

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 49293 sökträffar

Forskare har upptäckt ”svenskt” grundämne i ultrahet exoplanets atmosfär

Av johan [dot] joelsson [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - publicerad 25 april 2023 KELT-9 b är universums varmaste exoplanet och befinner sig cirka 670 ljusår från jorden. Illustration: Bibiana Prinoth, Lunds universitet. Lundaforskare har gjort två nya upptäckter kring universums varmaste exoplanet KELT-9 b. De har dels hittat grundämnet terbium – en sällsynt metall med svenska an

https://www.fysik.lu.se/artikel/forskare-har-upptackt-svenskt-grundamne-i-ultrahet-exoplanets-atmosfar - 2025-02-25

Ta hjälp av framtidens kommunikationsstrateger under våren

Publicerad 20 januari 2023 Den här typen av projekt ger dig, som driver företag, möjligheten att få en utomstående och objektiv part att genomlysa och ge förslag på kommunikationsstrategier. Vill ditt företag eller organisation växla upp ert kommunikationsarbete? Gör som Framtidslabbet 2.0, Återbruket, Lindab Innovation Hub och Revam – ta stöd av våra studenter från Institutionen för strategisk ko

https://www.ch.lu.se/artikel/ta-hjalp-av-framtidens-kommunikationsstrateger-under-varen - 2025-02-25

Nuclear physicist’s voyage towards a mythical island

Published 26 January 2021 Photo: Unsplash. Theories were introduced as far back as the 1960s about the possible existence of superheavy elements. Their most long-lived nuclei could give rise to a so-called “island of stability” far beyond the element uranium. However, a new study, led by nuclear physicists at Lund University, shows that a 50-year-old nuclear physics manifesto must now be revised.

https://www.science.lu.se/article/nuclear-physicists-voyage-towards-mythical-island - 2025-02-25

Another type of forest management would provide greater values for society

Published 11 November 2019 A forest management method different to those practised today would contribute to greater welfare and wellbeing for society in general, compared with current methods that mainly benefit the forestry industry. This has been shown in a new study by two researchers from Lund University in Sweden. There is an intensive debate at the moment about the best way to use the fores

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/another-type-forest-management-would-provide-greater-values-society - 2025-02-25

Nuclear physicist’s voyage towards a mythical island

By webmaster [at] fysik [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - published 25 January 2021 Photo by Unsplash Theories were introduced as far back as the 1960s about the possible existence of superheavy elements. Their most long-lived nuclei could give rise to a so-called “island of stability” far beyond the element uranium. However, a new study, led by nuclear physicists at Lund University, shows that

https://www.fysik.lu.se/en/article/nuclear-physicists-voyage-towards-mythical-island - 2025-02-25

Meet IIIEE researcher Kes McCormick

Published 8 October 2015 Photo: IIIEE researcher Kes McCormick Governance of Urban Sustainability Transitions: Getting the most out of Urban Living Labs A new trans-European project aims to better define and evaluate the concept of Urban Living Labs. One goal is to understand what can be shared and learned in order to advance urban sustainability transitions.Across Europe, so-called Urban Living L

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/meet-iiiee-researcher-kes-mccormick - 2025-02-25

Pedagogiska dilemman i ämneslärarutbildningen utifrån omställning till distansundervisning

Publicerad 10 juni 2020 Sinikka Neuhaus reflekterar nedan om sina erfarenheter kring kursen Läraren och skolan (7,5 hp), som är den första av åtta utbildningsvetenskapliga kärnkurser inom det långa sammanhållna ämneslärarprogrammet vid Lunds universitet. Även om studenterna läst 45 hp i sina ämnen är det första gången alla programstudenter, 75 till antalet, samlas i en och samma kurs. När beskedet

https://www.education.lu.se/artikel/pedagogiska-dilemman-i-amneslararutbildningen-utifran-omstallning-till-distansundervisning - 2025-02-25

Does Alzheimer’s disease start inside neurons? – Interview with Tomas Roos, recently recruited to our lab

By martina [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Martina Svensson) - published 30 May 2023 Tomas Roos defended his thesis 17 February 2023. The aggregation of the protein Amyloid-beta (Abeta) into plaques outside the nerve cells has been recognized in patients with Alzheimer’s disease since 1905. But eliminating the plaques has not helped patients so far. Still, Tomas Roos was recently recrui

https://www.neuroinflammation.lu.se/article/does-alzheimers-disease-start-inside-neurons-interview-tomas-roos-recently-recruited-our-lab - 2025-02-25

Does Alzheimer’s disease start inside neurons? – PhD interview with Tomas Roos

By martina [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Martina Svensson) - published 10 February 2023 Tomas Roos defends his thesis 17 February 2023. The aggregation of the protein Amyloid-beta (Abeta) into plaques outside the nerve cells has been recognized in patients with Alzheimer’s disease since 1905. But eliminating the plaques has not helped patients so far. Still, Tomas Roos thinks that Abe

https://www.multipark.lu.se/article/does-alzheimers-disease-start-inside-neurons-phd-interview-tomas-roos - 2025-02-25

Spy novel – a way to present new research

Published 16 October 2014 A great deal of moral courage or a really desperate situation – these are the requirements for someone to disclose state secrets. And life will most certainly never be the same again. This is what emerges from the experiences of the Cold War’s first major defectors, Mr and Mrs Petrov, as from those of Edward Snowden, who will perhaps never be able to return to his homelan

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/spy-novel-way-present-new-research - 2025-02-25

The importance of precipitation for ecosystems on Earth

By Noomi [dot] Egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 6 May 2022 How much drier can the Amazon forest become before the forest cover is impacted? Photo: iStockPhoto Where, how often, and how much it is going to rain or snow in the future is difficult to predict. Anders Ahlström studies the importance of precipitation for ecosystems on Earth – and contributes with new knowledge in

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/importance-precipitation-ecosystems-earth - 2025-02-25

Malmö Theatre Academy welcomes Professor Shannon Jackson (US Berkeley)

Publicerad 15 november 2021 Professor Shannon Jackson, US Berkely The research recidency is arranged by Inter Arts Center in collaboration with Malmö Theatre Academy and Art as Forum (Copenhagen University) and includes a series of public and academic activities both in Malmö and Copenhagen. On November 26 there will be a public seminar examining the contemporary field of performing art work engag

https://www.thm.lu.se/artikel/malmo-theatre-academy-welcomes-professor-shannon-jackson-us-berkeley - 2025-02-25

Mystiska krusningar i Vintergatan härstammar från närgången dvärggalax

Publicerad 26 september 2022 Astronomer har upptäckt krusningar i Vintergatans skiva. Illustration: NASA JPL-Caltech R. Hurt (SSC Caltech). Med hjälp av data från rymdteleskopet Gaia kan ett internationellt forskarlag visa att stora delar av Vintergatans yttre skiva vibrerar. De säregna krusningarna orsakas av dvärggalaxen Sagittarius som passerade vår galax för mellan 1–2 miljarder år sedan. Vår

https://www.naturvetenskap.lu.se/artikel/mystiska-krusningar-i-vintergatan-harstammar-fran-nargangen-dvarggalax - 2025-02-25

Ekonomisk utsatthet – en betydande riskfaktor för nedsatt psykisk hälsa

Av katrin [dot] stahl [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Katrin Ståhl) - publicerad 24 november 2022 En ny studie inom socialmedicin visar att ekonomisk utsatthet och skuldsättning ska ses som en betydande riskfaktor för den psykiska hälsan i befolkningen. Bild: iStock/melitas Personer som har svårt att betala sina löpande räkningar och saknar besparingar har en fördubblad risk över en 10-årsperiod att u

https://www.medicin.lu.se/artikel/ekonomisk-utsatthet-en-betydande-riskfaktor-nedsatt-psykisk-halsa - 2025-02-26

Debatt: Dags för Lunds universitet att ta AI och digitalisering på allvar

Publicerad 12 december 2024 Foto: Vladimir Voronin/Mostphotos Lunds Universitets Studentkårer, LUS, vill se en konkret handlingsplan som tar fasta på lärares kompetensutveckling och samordnar arbetet med digitala verktyg på ett sätt som verkligen gör skillnad för studenterna. Det skriver ordförande Mia Huovilainen och vice ordförande Axel Simonsson i ett debattinlägg i LUM. Porektor Lena Eskilsson

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/debatt-dags-lunds-universitet-att-ta-ai-och-digitalisering-pa-allvar - 2025-02-26

News updates from 2016

By luacc [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (Mikko Jokela Måsbäck) - published 8 February 2021 Summary of news items from 2016. Brunnsbo Brunnsbo will not be available to apply for starting from Spring 2017. Eddan Eddan is a new housing area that was finished during summer 2016. It is a housing area with 119 corridor rooms with private WC/shower and shared kitchen. Read more here! Spoletorp South and

https://www.luaccommodation.lu.se/article/news-updates-2016 - 2025-02-25