
Fifth Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS-5)

15 augusti 2024 08:45 till 17 augusti 2024 17:00 Konferens

We are happy to host the Fifth Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS-5) at Lund University in August 15-17, 2024! This is nearly 10 years after the first conference in the short but productive history of cognitive semiotics, the new discipline which integrates theories and methods from semiotics, linguistics and cognitive science, with the help of phenomenology.


Conference theme: "Crises of Meaning"

We face not only social, political, environmental, and scientific crises but also crises in how we make sense of ourselves and our world. Husserl diagnosed a general “Crisis of the European Sciences” nearly a century ago, leading us to oscillate between the extremes of positivism and relativism. We witness how this has only deepened to this day, where fundamental values like justice and truth are being emptied of meaning. The plenary speakers (and others, as far as possible) are asked to address how their research may be relevant for the theme. In this way, cognitive semiotics can hopefully make a contribution to the situation in our troubled world!

Conference program:


The conference will have about 100 registered participants. If there is free space in the Auditorium, we even welcome colleagues from SOL centre and LU in general who have not registered. Please show your LU-card at the entrance.



Om händelsen:

15 augusti 2024 08:45 till 17 augusti 2024 17:00

Hörsal, H135a, H135b, H140


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