

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 48920 sökträffar

Textversion av poddavsnittet om Naturvetenskapliga kandidatprogrammet i Fysik

Här följer textversionen av poddavsnittet Plugga naturvetenskap – Fysik. Om poddavsnittetLunds universitets podd "Plugga naturvetenskap – Kemi"Inspelningsdatum: 24 mars 2021Medverkande:Hedda Thomson Ek, miljövetarstudent, moderatorHanna Sjö, fysikstudentJohan Zetterberg, universitetslektorIntroVad skiljer en naturvetenskaplig fysikutbildning från en teknisk fysikutbildning? Och vad får man för exp

https://www.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-ngnat-fysi/textversion-av-poddavsnittet-om-naturvetenskapliga-kandidatprogrammet-i-fysik - 2025-02-26

Helena Filipsson

Professor Kontaktinformation E-post: helena [dot] filipsson [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: +46 46 222 82 26 Mobil: +46 76 777 25 66Organisation Geologiska institutionen Besöksadress: Sölvegatan 12, Lund Rumsnummer: 440 Hämtställe: 16 WebbplatsHelena Filipssons profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportalAndra roller Principal Investigator BECC: Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changi

https://www.geologi.lu.se/helena-filipsson - 2025-02-27

Stress induced virulence of Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes

Popular Abstract in English The food we consume is hardly, if ever, sterile. From fresh produce to processed products, foods harbor one or more types of microorganisms. The presence of some ‘beneficial’ microorganisms is desirable in food production, because they contribute to the characteristics of the final product, as, for example, in the production of wine, beer or cheese. In other cases, micrControl of the dissemination of pathogens in the food production chain is an on-going process with new challenges emerging as pathogenic bacteria evolve and express enhanced virulence characteristics. Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes are two notorious pathogens responsible for staphylococcal food poisoning (SFP) and listeriosis: a foodborne intoxication and an infectious disease re

What does it mean for a painter to talk

What does it mean for a painter to talk? / Vad innebär det för en bildkonstnär att tala? w/ Fredrik Vaerslev What does it mean for a painter to talk? / Vad innebär det för en bildkonstnär att tala? Valbar kurs på BFA nivå/Optional BFA-level course Antal hp/Credits: 3 Lärare/Teacher: Fredrik Vaerslev Tid/Time: 29-30.1 & 26,27.2, 11.00 – 16.30 Undervisningsform/Form: Semiinarium/Seminar Språk/Langua

https://www.khm.lu.se/en/sites/khm.lu.se.en/files/what_does_it_mean_for_a_painter_to_talk.docx - 2025-02-26

Resistance, Materiality and the Spectre of Cartesianism : A Contribution to the Critique of Feminist New Materialism

An important camp within the emerging field of resistance studies hasbeen characterised by a tendency to study and theorise matters of culture,language, and discourse at the expense of matter itself. For researchersinterested in feminist resistance, feminist new materialism – with its focuson the entanglements of ‘natureculture’, matter, the body, sexual differ-ence, agency, and change – might app

Tentafrågor som är svårare att fuska med

Det finns vissa relativt enkla knep när det gäller att försvåra fusk i samband med online-examination på distans. Här nämner vi några stycken som kan vara värda att prova: Går det att bygga in element med en personlig vinkel i frågorna, där studenten måste reflektera eller relatera de ämnesmässiga kunskaperna till sådant som inte är lika för alla?   Är det möjligt att lägga till en eller ett par f

https://www.education.lu.se/undervisnings-tips/digital-examination/planera-din-examination/pedagogiska-rad-och-tips/tentafragor-som-ar-svarare-att-fuska-med - 2025-02-25

Space Rewritten - an exploration of spaces at the Tycho Brahe Museum

In this thesis I use the text Mythic, Aesthetic and Theoretical space by Ernst Cassirer to reflect on the Tycho Brahe Museum, Ven. Questions asked, are if conflicting spaces can be seen at the site and if one space can subjugate another. It is also discussed if there exist other spaces than mythic, aesthetic and theoretical. The thesis begins with a short reflection on the definition of the concep

Aid, Development and the Role of Culture

The role of culture is often overlooked in economics. Despite culture permeating every part of society and differing greatly between countries, economists have had little time for it. However, as economics slowly move away from the neoclassical assumptions of perfectly functioning markets, culture is becoming more and more relevant. The aim of this thesis is to look into the connections between cu

Empowerment of the Indigenous People through Peace Accord and Conflicts in Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh

This study has been done on the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) ‘Peace Accord’ in Bangladesh which is the policy response of government to address socioeconomic, educational and cultural rights of the indigenous people. In this context, my study illuminates on two concepts namely ‘participation’ and ‘peacebuilding’. Here, the main research question is : How far does ‘Participation’ function as an eff


Centre for Innovation Research – CIRCLE – is an interdisciplinary centre which connects innovation researchers from different faculties at Lund University as well as other Swedish and international universities. The meaning of the term innovation has transformed and is now tightly linked to sustainable development goals including climate change, social sustainability and food security. CIRCLE’s a

The Impact of Women’s Education on Fertility Rate: Evidence from China

In recent years, the continuous decline in China's fertility rate has elicited a sense of crisis. The fertility trend appears to correlate with the rising educational attainment among women. Societal expectations and workplace dynamics create a challenging environment for women planning to start a family. As more Chinese women pursue higher education and professional careers, they may delay or

Heritage on Fire – Complexities, Potential Solutions and Current Regulations: An Exploratory Study

This study aims to investigate, understand and explore issues related to the appropriateness of the existing fire protection solutions in historical buildings and their effectiveness in avoiding catastrophes. Therefore, recent papers, case studies, statutory documents, and guidelines are reviewed. An explanation of the rationale is provided and potential fire safety solutions for historic buildin

Regulating a global value chain with the European Union's sustainability criteria – experiences from the Swedish liquid transport biofuel sector

Despite promises that they can contribute toward more environmentally beneficial transportation there are many sustainability concerns about liquid transport biofuels. In response to pressure from civil society, the European Union (EU) has introduced sustainability criteria for biofuels. A hybrid regulatory system involving state and non-state actors stipulates that retailers and producers must co

Transkriberad version av ämnespodden om samhällsvetenskap, ekonomi och juridik

Hej, allihopa! Välkomna till ett nytt avsnitt av Ämnespodden. I dag ska vi prata om ekonomi, juridik och samhällsvetenskap. Jag heter Alva och läser juristprogrammet. Jag flyttade till Lund– –och började plugga här, för från första början har jag släkt från Skåne. Jag kände att jag ville ta mig tillbaka till mina rötter och hitta tillbaka till Skåne. Jag heter Anna och har läst en kandidat i pol k

https://www.lu.se/studera/valja-studier/traffa-oss/oppet-hus-i-lund/digitalt-oppet-hus-2022/transkriberad-version-av-amnespodden-om-samhallsvetenskap-ekonomi-och-juridik - 2025-02-26