

Din sökning på "svenska för studerande med utländsk" gav 405 sökträffar

Halldór Ármann Sigurðsson

Halldór Ármann Sigurðsson Halldór Ármann Sigurðsson Works in chronological order (as far as I can remember) 1980 1 Endingar viðtengingarháttar og framsöguháttar [‘The person endings in the subjunctive and the indicative’, 63 pp.]. Reykjavík: University of Iceland. 1981 2 Dukunarögn um íslenskar aukatengingar [‘A remark on Icelandic complementizers’, 65 pp.]. Reykjavík: University of Iceland. 3 Klo

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/documents/persons/HalldorArmannSigurdsson/publications_chronologial_order_1.pdf - 2025-02-24


Stefan.doc Extractions from Relative Clauses in Swedish as Self-answering Questions 1 STEFAN HUBER, DEPARTMENT OF GERMAN, LUND UNIVERSITY 1 Introduction Since the earliest days of generative grammar, it has been pointed out that extractions out of relative clauses (henceforth: RCs) are banned, hence the ungrammaticality of the English examples in (1): (1) a. * Whoi did you read [[DP an article [CP

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol02/Stefan.pdf - 2025-02-24

Microsoft Word - WP3 Anna Wärnsby EDITERAD 15 aug 2003.doc

Microsoft Word - WP3 Anna Wärnsby EDITERAD 15 aug 2003.doc (De)coding epistemic modality in English and Swedish ANNA WÄRNSBY 1 Introduction When hearers are confronted with modal expressions in their native language, especially expressions that contain a modal verb, they are normally able to interpret these expressions immediately as being either epistemic or non-epistemic1. What it is that enable

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol03/Warnsby-decodingepistemicmodality.pdf - 2025-02-24


LUNDS UNIVERSITET LUNDS UNIVERSITET Språk- och litteraturcentrum RYS053 / ht 2006 Delkurs 5. Uppsats (4 poäng) Handledare: Jens Nørgård-Sørensen Daniel Granello Vackra kvinnor och starka män - könsstereotypiska adjektiv vid beteckningar för kvinnor och män i rysk text Innehåll INTRODUKTION .............................................................................................................

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/amnen/ryska/DanielGranello.pdf - 2025-02-24

Jenny 060823

Jenny 060823 Event anaphors – a unified account? JENNY STRÖM HEROLD (LUND UNIVERSITY ) Abstract This paper is concerned with different types of event anaphors in English and to some extent also in Swedish. The point of departure is the seminal work of Hankamer and Sag (1976) where two major classes of anaphors are suggested, namely surface anaphors and deep anaphors. An important distinction is th

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol06/Herold_06.pdf - 2025-02-24