

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 49152 sökträffar

Purchasing and Digitalization in an era of Turbulence

Background: This research delves into the uncertainties and challenges encountered in global supply chain operations, exacerbated by unpredictable events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2021 Suez Canal obstruction. These disruptions can lead to stock-outs, poor capacity utilization, and the need for expensive buffers. The study centers on Duni, an international company present in over 20 cou

Social Media – Do You See the Whole Picture?

Purpose: The thesis aims to create an understanding to set the foundation of the social media landscape covering its historical evolution, driving mechanisms and business models. Methodology: The thesis has a qualitative character and an explorative art of discovering the social media landscape. A theoretical framing of the thesis is inspired by Christensen and Raynor. Theoretical perspective: The

How to carry out an entrepreneurial project alone and the importance of social networks – a self observational study

This theoretical reflections evaluates my own learning experiences during six months in the master program of entrepreneurship at Lund University. I will focus on how to carry out an entrepreneurial project alone and what importance networks have in this process. I will use four main areas of theory that I will discuss and analyze; The comparison between team start-ups and solo start-ups, networki

Where does the Money Go? A Qualitative Analysis of Swedish Democracy Promotion in Tanzania

Ever since its regime transition, Tanzania has been ruled by one single party, the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM). Still, Tripp (2012) underlines that Tanzania remains a ”donor darlings” as foreign donors continue to heavily invest in the country’s prospect of democratisation. Yet, despite twenty-seven years of international effort to promote the democratisation of Tanzania, the country remains to this

The dis/ablement of bodies in semiotic landscapes – a citizen science approach

Much of our built environment is constructed to accommodate ‘normate’ (Garland-Thomson 1996; Hamraie 2017) bodies. This fact may remain invisible to normate users of public space, much as the ordering of human interaction through categorisation is often invisible (Bowker & Star 1999). Reading semiotic landscapes through the dis/abling (Campbell 1999) of bodies that (attempt to) move through th

Sustainable Development at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Norwegian Initiatives in India

The inclusion of the poor in the economy is of key importance to the global sustainable development agenda. However, the integration of low-income communities in the economy requires new approaches to innovation, management and sustainability. This thesis aims to investigate how Norwegian initiatives contribute to sustainable and inclusive development in India by analysing the experiences and outc

Skuldtyngd – Unga vuxna och skuldens dimensioner : Policy Brief #4, jan 2025. Tema: Överskuldsättning som socialt problem

Skuldtyngd är ett forskningsprojekt som startade 2021 och pågår till och med 2025, i samarbete mellan Lunds universitet och Göteborgs universitet. Projektet är finansierat av Forte och studerar skuldsättningsproblem bland unga vuxna i åldern 18 till 25 år. Centralt för projektet är att förstå skuldsättningen ur unga vuxnas eget perspektiv, liksom att studera skuldsättning som ett socialt och relat

SIMIND Based Pinhole Imaging Development and Validation

The Monte Carlo method has become increasingly used to simulate imaging systems like the scintillation camera and SPECT systems. In order to investigate intrinsic properties of SPECT systems the Monte Carlo based application SIMIND (Simulating Medical Imaging Nuclear Detectors) has been developed. Up to now, it has not been able to simulate a pinhole-imaging device with SIMND. The aim of this work

Chefskap och ledarskap - En kvalitativ studie om chefsprogrammet vid Primärvården Region Skåne

Being a manager and being defined as a good leader can differ in various organizations depending on the sector, profession, values and attitudes. The purpose of this thesis is to study management programs and how organizations work to implement leadership criteria and values into future managers. The purpose is fulfilled by studying the case of Primärvården Skåne and examining the essence of their


På socionomprogrammet som ges både i Lund och Helsingborg får du praktisk och teoretisk kunskap om sociala problem och utmaningar, dess orsaker, konsekvenser och hur de kan lösas. Socionomprogrammet är en bred utbildning som förbereder dig för flera olika yrkesområden. Förutom det akademiska ämnet socialt arbete får du god kännedom om socialpolitik, juridik, ekonomi, sociologi och psykologi.

D4.4. Rural Regeneration Activities: Data, Results, Conclusions and Recommendations

The main objective of Work Package 4 was to provide quantifiable evidences of the potential role of CNH as a driver for sustainable growth. To do this, WP4 has been monitoring over the last 2.5 years the performance of the deployed Action Plans (or regeneration schemes) in the 6 initial Replicators (Rs), and the 9 Additional Replicators (ARs) included in the last phase of the project. Performance’

Disease Prevention and State-building in China: The Rise and Fall of China's Barefoot Doctor System(1968-1985)

Barefoot doctor system is an important part of primary health care policy changes in China after the founding of New China, is a special viewpoint to study the special period of grassroots political change. Why medical care’s come into the sight of top leaders at that time? What does medical care system mean to modern state building? There may be a certain natural link between the body and the nat

Special Area Studies schedule 2022

Special Area Studies, Autumn 2022 Special Area Studies ACCESSIBLE TO ALL EXCHANGE STUDENTS, AUTUMN 2022 SAS COURSE AT THE JOINT FACULTIES OF HUMANITIES AND THEOLOGY Information may be requested from: international@ht.lu.se | Webpage: www.ht.lu.se/en/international/ MONDAY A.M. SASH62 Communism in East and Central Europe – Present, Past and Future Perspectives 29 August – 5 December 10.15 – 12.00 SO

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/sites/www.lunduniversity.lu.se/files/2022-03/Special%20Area%20Studies%20schedule%202022.pdf - 2025-02-24


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