Cognitive semiotics: Meaning, Mind and Communication
Course 7.5 credits • SEMN02
The course introduces cognitive semiotics as a field in which insights from semiotics, linguistics and cognitive science are brought together. Basic concepts such as signs, meaning, communication, mind, culture, iconicity, indexicality, normativity, life world, evolution, development etc. are exemplified by, above all, language, images and culture. The perspective of the course is based on comparison and reasoning.
The course is an elective component of the Master of Arts programme in Language and Linguistics (HASPV). It is also offered as a freestanding course and can be included in a first or second cycle degree.
Programme affiliation: Part of Master's Programme in Language and Linguistics, Cognitive Semiotics
Study period:
autumn semester 2024
Type of studies:
part time, 50 %,
Study period:
2024-09-02 – 2024-10-31
Language of instruction:
Application code:
90 ECTS credits, of which at least 60 ECTS credits in linguistics (General Linguistics or Phonetics), semiotics, cognitive science, or a language (or the equivalent). English course 6/B.
Introductory meeting: Monday, 2 September at 10.15 – 12.00 in SOL:L303a
Jordan Zlatev
How to apply?
More about the subject, research, staff etc.