

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 394 sökträffar

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Editors: Kai Alter Merle Horne Magnus Lindgren Mikael Roll Janne von Koss Torkildsen Series Editor: Sven Strömqvist Brain Talk Discourse with and in the brain !is book appears in the Birgit Rausing Language Program Conference Series in Linguistics. Copyright: Lund University and the authors, 2009 Editors: Kai Alter, Merle Horne, Magnus Lindgren, Mikael Roll, Janne von Koss Torkildsen Editorial ass

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/aemnen/sektion1/BRLP/Proceedings_Brain_Talk.pdf - 2025-02-04


Maria.PDF Register Differences between Prefabs in Native and EFL English MARIA WIKTORSSON 1 Introduction In the later stages of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learning, and foreign language learning in general, emphasis is put on approaching a native-like command of the target language. Native-like command of a language entails, besides using correct grammar and vocabulary, being able to use

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol01/Maria.pdf - 2025-02-23

Microsoft Word - WP3 Hans Malmström och Carita Paradis EDITERAD15 aug 2003.–

Microsoft Word - WP3 Hans Malmström och Carita Paradis EDITERAD15 aug 2003.– Modelling speech production – evidence from Swedish blends HANS MALMSTRÖM CARITA PARADIS 1 Introduction1 This paper is concerned with a type of speech errors called blends and what they may tell us about speech processing. A blend is a contamination of elements from two different lexical items. Sometime during the process

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol03/MalmstromParadis-Modellingspeechproduction.pdf - 2025-02-23


Fabian.doc The syntax and pragmatics of exclamations and other expressive/emotional utterances1,2 FABIAN BEIJER 1 Introduction In the linguistic literature we find discussions and descriptions of linguistic phenomena such as EXPRESSIVE UTTERANCES, EXCLAMATORY UTTERANCES, EXPRESSIVE SENTENCES, EXCLAMATIONS, EXCLAMATIVES, and EXPRESSIVE SPEECH ACTS. Linguists have thus observed that there are emotio

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol02/Fabian.pdf - 2025-02-23

This is the title of my paper

This is the title of my paper Towards a theory of lexical meaning as ontologies and construals CARITA PARADIS Abstract The purpose of this paper is to propose a framework of lexical meaning, broadly along the lines of Cognitive Semantics (Langacker 1987a). The paper focuses on interpretations of adjective-noun (ADJ N ) combinations in English. Within the proposed model, all aspects of meaning are

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol04/paradis-wp-04.pdf - 2025-02-23


Cim.doc Between epistemic modality and degree: the case of really1 CARITA PARADIS 1 Background and major claims Research on the interpretation of adverbs such as really, just, only, rather, quite, apparently or absolutely shows that they are contextually sensitive and highly flexible.2 This paper takes a closer look at really in order to account for its various interpretations. Stenström’s (1986)

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol02/Cim.pdf - 2025-02-23

This is the title of my paper

This is the title of my paper The Use of Modal Expressions in English by Native Speakers of Russian ANNA WÄRNSBY 1 Introduction This study examines in what ways and to what degree of success native speakers of Russian use modal expressions in English. The study is based on a translation experiment from Russian into English designed for use within the frame of the computer program ScriptLog (see Se

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol01/Anna2.pdf - 2025-02-23

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1 Tongue and Jaw Movement Patterns in Heavy Metal Growling An EMA Case Study Thea Johansson Supervisor: Mechtild Tronnier, Malin Svensson_Lundmark Centre for Language and Literature, Lund University MA in Language and Linguistics, Phonetics SPVR01 Language and Linguistics: Degree Project – Master's (Two Years) Thesis, 30 credits January 2025 2 Abstract Research into voice qualities that employ sup

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/kalender/2025-01/Johansson%2C%20Thea%20-%20Master%27s%20Thesis%20%28Defence%20Version%29.pdf - 2025-01-18

Microsoft Word - MarieTapper format-14pt.doc

Microsoft Word - MarieTapper format-14pt.doc Connectives in advanced Swedish EFL learners’ written English – preliminary results MARIE TAPPER (LUND UNIVERSITY) Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate how advanced Swedish EFL learners use connectives in argumentative essays in comparison to how American University students use them in their writing. The data were taken from the Interna

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol05/Tapper-wp-05.pdf - 2025-02-23


huber-06 On the theory of presentation STEFAN HUBER (LUND UNIVERSITY ) Abstract The aim of the paper is to introduce a new information-structural category presentation and to argue for its relevance and independence from other information-structural layers. It is shown that a successful presentation consists of two steps, namely the import of a new discourse participant and its establishing (proce

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol06/Huber_06.pdf - 2025-02-23

Microsoft Word - Anvisningar Uppsats LV.docx

Microsoft Word - Anvisningar Uppsats LV.docx   Anvisningar  för  uppsatsskrivning  i   litteraturvetenskap,  svenska  med   litteraturvetenskaplig  inriktning,   barnlitteratur  och  teatervetenskap   på  grundnivå  och  avancerad  nivå       Avdelningen  för  litteraturvetenskap,  Språk-­‐  och  litteraturcentrum,  Lunds   universitet         2   Innehåll       Att  skriva  uppsats      3   Uppsa

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/amnen/littvet/anvisningar.pdf - 2025-02-23


Joe.doc Comments on Vacuous Subject Movement1 JOE TROTTA, DEPARTMENT OF THE HUMANITIES , HALMSTAD UNIVERSITY 1 Introduction In this working paper, I discuss the phenomenon known as VACUOUS SUBJECT MOVEMENT (henceforward also referred to as VSM) in English and the problem posed for VSM by Chomsky’s (1986) VACUOUS MOVEMENT HYPOTHESIS (henceforward also referred to as VMH), ie the idea that overt wh-

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol02/Joe.pdf - 2025-02-23

Microsoft Word - WP3 Anna Wärnsby EDITERAD 15 aug 2003.doc

Microsoft Word - WP3 Anna Wärnsby EDITERAD 15 aug 2003.doc (De)coding epistemic modality in English and Swedish ANNA WÄRNSBY 1 Introduction When hearers are confronted with modal expressions in their native language, especially expressions that contain a modal verb, they are normally able to interpret these expressions immediately as being either epistemic or non-epistemic1. What it is that enable

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol03/Warnsby-decodingepistemicmodality.pdf - 2025-02-23


Stefan.doc Extractions from Relative Clauses in Swedish as Self-answering Questions 1 STEFAN HUBER, DEPARTMENT OF GERMAN, LUND UNIVERSITY 1 Introduction Since the earliest days of generative grammar, it has been pointed out that extractions out of relative clauses (henceforth: RCs) are banned, hence the ungrammaticality of the English examples in (1): (1) a. * Whoi did you read [[DP an article [CP

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol02/Stefan.pdf - 2025-02-23