

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 48880 sökträffar

Globaliseringsrörelsen – en ny social rörelse eller en klassisk konfliktdimension i nytt sammanhang?

Allt sedan demonstrationerna mot WTO i Seattle har den globala rättviserörelsen uppmärksammats för att den har sammanfört aktivister från disparata rörelsemiljöer, i gemensamma protester mot den ekonomiska globaliseringens effekter och de globala organ som anses driva fram denna utveckling. I denna artikel diskuteras hur dessa mobiliseringar kan förstås utifrån gängse teorier om "nya sociala rörel

Samverkan som marknads­skapande – introduktionen av social impact bonds i Sverige och Finland

Det är vanligt att anta att marknad och samverkan befinner sig i motsatsställning: på en marknad ska det idealt sett råda konkurrens mellan olika aktörer medan samverkan vanligen handlar om flera aktörers gemensamma strävan mot samma mål. Stater och inte minst EU:s institutioner vidtar regelbundet åtgärder för att skapa marknader och konkurrens, och i dessa åtgärder finns ofta direkta försök att f

Utmaningar och vägen framåt – ekonomisk och social utveckling i Afrika och dess Sahelområde

När det internationella samfundet under ”superutvecklingsåret” 2015 åtog sig uppgiften att utrota fattigdom och hunger var det under löftet ”Leave no one behind”, dvs att alla överallt ska inkluderas och få ta del av utvecklingens framsteg. Hur kan ett sådant löfte bli verklighet och vilka utmaningar ligger framför oss? Denna översiktsartikel syftar till att ta itu med dessa frågor genom att fokus

Downloading and filesharing through Peer-to-peer networks: the copyright versus the free access to the cultural products

The “peer to peer” (P2P) is a technology of downloading and filesharing between online - Internet - users by the mean of specified software. Since June 1999, the Napster software has made the happiness of millions of individuals who used it to obtain and share free audio files Mp3. Rapidly, the major recording companies have prosecuted the Napster Company and managed to force it to close down. The

Influencing the European Union through lobbying: An emphasis on the European Parliament and a case study of ECON

Lobbying within the EU is a welcome and frequently used way of constructing the policy process. The aim of this thesis is through a text analysis describe and understand the influence that interest groups have on especially the European Parliament but also the Commission. My objects of study are the three institutions of the European Union with an emphasis on the European Parliament. I use network

Re-Presenting Complexity Through Critical Historical Play: undoing the past for sustainable futures with games, interactors, and ‘other’ art-full cultural expressions. Lissa Holloway-Attaway.

22 maj 2024 10:00 | Föreläsning Welcome to join us at IAC for this final lecture within the 1, 2, 3 Playtime project. Lissa Holloway-Attaway is Professor in Media Arts, Aesthetics, and Narration in the Division of Game Development within the School of Informatics at the University of Skövde. Duration: 10:00–10:45 (30min talk, 15min q/a)Games and other forms of  playful engagement with visitors can

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/evenemang/re-presenting-complexity-through-critical-historical-play-undoing-past-sustainable-futures-games - 2025-02-24

Street Art and Public Space : A digital archive

This paper aims to discuss street art as new form of art and activism of uncomissioned and unsanctioned artifacts including paintings, murals and various kinds of stencils, posters, and stickers applied in any public surface. As Bengtsen (2014) has argued street art is a sociocultural practice, which is performative, ephemeral, and site specific. Street art has much to tell us about the dialectics

The Church of Sweden and the Quest to Bounce Back Better

Civil society organizations have distinctive roles to play in everysociety. They collectively contribute to the very communal fabric thatenables a dynamic social contract, and provide the space and the opportunityfor matters not easily handled in the other spheres of society.In those roles civil society is also a crucial part in the resilience of anysociety and a key force in its capacity to cope

Value Creation Through Corporate Social Responsibility - An illustrative study of five Swedish insurance companies

Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns into their core business and in their interaction with stakeholders on a voluntarily basis. The purpose with our thesis is to study how Swedish insurance companies work with Corporate Social Responsibility and to analyse the underlying strategies of the companies’ social, environmental and ec

Statsvetenskap: Krig och fred i en föränderlig värld

The overall aim of the course is to provide a theoretical and empirical orientation of different explanations and analyses of contemporary wars and attempts to achieve a more peaceful world. The course highlights theoretically how war as an institution is transformed and what consequences this alteration has on warfare, security and peace support operations in different parts of the world. ParticuThe overall aim of the course is to provide a theoretical and empirical orientation of different explanations and analyses of contemporary wars and attempts to achieve a more peaceful world. The course highlights theoretically how war as an institution is transformed and what consequences this alteration has on warfare, security and peace support operations in different parts of the world. Particu