

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 48889 sökträffar

Sociala rörelser, heterogenitet och enhet – en kommentar med nedslag i två sociala forum

Vilka utmaningar skapar den globala rättviserörelsen för äldre och nyare teorier om sociala rörelser? I denna text diskuteras dels traditionella teorier som Marx och Sombarts, dels teorierna om "nya sociala rörelser" (Touraine med flera). Denna diskussion kompletteras med presentationen av data från en enkätundersökning gjord vid lokala sociala forum i Sverige.

Konstnärligt kandidatprogram i musik, Symfoniorkesterinstrument

Kandidatprogrammet i musik med inriktning symfoniorkesterinstrument är en treårig universitetsutbildning på heltid som riktar sig till dig som vill fördjupa dina tekniska och konstnärliga färdigheter inom västerländsk konstmusik. Utbildningen omfattar både individuella lektioner, ensemblespel och teoretiska kurser. Instrumentalstudier Du får möjlighet att fördjupa dig i ditt huvudinstrThe Bachelor's Programme in Music with a specialisation in symphonic orchestra instruments is a three-year full-time university programme. It is aimed at students who want to deepen their technical and artistic skills in Western art music.  Instrumental studies You will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in your main instrument under the guidance of experienced teachers. Through

Hållbar stadsgestaltning - Masterutbildning

Att göra världens växande städer friska, attraktiva och hållbara är en exceptionell utmaning. Lunds universitet, beläget i den dynamiska Köpenhamn-Malmö-regionen, är världsledande inom balansen mellan ekonomisk tillväxt och miljöutveckling i städer. Här erbjuds fantastiska resurser för att studera aspekter kring hållbarhet och design. Utbildningen är bred och täcker de viktigaste aspekterna av hålThe Master’s Programme in Sustainable Urban Design at the School of Architecture has a globally well-established reputation for developing humanistic urban design that promotes liveability, community building and social sustainability. Drawing on best practices and advanced research, the programme produces highly skilled professionals capable of meeting the challenges of sustainable urban design.

Claudio d'Onofrio

Projektkoordinator Kontaktinformation E-post: claudio [dot] donofrio [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: +46 46 222 86 96 Mobil: +46 72 210 83 01Organisation Institutionen för naturgeografi och ekosystemvetenskap Besöksadress: Sölvegatan 12, Lund Rumsnummer: GCII:286 Hämtställe: 16 WebbplatsClaudio d'Onofrios profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportal Publikationer Visar av publikationer. Sor

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/claudio-donofrio - 2025-02-27

Genesis 38: Tamars berättelse, i en mansdominerad värld.

Is it possible that Genesis 38 is a story about an ancient woman? And should Genesis 38 be called The Story of Tamar? Numerous signals in Gen 38 point to Tamar being the main character of the story. Nevertheless, throughout history, the story has been said to be about Judah and his transformation from a mean and selfish character in Gen 37 to a caring and selfless one in Gen 43:8–10. But is that r

Virtual Tourism relocation (VTr) - to experience the lost, to see for the future

Prosperous cities have constantly changed and their ability to adapt to contemporary commercial demands has always been rewarded, but this may no longer be the case. Delhi residents are now paying a high price for this endeavor with schools closed due to toxic air caused by high levels of carbon dioxide. Although previous urban transformations by drastic demolition had an insignificant climate imp

Deglaciation history and subsequent lake dynamics in the Siljan region, south-central Sweden, based on new LiDAR evidence and sediment records

The Siljan region hosts Europe´s largest impact structure. The high-relief landscape, with a central granite dome bordered by lake basins, contains an array of glacial and shore-level landforms. We investigated its deglaciation history by mapping and analysing landforms on high resolution LiDAR-based Digital Surface Models coupled with well-dated sediment successions from peat and lake sediment coThe Siljan region hosts Europe´s largest impact structure. The high-relief landscape, with a central granite dome bordered by lake basins, contains an array of glacial and shore-level landforms. We investigated its deglaciation history by mapping and analysing landforms on high resolution LiDAR-based Digital Surface Models coupled with well-dated sediment successions from peat and lake sediment co

Time to Blood Culture Positivity: An Independent Predictor of Mortality in Streptococcus Pyogenes Bacteremia

BackgroundStreptococcus pyogenes bacteremia is a severe condition with high mortality. Time to blood culture positivity (TTP) is known to predict the outcome in bacteremia with other pathogens. This study aimed to determine the association between TTP and outcome in S pyogenes bacteremia.MethodsThis retrospective observational cohort study comprised adults with S pyogenes bacteremia, identified thBackgroundStreptococcus pyogenes bacteremia is a severe condition with high mortality. Time to blood culture positivity (TTP) is known to predict the outcome in bacteremia with other pathogens. This study aimed to determine the association between TTP and outcome in S pyogenes bacteremia.MethodsThis retrospective observational cohort study comprised adults with S pyogenes bacteremia, identified th

System på chips - Masterutbildning

Programmet omfattar områden från radiofrekvenskretsar till datakonvertering och digitala kretsar och system.  Tack vare en omfattande lokal industri är programmet kopplat till en mängd företag, vilket säkerställer en hög marknadsrelevans för kurserna. Efter utbildningen är studenten redo för en karriär, eller ytterligare forskningsstudier, inom kretsar och system med fokus på VLSI-design. DesIntegrated circuits are a strategic asset and key enabling technology for digital transformation, automated cars, cloud, Internet of Things, 5G/6G, and supercomputers. This programme is demanding and unique in its offering, a perfect preparation for your future career. The programme spans areas from radio frequency (RF) circuits to data conversion and digital circuits, processors and sys

From Treatment First to Housing First: Managing Competing Professional Logics

In Sweden social work with homeless people is dominated by “Treatment First” (or the staircase model). The Treatment First models weak results in combating homelessness has increased the interest for Housing First. In 2015 we started a participatory design-oriented research project in the City of Helsingborg in Sweden that aims to implement principles of Housing First in a social housing programme

Textversion av poddavsnittet om Naturvetenskapliga kandidatprogrammet i Fysik

Här följer textversionen av poddavsnittet Plugga naturvetenskap – Fysik. Om poddavsnittetLunds universitets podd "Plugga naturvetenskap – Kemi"Inspelningsdatum: 24 mars 2021Medverkande:Hedda Thomson Ek, miljövetarstudent, moderatorHanna Sjö, fysikstudentJohan Zetterberg, universitetslektorIntroVad skiljer en naturvetenskaplig fysikutbildning från en teknisk fysikutbildning? Och vad får man för exp

https://www.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-ngnat-fysi/textversion-av-poddavsnittet-om-naturvetenskapliga-kandidatprogrammet-i-fysik - 2025-02-26

Determinants of Capital Structure: Evidence from the Emerging Market – the case of the Baltic Region

Firm capital structure is one of the most widely researched topics in corporate finance. However, the results are not always consistent and applicable from one market to another when explaining financing patterns. The majority of available research focuses on finding the role of firm-specific factors to leverage while ignoring macro and institutional factors. This paper examines how the capital st

The components of successful sonic branding – A music marketing study of how to effectively reinforce the perception of brands by the creation of sound identities

In this thesis, I address the potential success factors of sonic branding. By extensively examining sound identities and sonic logos, across all the possible phases of its creation and implementation; I am conducting this study with the ambition of finding, mapping and analyzing its potential success factors. My main purpose in carrying out this study is hence to contribute to a clearer, more focu

Revisiting the work of Martin P. Nilsson

Revisiting the work of Martin P. Nilsson Revisiting the work of Martin P. Nilsson Publicerad den 19 november 2024 I år är det 150 år sedan Lunds universitets tidigare rektor Martin P. Nilsson såg dagens ljus och hans inflytande inom antik grekisk religionsforskning är av fortsatt betydelse. Under en eftermiddag återvänder framstående internationella forskare till hans verk och dess samtidsrelevans

https://www.ark.lu.se/article/revisiting-the-work-of-martin-p-nilsson - 2025-02-20