: 1995 - Bachelor's project: Twin peaks: Skuggor ur det förflutna
Author: Magnus Widman
Year: 1993 - Master's thesis: M.A. Thesis: Theoretical implications of schwa deletion in French
Author: Merle Horne
Year: 1976 - Bachelor's project: B.A. thesis: Les apports linguistiques dans le domaine de la traduction: une étude des recherches de Georges Mounin à propos des problèmes théoriques de la traduction
Author: Merle Horne
Year: 1972