

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 48782 sökträffar

Informatik: Digitalisering och AI ur ett organisations- och samhällsperspektiv

Ämnen som behandlas på kursen är teknologiska trender och samhällsförändringar kopplade till digitalisering; teknikutveckling och exponentiell tillväxt; superintelligens och artificiell generell intelligens (AGI); historik och bakgrund till dagens AI- teknologier; grundläggande typer av AI och maskininlärning (ML) och dess applikationer; användning av AI i verksamheter och företag samt etiska och Topics covered in the course are technological trends and societal changes linked to digitalisation; technology development and exponential growth; superintelligence and artificial general intelligence (AGI); history and background of today's AI technologies; basic types of AI and machine learning (ML) and its applications; the use of AI in businesses and corporations, as well as ethical and socia

Miljö- och hållbarhetsvetenskap: Hållbarhet och inre omställning

As a result, the notion of inner transformation (or inner transition) has emerged as a new area of exploration. The course explores this new area and creates space and opportunities for learning and knowledge development on this topic. Inner transformation, as used here, describes changes in the sphere of human interiority related to people’s (expanded) consciousness, mindsets, values, and beAs a result, the notion of inner transformation (or inner transition) has emerged as a new area of exploration. The course explores this new area and creates space and opportunities for learning and knowledge development on this topic. Inner transformation, as used here, describes changes in the sphere of human interiority related to people’s (expanded) consciousness, mindsets, values, and be

Programmering i Python: grundläggande och förberedande kurs

Master the basics of the Python programming language with this foundational course. Python is quickly becoming the programming language of choice in many domains, particularly for use with AI & Machine learning models. As a student in this course, you will quickly uncover why Python is a language that is both accessible to beginners and a favorite tool of experts. By the end of this course, yo

Local civil society regimes: liberal, corporatist and social democratic civil society regimes in Swedish metropolitan cities

Academic debates on the role and position of civil society organisations (CSOs) in welfare states largely refer to policies and practices outlined at the national level. They therefore fail to recognise variations within nations. Based on a comparative case study of three Swedish metropolitan cities, this article illustrates the importance of local, contextualised analyses. Through the concept of

Management - Magisterprogram

This extremely intensive, one-year full-time programme prepares recent, non-business graduates for a wide range of careers in management. An emphasis on skills takes students beyond the theory and into the heart of real-life management challenges. You will refine and build upon your communication, teamworking, and presentation skills through individual and group work, and develop your professional

Hur aktsam kan en sexköpare förväntas vara? - Om innebörden av aktsamhetskravet i 6 kap. 13 § BrB när sexköp av barn i 6 kap. 9 § BrB bedöms och dess förenlighet med effektivitets- och rättssäkerhetshänsyn

Från och med den 1 januari 2020 skärptes straffskalan för sexköp av barn. Syftet med åtgärden var att förstärka det straffrättsliga skyddet för ungdomar mot att dras in i prostitution. Brottet är förknippat med låg åtalsfrekvens. Det har tidigare förklarats med att aktsamhetskravet i förhållande till ålder i 6 kap. 13 § BrB - som täcker flera sexualbrott med åldersgräns - var särskilt svårt att upIn January 2020 the range of punishment for exploitation of a child through the purchase of a sexual act got stricter. The reasoning behind the change was to strengthen the criminal justice protection for these children. Exploitation of a child through the purchase of a sexual act is associated with a low prosecution frequency. An explanation for this has been that the rule of negligence in the si

Building the social : A query into the social impact of the Pompeian water supply

This study explores the importance of the means of ensuring watersupply in the formation of the architectural profile and basic socialorganization of Pompeii. It sees the city’s domestic water supply, forover two centuries ensured through rainwater-harvesting areas, ba-sins and cisterns situated mainly in and below the many atria, as a sta-bilizing factor of both cityscape and household. Through t

Alkohol, andra droger och spelvanor

För många är fest förknippat med positiva upplevelser, men på Studenthälsan möter vi också studenter där hög alkoholkonsumtion leder till negativa konsekvenser. Både alkohol och andra droger kan snabbt leda till större problem både psykiskt, fysiskt och socialt. Därför vill vi fånga upp riskabelt drickande, droganvändning eller spelproblem i ett tidigt skede. Genvägar till sidans innehåll:AlkoholA

https://www.lu.se/studera/livet-som-student/service-och-stod/studenthalsan/alkohol-andra-droger-och-spelvanor - 2025-02-22

Cirkulär Ekonomi: Hållbar materialhantering

The course delivers knowledge of where important materials in products we use every day are sourced from, and how these materials can be used more efficiently, for longer periods of time, and in closed loops – these being key areas of work encompassed by the concept of the CE. However, adoption of the CE does not happen on its own and requires the support of social, business, and policy interventi