

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 48814 sökträffar

Två biologer får mångmiljonanslag från Europeiska forskningsrådet

Av anders [dot] ortegren [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Örtegren) - publicerad 5 september 2023 ERC Starting Grant riktar sig till yngre forskare. Milda Pucetaite och Colin Olito var två av fyra forskare från Lund som fick startanslaget. Foto: privat. Biologiforskarna från Lund, Milda Pucetaite och Colin Olito, har tilldelats startanslag från Europeiska forskningsrådet, ERC. Forskningsprojekt

https://www.biologi.lu.se/artikel/tva-biologer-far-mangmiljonanslag-fran-europeiska-forskningsradet-0 - 2025-02-23

Unga spelare uppfinner egna kontroller för att kompensera för sina funktionsnedsättningar

Publicerad 24 april 2017 Nintendos senaste spelapparat är unik. Den kan fungera som en vanlig konsol, en padda eller som en bärbar spelkontroll med en joystick i miniformat. Men för spelare med funktionsnedsättningar kan den innebära samma problem som alla andra konsoler. Några av dessa spelare uppfinner emellertid egna sätt att kompensera för problemen med apparater som inte är anpassade efter de

https://www.sam.lu.se/artikel/unga-spelare-uppfinner-egna-kontroller-att-kompensera-sina-funktionsnedsattningar - 2025-02-23

Skånska barn med diabetesrisk ska följas i 15 år

Publicerad 17 juni 2010 TEDDY- studien har sedan 2004, med hjälp av navelsträngsblod, identifierat skånska barn som har en ökad ärftlig risk att få diabetes. Nu fortsätter studien med uppföljning av 2 500 av dessa barn tills de blir 15 år. Forskarna hoppas att TEDDY-studien ska ge svar på varför barn får diabetes. Typ 1 diabetes drabbar nästan 1,5 procent av alla barn som föds i Sverige. Det betyd

https://www.diabetesportalen.lu.se/artikel/skanska-barn-med-diabetesrisk-ska-foljas-i-15-ar - 2025-02-23

Special issue on Nature-based solutions in the journal "Cities"

By li [dot] strandberg [at] iiiee [dot] lu [dot] se (Li Strandberg) - published 19 February 2021 Governance of nature-based solutions in the city at the intersection of justice and equity. A NATURVATION inspired special issue been has published in “Cities”. On the one hand the volume provides a diagnosis of the justice implications embedded in recent efforts to renature cities.  Placed in the brea

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/special-issue-nature-based-solutions-journal-cities - 2025-02-23

Chinese Exchange on Child Rights

Published 13 March 2014 The Sociology of Law Department has received funding under the Linnaeus-Palme programme for the academic years 2014-15 and 2014-16. The Linnaeus-Palme programme grants 80 000 SEK to the Sociology of Law Department for the cooperation between Lund University (LU) and the Inner Mongolia Normal University (IMNU). IMNU, founded in 1952, is one of the oldest and largest universi

https://www.soclaw.lu.se/en/article/chinese-exchange-child-rights - 2025-02-23

Sarah Anne Rennick Interviewed About Tunisia in BBC Podcast

Published 17 August 2022 Photo: Ulrika Oredsson CMES scholar Sarah Anne Rennick has been interviewed about Tunisia in the BBC World Service Podcast "The Inquiry". The podcast episode (from July 28, 2022) addresses the question of why Tunisia turned its back on democracy. Tunisia was a beacon of hope for democracy after the Arab Spring. The country rid itself of dictator Ben Ali after 24 years of r

https://www.cmes.lu.se/article/sarah-anne-rennick-interviewed-about-tunisia-bbc-podcast - 2025-02-24

Nature-based solutions in cities

Published 13 March 2017 Seoul’s Cheonggyecheon River displays how cities can design green space to manage flooding and improve the urban landscape. A new and ground-breaking European trans-disciplinary Horizon 2020 project Lund University is now a partner in NATURVATION, a project focusing on nature-based solutions in cities. From Lund University, the IIIEE is involved in the project together with

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/nature-based-solutions-cities - 2025-02-24

PhD thesis on Finnish business leader’s India experiences

Published 5 December 2016 Photo: University of Vaasa Narashima Boopathi Sivasubramanian from the Department of Management at University of Vaasa, Finland, defends his doctoral dissertation entitled ”Managing across cultures with Cultural Intelligence Quotient (CQ) - Study of Finnish business leaders experience in India”, on Friday 16 December 2016 at 12.00. aNarashima Boopathi Sivasubramanian from

https://www.sasnet.lu.se/article/phd-thesis-finnish-business-leaders-india-experiences - 2025-02-23

Oslo seminar on Religious Belonging in Pakistan

Published 20 January 2017 Photo: Paul Rollier On Friday 10 February 2017, 10.15-12.00 Adjunct Professor Paul Rollier will hold a seminar entitled: "Religious Belonging in Pakistan: Ritual, language, and the production of ‘minorities’" at University of Oslo. The seminar is organised by the Centre for Islamic and Middle East Studies. Venue: Eilert Sundts hus, aud. 6 in Oslo. Sectarian attacks, Islam

https://www.sasnet.lu.se/article/oslo-seminar-religious-belonging-pakistan - 2025-02-23

Tourism Practices: Today and Tomorrow

Published 30 January 2018 Erika Andersson Cederholm was the key note speaker on the conference. On January the 11th the tourism students on the Masters' programme of 2016, arranged a conference on the theme of tourism practices. As a part of the course "Value creation and innovation in tourism", the students of the Master programme with the specialisation Tourism, organized this conference that th

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/article/tourism-practices-today-and-tomorrow - 2025-02-23

Stamcellsliknande tumörcell kan förklara tillväxt och spridning av glioblastom

Av tove [dot] smeds [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Tove Smeds) - publicerad 31 oktober 2022 Foto: iStock Forskare vid Lunds universitet har kartlagt en stamcellsliknande tumörcell som kan påverka spridning och prognos vid den aggressivaste formen av hjärntumör, glioblastom. Studien som publicerats i Acta Neuropathologica Communications, visar att tumörcellerna är resistenta mot de flesta cancerläkeme

https://www.medicin.lu.se/artikel/stamcellsliknande-tumorcell-kan-forklara-tillvaxt-och-spridning-av-glioblastom - 2025-02-24

Snygghetsstudien – en perfekt storm

Av louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - publicerad 2 april 2024 Snygghetsstudien gav genklang i all världens medier. TEMA FORSKNING SOM VÄCKER KÄNSLOR Kommer ni ihåg ”snygghets­studien”? Den fick mycket uppmärksamhet under hösten 2022, anmäldes för brister i forskningsmetoden, men konstaterades senare inte ha avvikit från god forskningssed. Nationalekonomen Adrian Meh

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/snygghetsstudien-en-perfekt-storm - 2025-02-24

Insatser för ökat internationellt genomslag

Publicerad 18 maj 2023 Universitetet har på många sätt ett imponerande globalt engagemang vilket vi under året kunnat konstatera i arbetet kring Globalt Dynamiskt Engagemang (GDE). Samtidigt har vi ett sviktande internationellt genomslag, särskilt när det mäts som antalet citeringar av publikationer i topprankade tidskrifter. Denna utveckling, som vi delar med många andra lärosäten, är bekymmersam

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/insatser-okat-internationellt-genomslag - 2025-02-24

En strålande arbetsdag

Av asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - publicerad 2 april 2024 Elin Trägårdh. Foto: Åsa Hansdotter Elin Trägårdh är överläkare inom nuklearmedicin vid Skånes universitetssjukhus i Malmö och professor i klinisk fysiologi vid Lunds universitet. LUM har följt henne under en arbetsdag. 09.00 Läkarnas bildgranskningsrum Det är torsdag förmiddag på Avdelningen för klinisk

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/en-stralande-arbetsdag - 2025-02-24

Daniel Møller Ølgaard has successfully defended his PhD thesis!

Published 3 June 2022 Daniel Møller Ølgaard and external reviewer Andrew Ross. Dissertation in Political Science, Lund University June 3 2022. Daniel Møller Ølgaard has successfully defended his PhD thesis ‘The Technopolitics of Compassion: A Postphenomenological Analysis of the Digital Mediation of Global Humanitarianism’, in which he critically examines aid organisations’ use of new digital medi

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/daniel-moller-olgaard-has-successfully-defended-his-phd-thesis - 2025-02-23

New LUCSUS research project aims to address climate anxiety in youth and enhance skills of educators and learners

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 11 March 2024 The project aims to address climate anxiety in children and youth, increase resilience and enhance educators’ skills. Photo: Unsplash. A new research project aims to enhance educators' skills for nurturing inner resilience and reducing climate anxiety of learners through trauma-informed and creative approaches th

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/new-lucsus-research-project-aims-address-climate-anxiety-youth-and-enhance-skills-educators-and - 2025-02-23

Lund University establishes an institute for children’s rights

Published 19 May 2015 2015 Ivory Coast school visit during the Child Rights programme After 12 years of conducting work for the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Child Rights, Classroom and School Management programme has resulted in the establishment of an institute for children’s rights. Based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the institute wil

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lund-university-establishes-institute-childrens-rights - 2025-02-23

Winner of European Entrepreneurship Education Award 2025

Published 7 February 2025 Professor Karin Berglund, Örebro University and Stockholm University, Sweden and Associate Professor Karen Verduijn, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands The Sten K. Johnson Centre for Entrepreneurship is pleased to announce that Karin Berglund, affiliated with Örebro University and Stockholm University in Sweden, along with Associate Professor Karen Verduijn fro

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/winner-european-entrepreneurship-education-award-2025 - 2025-02-24