

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 48896 sökträffar

The Euro – What's in it for me? An Economic Analysis of the Swedish Euro Referendum 2003

The Swedish referendum on the euro in September 2003 is an exceptional event for researchers of monetary unions and of European economic integration. Voters chose between maintaining the domestic currency, the krona, and replacing it with the euro, the single currency of the European Union. The referendum revealed significant dividing lines between Yes- and No-voters in areas such as income, educaThe Swedish referendum on the euro in September 2003 is an exceptional event for researchers of monetary unions and of European economic integration. Voters chose between maintaining the domestic currency, the krona, and replacing it with the euro, the single currency of the European Union. The referendum revealed significant dividing lines between Yes- and No-voters in areas such as income, educa

Biomedicin - Masterprogram

The first semester is devoted to advanced studies, including experimental design, scientific communication and state-of-the-art experimental laboratory work using methodologies that are highly relevant for biomedical research areas. Applied biostatistics and ethics are embedded in the semester’s courses. During the second semester, you can individually adapt your studies depending on your areas ofMost of the teaching takes place in research environments at the Biomedical Research Centre in Lund, with parts of the teaching located at Max lab IV/European Spallation Source (ESS). All teachers are active research scientists. The programme is tightly linked to cutting edge research and all teachers have relevant research experience. The first semester is devoted to advanced studies, includin

Electric Road Systems: A case study on the bridge of Öresund

Combustion of fossil fuels is single-handedly the largest contributor of global warming. The transportation sector is responsible for about a third of the greenhouse gas emissions yearly in Sweden. In turn, road traffic makes up the largest share within the transportation. The Swedish government has set out an ambitious goal to reduce domestic carbon emissions caused by the transportation sector

Business Administration: Entrepreneurship

To be able to solve some of the challenges the world is facing, entrepreneurial skills are needed. With a course in entrepreneurship, you have the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills needed for becoming a change agent in the future – within an organization or by starting your own business or initiative.   In the course Entrepreneurship, you will get to learn about different useful t


Centre for Innovation Research – CIRCLE – is an interdisciplinary centre which connects innovation researchers from different faculties at Lund University as well as other Swedish and international universities. The meaning of the term innovation has transformed and is now tightly linked to sustainable development goals including climate change, social sustainability and food security. CIRCLE’s a

Program 4oktober sociala innovationer

PROGRAM 8:30 – 9:00 Kaffe [Think Open Space] 9:00 – 09:30 Välkommen + dagens mål Dinah Åbinger & Markus Knutagård 9:30 – 10:00 “Processer för innovation i socialtjänsten” – Danielsson Pernilla, Ulrika Westrup, Katja Lindqvist. 10:00 – 10:30 Fika [Think Open Space] 10:30 – 11:00 “Gapmending - strategier för ett mobiliserande förändringsarbete – Cecilia Heule 10:30 – 11:00 “Bostad Först” – Brukarmed

https://www.soch.lu.se/sites/soch.lu.se/files/program_4oktober_sociala_innovationer.pdf - 2025-02-27

Klimat och hållbarhet – expertlistor

Här har vi samlat kontaktuppgifter till aktuella forskare och experter med specialkompetenser utifrån olika aspekter inom klimat- och hållbarhetsområdet. Du hittar även länkar till forskarnas sidor i universitetets forskningsportal. Biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster Genväg till experter per ämnesområde/rubrik:Biologisk mångfaldJordbrukSkogUrban biodiversitet Biologisk mångfaldÅke Lindström 

https://www.lu.se/om-universitetet/kontakta-oss/ingang-media/experter-listor-och-databaser/klimat-och-hallbarhet-expertlistor - 2025-02-26

Making stuff- the agency of doing in non-growth contexts

This project has developed from the site and building conditions in an area of central Boden, a town in the inland north of Sweden. In post-war times, the city grew thanks to the military and regional hospital resulting in the development of the site Prästholmen that was realized true to the modernistic ideal of the time. Since then, Boden together with its inland neighbours, have struggled agai

Grundkurs i service management

Service management är ett tvärvetenskapligt ämne som ger dig bred kunskap om ekonomi, organisation, marknadsföring och ledarskap i verksamheter där kundrelationer är viktiga. Om kursen Grundkursen ger dig en introduktion till ämnet och är uppdelad i fyra delkurser på vardera 7,5 högskolepoäng. Delkurs 1 handlar om tjänsteperspektivet och hur viktigt det är med ett kundorienterat synsätt. Under del

Service Management, Retailing and Consumption - Masterprogram

När du söker till Masterprogrammet i service management väljer du en av fem inriktningar: Culture and Creativity Management, Retailing and Consumption, Supply Chain Management, Sustainable Service Management eller Service Management – Tourism. Undervisningen sker på engelska och vi antar studenter från hela världen. Handeln genomgår omfattande förändringar med ett flertal utmaningar i form aWhen applying to the Master’s Programme in Service Management, you choose one of five different specialisations: Culture and Creativity Management, Retailing and Consumption, Supply Chain Management, Sustainable Service Management or Tourism. We have a mix of students from all around the world. The retail sector is undergoing broad transformations. These transformations include digitalization and

En cirkulär byggindustri – projektkurs med tillämpningar

Bygg- och fastighetssektorn står för en betydande del av samhällets miljö- och klimatpåverkan. Ser vi på branschen ur ett europeiskt perspektiv, står byggsektorn för hälften av alla råvaror som utvinns, hälften av den totala energianvändningen, en tredjedel av all vattenanvändning och en tredjedel av allt avfall som genereras. Den svenska byggindustrin utgör drygt 20 % av Sveriges totala klimatutsThe construction and real estate sector accounts for a significant part of society's environmental and climate impact. Looking at the industry from a European perspective, the construction sector accounts for half of all raw materials extracted, half of total energy use, one third of all water use and one third of all waste generated. The Swedish construction industry accounts for just over 20% of

Service Management, Culture and Creativity Management - Masterprogram

När du söker till Masterprogrammet i service management väljer du en av fem inriktningar: Culture and Creativity Management, Retailing and Consumption, Supply Chain Management, Sustainable Service Management eller Service Management – Tourism. Undervisningen sker på engelska och vi antar studenter från hela världen. Programmet ger insikt i den breda servicesektorn och kunskap om organiseringWhen applying to the Master’s Programme in Service Management, you choose one of five different specialisations: Culture and Creativity Management, Retailing and Consumption, Supply Chain Management, Sustainable Service Management or Tourism. We have a mix of students from all around the world. More diversified demands on managers and professionals within the cultural, creative and non-profit sec

Strategic Implementation of CSR - A Driver for Organizational Resilience?

CSR has been gaining significance in the field of strategic management, as growing societal expectations have resulted in additional pressures for firms to act responsibly. Particularly the heightened sense of urgency regarding environmental sustainability has further amplified this development. Simultaneously, the global business landscape is changing at an accelerated pace and in an unprecedente

Genusvetenskap - Kandidatprogram

Programmet har som mål att förbereda dig för arbete med genus- och jämlikhetsfrågor nationellt såväl som internationellt. Du lär dig om genusvetenskapliga teorier och samhällsvetenskapliga metoder. Programmet sätter frågor om makt, identitet och social förändring i fokus, och betonar kopplingar mellan genus, etnicitet, klass och andra sociala relationer som formar människors liv. Som tvärvetenskap

Engelska: Kvinnor och revolution, 1790-1810

Kursen ger studenten träning i läsning och förståelse av engelskspråkiga texter från perioden 1790 till 1810 samt möjlighet att träna sin förmåga att uttrycka sig i tal och skrift på engelska. Kursen ger även studenten träning i att reflektera över sin egen läsning. Kursen bygger på aktivt deltagande, diskussion och reflektion. Undervisningen består av sju schemalagda undervisningspass bestående aWe will not only read their work in relation to key social and political concerns but also examine how women navigated their roles as public authors. How did they present themselves? What genres did they write in, and what is the significance of these choices? We will explore a variety of texts, from foundational works like Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792) to one o