Programme Structure

Overview of semesters and courses

(For information about specific course content, follow links)

Year 1


SEMESTER 2 (spring)

1. Theory and Methodology of Area Studies, 15 ECTS. (January - middle of March. Joint lectures with the Master of Arts programme in European Studies)

2.Project Management and Communication Strategies, 15 ECTS. (Middle of March - June. Joint lectures with the Master of Arts programme in European Studies)


Year 2

SEMESTER 3 (fall)

Internship, 30 or 15 ECTS
During the third semester you have the opportunity to begin shaping your professional identity as a humanistic European studies specialist by practically applying the skills and theoretical knowledge you have gained through your education during a qualified work placement at an authority, organization, or company.  You will find and apply to the internship yourself, but the programme provides you with useful tips from our long list of former student's placements, as well as practical guidance in the application process from the faculty Careers Services.

Elective courses, 30 ECTS
Another option for this semester is to broaden or specialize your education by taking one or two optional courses on a subject that you find interesting or beneficial for your future. This could be a course offered by our own department, but it could also be a course in another area of studies given within our faculty or even by another university, as long as it is relevant for the profile of the programme.

Some electable courses given by our own department:


    SEMESTER 4 (spring)
    Master's (Two Years) Thesis, 15 ECTS (Joint lectures and seminars with the Master of Arts programme in European Studies)



    For more information about the programme structure, please contact our academic advisor.

    Photo of student

    "Writing Skills for the Future: Students Learn to Navigate Within the EU."

    Read more about the programme's course on Project Management and Communication Strategies in this article (in Swedish).

    Sidansvarig: webmastersol.luse | 2024-06-19