

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 49162 sökträffar

Så lockas kvinnor att köpa (o)hållbart mode

Av lovisa [dot] fey_walltin [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (Lovisa Fey Walltin) - publicerad 7 mars 2024 Ny avhandling om ideologisk marknadsföring; ord om feminism, miljö, antirasism och inkludering lockar kvinnor att köpa kläder. Kvinnor möts dagligen av reklambudskap fyllda med ord som conscious, sustainable, care och female empowerment. Modeföretagen vill på detta vis få konsumenterna att känna si

https://www.sam.lu.se/artikel/sa-lockas-kvinnor-att-kopa-ohallbart-mode - 2025-02-23

Alarmerande låg kunskap om ekonomi bland dagens unga

Av ulrika [dot] oredsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Ulrika Oredsson) - publicerad 26 mars 2024 Låg kunskap om ekonomi blir mer alarmerande idag med tanke på hur lätt det är i dag att ta SMS-lån och blanco-lån. Foto: Anna-Britta Magnusson/Mostphotos Att det finns en stark koppling mellan ekonomiska problem och psykisk ohälsa är känt. Nu visar en ny studie från Institutionen för psykologi

https://www.sam.lu.se/artikel/alarmerande-lag-kunskap-om-ekonomi-bland-dagens-unga - 2025-02-23

China, UK, and US at centre of global ”land grabbing” trade

Published 17 December 2014 Nearly two out of three countries in the world now participate in a new kind of “virtual land trade”, where not only the goods produced but land ownership itself is traded internationally, according to a study from Lund University in Sweden.   WATCH: Two thirds of world’s countries now part of global land trade This phenomenon of large-scale global land acquisitions is r

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/china-uk-and-us-centre-global-land-grabbing-trade - 2025-02-23

The risk of polarisation in the lecture hall

By jan [dot] olsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jan Olsson) - published 13 December 2024 To ensure that everyone has their say and that no one feels attacked when debating loaded and sensitive topics, it is important to establish the ground rules from the outset. This applies to society at large and in the lecture hall. This is the opinion of Christer Mattsson, Associate Professor of Ped

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/risk-polarisation-lecture-hall - 2025-02-24

2017: a productive year for SASNET

Published 16 January 2018 2017 was a very productive and successful year for us at SASNET. Our researchers and staff published books, peer-reviewed articles and made over 40 public appearances. Our many followers on social media were continuously kept updated on research and other activities. During 2018 SASNET will continue to grow as Sweden's leading center for South Asian Studies. Research Duri

https://www.sasnet.lu.se/article/2017-productive-year-sasnet - 2025-02-23

New algorithm brings us closer to dolphin communication

By bodil [dot] malmstrom [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Bodil Malmström) - published 9 December 2020 Dolphins use these sounds and echoes to navigate and locate their food, but also for their social contacts. So far, the way dolphins navigate, find food and socialise using sound signals has baffled researchers. Josefin Starkhammar, senior lecturer at the Division for Biomedical Engineering, together

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/new-algorithm-brings-us-closer-dolphin-communication - 2025-02-23

Affärsutvecklare Life Science

Publicerad 18 juni 2020 Vi söker nu en affärsutvecklare inom Life Science med särskilt ansvar som nationell koordinator av industrisamverkan inom Genomic Medicine Sweden. LU Innovation är Lunds universitets innovationsverksamhet. Vi hjälper studenter och forskare vid universitetet att omvandla idéer och forskningsresultat till nya hållbara produkter, tjänster eller metoder. Vår uppgift är att se t

https://www.innovation.lu.se/artikel/affarsutvecklare-life-science - 2025-02-23

Ett smakprov från Europas största studie inom strategisk kommunikation

Publicerad 16 februari 2017 Under våren kommer Sveriges Kommunikatörer att presentera resultatet från forskningsprojektet Kommunikativa organisationer, Europas största forskningsprojekt inom strategisk kommunikation, i olika delrapporter. Men redan nu kan vi dela med oss av smakprov från studien. Sveriges Kommunikatörer är huvudfinansiär till forskningsprojeketet Kommunikativa organisationer som d

https://www.isk.lu.se/artikel/ett-smakprov-fran-europas-storsta-studie-inom-strategisk-kommunikation - 2025-02-23

Epigenetiska markörer förutspår risk för komplikationer vid typ 2-diabetes

Av petra [dot] olsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Petra Olsson) - publicerad 24 maj 2022 Charlotte Ling och hennes forskarkollegor har studerat DNA-metyleringar i arvsmassan hos olika grupper av patienter med typ 2-diabetes. Foto: Kennet Ruona En ny studie av forskare vid Lunds universitet ger ytterligare stöd för att typ 2-diabetes bör delas in i undergrupper och behandlas på olika sätt. Studien

https://www.diabetesportalen.lu.se/artikel/epigenetiska-markorer-forutspar-risk-komplikationer-vid-typ-2-diabetes - 2025-02-23

Fyra Lundaforskare om klimattoppmötet

Publicerad 30 oktober 2024 Översvämning i Nederländerna efter häftigt regnfall i december 2023. Foto: Sjo/Istockphoto. När världens ledare samlas till klimattoppmöte i Azerbajdzjan den 11 november är det mot bakgrund av flera nya, dystra värmerekord. Så vad kan vi förvänta oss av COP29? Och hur står det till med klimatet? Vi frågade fyra forskare från Lunds universitet. FörhandlingarnaVärlden ska

https://www.naturvetenskap.lu.se/artikel/fyra-lundaforskare-om-klimattoppmotet - 2025-02-23

Trump och Europa

Av axel [dot] fegeant [at] cfe [dot] lu [dot] se (Axel Fégeant) - publicerad 14 februari 2025 Lars Danielsson, Anders Ahnlid, and Maria Strömvik USA och EU har sedan det andra världskriget haft en nära förbindelse, men de senaste åren har den transatlantiska relationen försämrats avsevärt. Med Donald Trump åter i maktens korridorer tyder allt på ytterligare utmaningar i samarbetet. Han har redan h

https://www.cfe.lu.se/artikel/trump-och-europa - 2025-02-23

EU biofuel regulation is not sustainable long-term

Published 30 May 2018 The EU biofuel regulation does not guarantee a reduced climate impact – nor does it address the core issue of substantially reducing transport emissions, according to a new doctoral thesis from Lund University in Sweden. “On a smaller scale, biofuels can be a good alternative for public transport, but we cannot solve the climate issue by simply replacing fossil fuels with bio

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/eu-biofuel-regulation-not-sustainable-long-term - 2025-02-23

Spring meeting 2019 – MERGE BECC jointly on the Sustainable Development Goals

Published 21 May 2019 During 7-8 of May, 80 researchers within MERGE and BECC met to learn about the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, and how their research can be linked, and contribute, to the implementation of the goals. We are just as far from reaching the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) as Burkina Faso. We just have different challenges.This is one of many terse quotes delivered by Ka

https://www.merge.lu.se/article/spring-meeting-2019-merge-becc-jointly-sustainable-development-goals - 2025-02-23

Study of identical twins reveal type 2 diabetes clues

Published 6 October 2014 By studying identical twins, researchers from Lund University in Sweden have identified mechanisms that could be behind the development of type 2 diabetes. This may explain cases where one identical twin develops type 2 diabetes. The study involved 14 pairs of identical twins in Sweden and Denmark. One twin had type 2 diabetes and the other was healthy.“Twins are a good mo

https://www.ludc.lu.se/article/study-identical-twins-reveal-type-2-diabetes-clues - 2025-02-23

Children's relationship with nature is key to future sustainable forest management

By cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - published 13 March 2020 The forest represents deep and intimate values for children such as freedom, comfort, a sense of discovery and wellbeing New research from Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies shows that children’s relationships with nature are not only important for their wellbeing but also for fu

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/childrens-relationship-nature-key-future-sustainable-forest-management - 2025-02-23

Climate models point the way towards the future

Published 23 February 2018 Birgitta Svenningsson and Paul Miller with their collegues at MERGE combine experimental data from local-level studies with advanced ESMs, thereby improving the ability to predict the climate for larger areas in the next 100 years. The climate issue is one of the biggest global societal challenges of our time. Research on where the climate is heading is an important part

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/climate-models-point-way-towards-future - 2025-02-23

Next milestone on Lund University’s road to Science Village: landlord wanted

By webmaster [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se (Evelina Lindén) - published 4 May 2023 “Nanotechnology and nanoscience are necessary to address global challenges and achieve a sustainable world. We are already working on this, but we are bursting at the seams,” says NanoLund’s director Anders Mikkelsen. Work is now in progress on procuring a landlord who wants to be part of the development of Nanolab Sc

https://www.nano.lu.se/article/next-milestone-lund-universitys-road-science-village-landlord-wanted - 2025-02-23

Nurses' experiences of child-centred health dialogue in child health services in Sweden

Published 19 March 2021 Illustration: Carin Carlsson New article: A challenging balancing act to engage children and their families in a healthy lifestyle – Nurses' experiences of child-centred health dialogue in child health services in Sweden. Abstract Aims and objectives: To describe nurses' experiences of a child-centred family guided intervention of obesity tested within the child health serv

https://www.childfamilyhealth.lu.se/article/nurses-experiences-child-centred-health-dialogue-child-health-services-sweden - 2024-06-25

Call for Papers for South Asia Research Workshop in Paris

Published 22 November 2017 Photo: Noria Three years after its debut, the Noria South Asia Program (SAPROG) is pleased to invite you to its third South Asia Research Workshop, organized in collaboration with the National Institute of Eastern Languages and Civilizations (INALCO) and held January 24th at INALCO - 2 rue de Lille, 75007. The Workshop is intended for PhD and advanced MA students in the

https://www.sasnet.lu.se/article/call-papers-south-asia-research-workshop-paris - 2025-02-23

Lunch showing of the exhibition The Corona Collection – Public Art Agency Sweden’s acquisitions 2021

By katarina [dot] lilliequist [at] skissernasmuseum [dot] lu [dot] se (Katarina Lilliequist) - published 14 October 2022 This fall and winter Skissernas Museum present a selection of the more than 500 works of art by 350 artists that Public Art Agency Sweden acquired in 2021 in support of the Swedish art world during the pandemic. Skissernas Museum invites all employees at the university to a lunc

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/lunch-showing-exhibition-corona-collection-public-art-agency-swedens-acquisitions-2021 - 2025-02-24