

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 49301 sökträffar

Asienstudier: Dagens sydöstasiatiska samhällen

The course is divided into four parts where the first part provides a basic understanding of the region’s socio-cultural processes. The historical context and its impact on contemporary South-East Asian societies are discussed. It discusses religion as a field of meanings that informs individual people’s lives and strengthens social and political identities, and influences social and political dis

Innovation Research Day

17 april 2024 09:00 till 15:30 | Seminarium Welcome to Innovation Research Day at Skissernas museum in Lund the 17th of April. Photo: Emma Krantz The Innovation Research Day is jointly organised by CIRCLE (Centre for Innovation Research), the Sten K. Johnson Centre for Entrepreneurship, and the Urban Arena at Lund University. It provides a platform to share and discuss new projects and initiatives

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/innovation-research-day - 2025-02-26

Framing sustainability in recreational hunting

Recreational hunting evokes emotions and could be described as a contested space. The paper presents a study of recreational hunting in Sweden, focusing on accounts and narratives from ethnographic interviews with hunting tourism operators. It discusses how the notion of sustainability permeates and frames moral accounts of hunting practices, game meat, wildlife management, business ethics, animalRecreational hunting evokes emotions and could be described as a contested space. The paper presents a study of recreational hunting in Sweden, focusing on accounts and narratives from ethnographic interviews with hunting tourism operators. It discusses how the notion of sustainability permeates and frames moral accounts of hunting practices, game meat, wildlife management, business ethics, animal

Economic History: Growth, Stagnation and Inequality in Africa

This course gives a deeper presentation of long term trends of economic and social development in Africa, with special focus on the agricultural sector. The course takes its point of departure in current challenges and debates and provides alternative historical explanations to issues of poverty, underdevelopment and inequality. The course emphasizes the diverse historical paths and the importance

Inkludering, ett symboliskt kapital

Title: Inclusion, a symbolic capital This study aims to showcase, using a case study of the Modern Museum of Art in Malmö, in what ways state-funded museums are put in conflict with politically held ideals and art agenthood in the field of the arts. With the central theories deriving from Pierre Bourdieu, this study argues that the museum is an agent who is held to standards set by the art field a

Challenges encountered by eHealth Scrum software development teams during COVID-19

With the emergence of COVID-19, various industries felt under the pressure from limitations associated with the pandemic and transition to a work-from-home workstyle. Healthcare and Software Development is one of the industries that had to face increased demand for their products and services under severe circumstances. As an interconnection of these spheres,eHealth had to address challenges that

How to transform from linear to circular business models?

16 april 2024 13:00 till 15:00 | Övrigt Welcome to a new event in SSCEN's series of workshops Talk and walk toward sustainable enterprising.This time in collaboration with Aster/Vinnova in a research project on circular businesses. Does your organization talk about becoming more sustainable or circular? Have you discussed, or even tested, a more “circular” business model or providing your customer

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/how-transform-linear-circular-business-models - 2025-02-26

New Student Exhibition

27 september 2024 18:00 till 6 oktober 2024 17:00 | Utställning Malmö Art Academy opens both of its galleries and proudly presents the New Student Exhibition 2024. A continuation of an annual tradition where new students at the Academy show their works to the public.Both Gallery KHM1 (Friisgatan 15b) and KHM2 (Bergsgatan 29, third floor) will be open during Malmö Gallery Weekend and we welcome eve

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/new-student-exhibition-malmo-gallery-weekend - 2025-02-26

Folk- och världsmusikensemble nivå 2

This is course is a continuation of MUHG77 Folk- och världsmusikensemble. You will play in a folk music ensemble, where we perform both Swedish folk music and folk music from the rest of the world. The teaching is mainly done by ear. You need to be pretty independent  on your instrument, but do not need to have played folk and world musiThis is course is a continuation of MUHG77 Folk- och världsmusikensemble. You will play in a folk music ensemble, where we perform both Swedish folk music and folk music from the rest of the world. The teaching is mainly done by ear. You need to be pretty independent  on your instrument, but do not need to have played folk and world musi

Stöd för studenter och medarbetare

Många känner just nu stor oro på grund av pågående krig och andra omskakande händelser i världen. Som student eller medarbetare vid Lunds universitet finns olika former av råd och stöd att få. Genvägar till sidans innehåll:Råd och tips för att hantera oroAktuell information från svenska myndigheterOm du befinner dig utomlandsKontaktinformation för råd och stöd Råd och tips för att hantera oroDet ä

https://www.lu.se/om-universitetet/universitetet-i-en-orolig-varld/stod-studenter-och-medarbetare - 2025-02-26

One-day Seminar: Deep Listening in Artistic Practice with Ximena Alarcón-Díaz and Morten Svenstrup

26 november 2024 09:30 till 17:00 | Seminarium Malmö Theatre Academy's PhD student Tanja Hylling Diers is organizing a one-day seminar called "Deep Listening in Artistic Practice". In this one-day seminar we will focus on getting familiar with the radical practice of Deep Listening developed by Pauline Oliveros. During the day we will also look into how deep listing can inspire and transform exist

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/one-day-seminar-deep-listening-artistic-practice-ximena-alarcon-diaz-and-morten-svenstrup - 2025-02-26

Central and Eastern European Studies: Understanding Belarus and Ukraine

The course critically reflects on theoretical approaches and concepts applied in studies of Belarus and Ukraine, such as postsocialism, postcolonial space, democratisation,and neoliberal transformations. It looks at how events and processes in Belarus and Ukraine are shaped by tensions between “the West” and “the East”, while also focusing on the local, regional and national subjectivities. It alsThe course critically reflects on theoretical approaches and concepts applied in studies of Belarus and Ukraine, such as postsocialism, postcolonial space, democratisation,and neoliberal transformations. It looks at how events and processes in Belarus and Ukraine are shaped by tensions between “the West” and “the East”, while also focusing on the local, regional and national subjectivities. It als

Buying Conservation : Financial Incentives for Tropical Forest Conservation in the Ecuadorian Amazon

Market-based instruments have become a widely used approach to motivate landowners to conserve forests instead of clearing them. However, such market-based instruments are increasingly criticized for their simplistic view on complex environmental, social and economic issues; for their ethical stance; and for creating exchange value for essential ecosystems services, which potentially perpetuates a

Avancerad neurovetenskap

This course aims to provide you with in-depth theoretical and practical learning activities in the subject of neuroscience. You will initially receive theoretical instruction through lectures and seminars. These are led by experienced researchers and clinicians. Together with a supervisor, you will identify a neuroscience research project, and you will write a project plan. You will then practical

Debatt i Lund

Var med och tyck till! Debatt i Lund vill dra in fler forskare i samtidsdebatten och samtidigt göra universitetet lite angelägnare, vassare, varmare och roligare. Under en intensiv timme diskuterar forskare, opinionsbildare, studenter och allmänhet aktuella samhällsfrågor. Behövs utopier? | Debatt i Lund 3 mars 2025 Kl. 19.00 på Grand Hotel i Lund och live på sydsvenskan.se Tidigare debatter Ameri

https://www.lu.se/samverkan-innovation/popularvetenskapliga-arrangemang/debatt-i-lund - 2025-02-26

Doktorandkonferens om hållbar utveckling - välkommen att anmäla dig!

24 september 2024 09:00 till 17:00 | Konferens Den 24 september 2024 arrangeras Lunds universitets doktorandkonferens om hållbar utveckling för att uppmuntra tvärvetenskapligt samarbete och främja akademisk forskning om hållbarhet. Det blir en dag fylld med nya idéer och forskning som möter komplexa hållbara samhällsutmaningar. Vi välkomnar alla doktorander vid Lunds universitet att delta - anmäl

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/doktorandkonferens-om-hallbar-utveckling-valkommen-att-anmala-dig - 2025-02-26

Trettio år sedan folkomröstningen om EU

13 november 2024 13:00 till 17:00 | Seminarium Foto: Hans Fridén / TT Nyhetsbyrån. I november 1994 gick svenskarna till vallokalerna och röstade med en knapp majoritet ja till ett svenskt EU-medlemskap. Sedan dess har vi sett en genomgripande europeisering av samhället, där unionsmedlemskapet bidragit till att forma det Sverige vi ser idag. På dagen trettio år efter folkomröstningen bjuder Centrum

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/trettio-ar-sedan-folkomrostningen-om-eu - 2025-02-26