

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 49115 sökträffar

Political Science: International Relations Theory in Time and Space

The course is only offered as a single subject course for incoming exchange students. International Relations Theory is a time-honoured approach to the social world. Texts that are clearly recognisable as dealing with international relations date back to the ancient Greeks. Still, most textbooks in the field take a geographically and historically very parochial stance towards its own field. It i

Informatik: Business Decision Management

Business Decision Management (BDM) handlar om transparens och mänskligt läsbar och regelbaserad beslutslogik i form av beslutstabeller och uttryck som används för att hantera och automatisera operativa och upprepade massbeslut i verksamhetsprocesser. Den automatiserad beslutslogiken är utformad på förhand av människor och inte genererad på något magiskt vis av generativ AI. Till skillnad från dageBusiness Decision Management (BDM) instead deals with transparent and human-readable rules based decision logic in the form of decision tables and expressions, used to manage and automate operational and repeating mass decisions in business processes. Different from today’s AI applications and their enormous foundational models can this decision logic be understood and explained by business expert

Asienstudier: Kroppspolitik i Öst- och Sydöstasien

The course situates body politics within broader regional and global contexts, and also emphasises the local particularities of how such politics are articulated and manifested. By engaging with topics ranging from military prostitution and transnational adoption to bereaved families’ safety movements and the entertainment and cosmetic surgery industries, students will gain insight into the vital The course situates body politics within broader regional and global contexts, and also emphasises the local particularities of how such politics are articulated and manifested. By engaging with topics ranging from military prostitution and transnational adoption to bereaved families’ safety movements and the entertainment and cosmetic surgery industries, students will gain insight into the vital

Vatten och hållbarhet

The themes are covered significantly through a variety of scientific readings and reflection that exemplify different approaches and perspectives for analysing and interpreting present and future water resource availability, the political ecology of water resource challenges, water-related vulnerability and adaptation measures, and uncertainties in climate modelling coupled to freshwater resources

Destroy what destroys the planet : Steering creative destruction in the dual crisis

In the contemporary dual crisis, economic crisis policies cannot be dealt with in isolation from the rampant and acute ecological crisis – and vice versa. In this article, we challenge the hegemonic positions in purported attempts to solve the crises so far: in the economic realm, the Keynesian episode of 2008–2009 as well as austerity policies, and with regard to the ecological crisis, ecological

BMA dagen 2024

4 december 2024 07:30 | Seminarium Välkomna på BMAdagen -en dag speciellt för dig inom laboratorieverksamhet!Denna dag riktar sig till våra kollegor inom Lunds universitet i första hand, men även deltagare från Skånes universitetssjukhus, Malmö universitet och andra arbetsplatser brukar deltaga.Deltagare är laboratorieassistenter, BMA (biomedicinska analytiker), forskningsingenjörer, eller annan t

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/bma-dagen-2024 - 2025-02-24

Sociologi: Moderna klassiker

Course name: SOCN04, Sociology: Modern classics. Advanced level Master Course (Second Cycle). 15 credits. Spring semester. Language of instruction: English. To be eligible for a master course you must have passed the bachelor/undergraduate level. This course is offered as a stand-alone course and is also compulsory within the Master´s Programme in Sociology SASCO. The aim of the course is to provi

Handelsrätt: EU-rätt

The course is composed of a general part concerning the institutional framework, legislative process and sources of law and a second part focusing on specific areas such as Internal market, competition policy and the social dimension of the integration process. The teaching is based on lectures, seminars and group works. The course ends with a take-home exam.

Asienstudier: Dagens kinesiska samhälle

The course starts with a brief account of contemporary history, religion and culture, as well as geography and demography. The course examines the co-existence of continuity and change in relation to identity, beliefs, and social and political values. It particularly addresses how social and political developments affect different individuals and groups of people such as women, religious groups an

Sommarlovsöppet på Vattenhallen

25 juni 2024 10:00 till 29 juni 2024 16:00 | Barn- och ungdomsevenemang, Övrigt Fira sommarlovet på Vattenhallen! Vi har sommaröppet tisdagar-lördagar mellan 10-16 under v 25-32. Testa våra utomhusaktiviteter, se en spännande show, utforska våra utställningar, gå på visning i planetariet och ät en glass i solen!VECKANS SHOWERVarje dag kl 12 och kl 15: Luft och Vattenshow Vi ställer oss frågor som:

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/sommarlovsoppet-pa-vattenhallen - 2025-02-24

Sommarlovsöppet på Vattenhallen

17 juni 2025 10:00 till 9 augusti 2025 16:00 | Barn- och ungdomsevenemang, Övrigt Fira sommarlovet på Vattenhallen! Vi har sommaröppet tisdagar-lördagar mellan 10.00 - 16.00. Testa våra utomhusaktiviteter på gården, se en spännande show, utforska våra utställningar, gå på visning i planetariet och ät en glass i solen!Vi har öppet tis-lör från den 17 juni (ej 20-21/6) till den 9 augusti. Vi bjuder

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/sommarlovsoppet-pa-vattenhallen-0 - 2025-02-24

Sommarlovsöppet på Vattenhallen

30 juli 2024 10:00 till 3 augusti 2024 16:00 | Barn- och ungdomsevenemang, Övrigt Fira sommarlovet på Vattenhallen! Vi har sommaröppet tisdagar-lördagar mellan 10-16 under v 25-32. Testa våra utomhusaktiviteter, se en spännande show, utforska våra utställningar, gå på visning i planetariet och ät en glass i solen!VECKANS SHOWERTorsdag kl 12: SinnesshowHur fungerar våra sinnen och vilka sinnen har

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/sommarlovsoppet-pa-vattenhallen-8 - 2025-02-24

Ekonomisk historia: Institutioner, ekonomisk tillväxt och rättvisa

The content of the course is delimited of both teaching and literature. Historical evidence suggests that the quality and efficiency of a country’s institutions, such as law enforcement, property rights, and civil rights, are significant elements of its economic and development performance. Furthermore, the extent of inequality in a society is highly related to the quality of institutions and therThe content of the course is delimited of both teaching and literature. Historical evidence suggests that the quality and efficiency of a country’s institutions, such as law enforcement, property rights, and civil rights, are significant elements of its economic and development performance. Furthermore, the extent of inequality in a society is highly related to the quality of institutions and ther

Kvällsvisning i Planetariet på Alla hjärtans dag!

14 februari 2025 18:00 till 19:15 | Övrigt Ta chansen att krypa ner i Planetariets dubbelstolar och upptäck ett av rymdens mest faschinerande fenomen med någon du har kär. Vi bjuder på alkoholfritt bubbel med tilltugg. Vi slår upp dörrarna klockan 18.00. Mingla i experimenthallen, testa några av våra stationer och drick ett glas alkoholfritt bubbel med tilltugg. Slå er sedan ner i vårt Planetarium

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/kvallsvisning-i-planetariet-pa-alla-hjartans-dag - 2025-02-24