

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 49388 sökträffar

Olycksfall, risk för skada eller ohälsa i dina studier

Om du skadar dig eller är med om något som skulle kunna skada dig eller dina studiekamrater är det viktigt att du informerar din utbildning om detta. Här kan du läsa om vad studierelaterad ohälsa, tillbud och olycksfall innebär och hur du gör för att anmäla dessa typer av händelser. Universitetet arbetar för att förebygga ohälsa och olycksfall för dig som student. En förutsättning för detta arbete

https://www.lu.se/studera/livet-som-student/om-nagot-hander/olycksfall-risk-skada-eller-ohalsa-i-dina-studier - 2025-02-28

Journalistiska verktyg och medieetik - onlinemöjligheter och risker i kristid

In this course, the participants will examine how journalists and others, can benefit from and create content for online platforms, social media, and real-time journalism. We address challenges in media ethics, disinformation and how to avoid misinformation. The course also discusses the need for diversity within newsrooms and other workplaces, providing students with strategies on how to raise th

Bättre hälsa

Nya framsteg inom medicin, liv och hälsa Proaktivt åldrande Cancer Diabetes Epidemiologi Neurovetenskap Stamceller Spetsforskning och tvärvetenskaplig forskning är avgörande för att generera ny kunskap om hur vi kan förebygga sjukdom, leva ett mer hälsosamt liv, förbättra diagnostik och utveckla innovativa behandlingar. Målet är att bidra till ett bättre liv och bättre hälsa. Den konstgjorda njure

https://www.lu.se/forskning/starka-forskningsmiljoer/battre-halsa - 2025-02-28

Gorée Memory Palace

Gorée is a small island 2 kilometres off the coast of Dakar, Senegal, known as a significant location of the Transatlantic slave trade, and a destination for locals and tourists interested in the subject. From French colonial cultural policies to post-independence national discourses, several buildings on Gorée became places where memory was crystalised and publicised. The most prominent being the

Den icke-diskriminerande åldersdiskrimineringen - En analys av undantag från åldersdiskriminering

Age is one of our seven grounds of discrimination and the one that causes the most people to feel discriminated. In addition, it is a basis to which there are numerous of statutory exceptions which, despite the Discrimination Act, allow employers to disadvantage or discriminate people because of their age. The purpose of this essay was to investigate why and when it is permitted to make exceptions

Statsvetenskap: Utveckling och internationell politisk ekonomi

This course is open to students in the BSc in Development Studies programme (BIDS) majoring in Political Science. The course introduces International Political Economy (IPE) with an emphasis on theories, theorists and issues that problematise the politics and political economy of development, North-South relations and ethics. The first part of the course is designed to examine the roots of InternThis course is open to students in the BSc in Development Studies programme (BIDS) majoring in Political Science. The course introduces International Political Economy (IPE) with an emphasis on theories, theorists and issues that problematise the politics and political economy of development, North-South relations and ethics. The first part of the course is designed to examine the roots of Intern

Foreign molecules in biomembranes : Molecular effects on intact stratum corneum and model lipid systems

This thesis mainly explores how the molecular mobility of lipid and protein components in the outermost layer of the skin, the stratum corneum (SC), varies with different conditions and upon adding foreign compounds. These studies require methods that makes it possible to detect and characterize the minor amount of fluid components in the highly ordered solid SC sample with resolved molecular info

MIS 3 sediment stratigraphy in southern Sweden sheds new light on the complex glacial history and dynamics across southern Scandinavia

Recent studies have revealed that areas with sediments pre-dating the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) are more common in southern Scandinavia than previously thought. To describe and date these sediments, four deep core drillings were made in the province of Småland and one in the province of Skåne, southern Sweden, and an existing sediment core drilled in the 1960s from western Skåne was re-examined aRecent studies have revealed that areas with sediments pre-dating the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) are more common in southern Scandinavia than previously thought. To describe and date these sediments, four deep core drillings were made in the province of Småland and one in the province of Skåne, southern Sweden, and an existing sediment core drilled in the 1960s from western Skåne was re-examined a

No title

Young people, who previously have been placed away from home in foster care, are from the political perspective, a particularly vulnerable group. This is a very general manner that previously placed young people live or has lived more volatile and turbulent, with changing within education and very poor self-management, What these peoples experience when they enter the independent adulthood is an a

Möten på Barn- & Ungdomssjukhuset i Lund

Hospital. Not a positive word. Children + Hospital. Create an even more unpleasant feeling. When you arrive to the Children´s Hospital in Lund, you enter a dark but wide corridor. A busy doctor may scurry across the fl oor and disappear behind an alarmed door. If the reception is unmanned, the grey metallic venetian blinds are closed. It is hard to understand where to go. Even a grown-up can feel

Still a poster child for social investment? Changing regulatory dynamics of early childhood education and care in Denmark and Sweden

This paper investigates the regulation of publicly organized early childhood education and care (ECEC) in Denmark and Sweden, through the regulatory welfare state (RWS) framework. The analysis focuses on how alterations in funding and quality of care are shaped by governmental and nongovernmental actors at national and local levels of government. Through focused structured analysis, we examine how

Ekonomi och samhälle: Det globala Syd - Ekonomiska utvecklingsförlopp sedan 1945

The course examines the historical experience and potential of economic development in developing countries and considers why some countries are rich while others remain poor, as well as considering why development is not universal to all. The course provides a theoretical perspective with reference to the conditions of developing economies. It is divided into two parts. The first section treats tThe course examines the historical experience and potential of economic development in developing countries and considers why some countries are rich while others remain poor, as well as considering why development is not universal to all. The course provides a theoretical perspective with reference to the conditions of developing economies. It is divided into two parts. The first section treats t

Transkriberad version av ämnespodden om utbytesstudier

Hej och välkomna till dagens avsnitt, som kommer att handla om utbytesstudier. Mitt namn är Kevin. Jag läser min sista termin på programmet strategisk kommunikation. Jag heter Emily. Jag läser också min sista termin på master- programmet i strategisk kommunikation. Jag heter Nathalie. Jag tog ut min kandidat i mänskliga rättigheter i somras– –och läser just nu en fristående kurs inom rättssociolog

https://www.lu.se/studera/valja-studier/traffa-oss/oppet-hus-i-lund/digitalt-oppet-hus-2022/transkriberad-version-av-amnespodden-om-utbytesstudier - 2025-02-28

Hållbarhet och global hälsa

By highlighting four key emerging and persistent global health challenges: The unavoidable health impacts of climate change (heat-stress, extreme cold, flooding, rising incidence of vector borne-diseases) The prevailing sanitation crises (causing preventable deaths and disease outbreaks, contributing to the poverty trap, affecting economic output, polluting the environment) The global dietBy highlighting four key emerging and persistent global health challenges: The unavoidable health impacts of climate change (heat-stress, extreme cold, flooding, rising incidence of vector borne-diseases) The prevailing sanitation crises (causing preventable deaths and disease outbreaks, contributing to the poverty trap, affecting economic output, polluting the environment) The global diet

Kandidatkurs och examensarbete i Management and Organization

FEKH46 The main objectives of the course are to train, develop and mentally prepare the students to take active participation as leaders as well as co-workers in various organizations. This will entail the idea that organizations can be managed and studied through different perspectives which offer possibilities for reflection and different understandings of organizational phenomena. Topics in par