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Fördjupa dig i polsk litteratur

Fördjupa dig i polsk litteratur Fördjupa dig i polsk litteratur Publicerad den 28 januari 2025 Nu kan du läsa polska vid Språk- och litteraturcentrum. Under våren kan du även utforska den polska litteraturens rikedom och dess växande erkännande på den internationella scenen. Polska är det näst största slaviska språket med ca 55 miljoner talare i världen. Våra kurser i polska hittar du på https://w

https://www.sol.lu.se/article/polska-vid-sol - 2025-02-24

Jiddisch firar 25 år som minoritetsspråk – vad är dess status idag?

Jiddisch firar 25 år som minoritetsspråk – vad är dess status idag? Jiddisch firar 25 år som minoritetsspråk – vad är dess status idag? Av Gisela Lindberg - Publicerad den 27 januari 2025 Klädd i den här jackan vaknade tolvårige Kiwa Zyto den 5 maj år 1945 i en skog i närheten av München och var fri. Text till bild: Fotograf: Ola Myrin, Sveriges museum om Förintelsen/SHM. Den 27 januari äger Förin

https://www.sol.lu.se/article/jiddisch-firar-25-aar-som-minoritetsspraak-vad-aer-dess-status-idag - 2025-02-24


Brevmall Språk - och l i t te ra turcent rum Engelska Ansökan om tillgodoräknande av kurs/delkurs Datum: ____________ Personnummer (10 siffror) Efternamn Förnamn e-postadress Om du anser att du genom högre studier har tillgodogjort dig kunskaper som till stor del liknar innehållet i en kurs/delkurs som ges inom ämnet engelska på Lunds universitet, kan studierektorn göra en bedömning om ett eventue

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Tillgodoraeknandeblankett_HT2016.pdf - 2025-02-24

Microsoft Word - HGJAP.doc

Microsoft Word - HGJAP.doc Utbildningsplan för kandidatprogrammet i japanska Identifikation Programmets namn Kandidatprogrammet i japanska Ev inriktningar Omfattning i högskolepoäng 180 högskolepoäng Nivå Grundnivå Programkod HGJAP Kod på inriktning Beslutsuppgifter Fastställd av prodekan med ansvar för grundutbildningen vid Området Ändringsuppgifter för humaniora och teologi 2011-01-24 2. Program

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/UtbplanHGJAP.pdf - 2025-02-24

No title

Examdatum poang f_namn01 f_namn02 uppsatstitel w_namn01 w_namn02 verktitel w2_namn0 1 w2_namn0 2 typ niva handledare efternamn nyckelord inriktning 1971-05-30 7.5 Gunnel Danielsson Nadine Gordimer´s Novels With Particular Reference to Racial Relations Nadine Gordimer Novels Novel A80 Claes Schaars Characterisation Literature 1972-05-24 7.5 Eva Jarring An Analysis of James Baldwin´s Another Country

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/engelskans_gamla_uppsatser.pdf - 2025-02-24

This is the title of my paper

This is the title of my paper The Use of Modal Expressions in English by Native Speakers of Russian ANNA WÄRNSBY 1 Introduction This study examines in what ways and to what degree of success native speakers of Russian use modal expressions in English. The study is based on a translation experiment from Russian into English designed for use within the frame of the computer program ScriptLog (see Se

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol01/Anna2.pdf - 2025-02-24


Bea2.PDF An Alternative Account of the Interpretation of Referential Metonymy and Metaphori BEATRICE WARREN 1 Introduction Most modern linguists agree that metaphor and metonymy are two distinct constructions arising from two distinct cognitive operations, although they are alike in that they both involve an explicit source expression (that which is mentioned) which suggests an implicit target (in

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol01/Bea2.pdf - 2025-02-24

This is the title of my paper

This is the title of my paper Is the notion of linguistic competence at all relevant in Cognitive Linguistics? CARITA PARADIS 1 Introduction Linguistic competence is a term we associate with Chomsky (e.g. 1965: Ch 1), who made the distinction between people’s knowledge of language (competence), and that knowledge put to use in real situations (performance).1 Competence is an aspect of our mental c

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol01/Cim_cecilia.pdf - 2025-02-24


Maria.PDF Register Differences between Prefabs in Native and EFL English MARIA WIKTORSSON 1 Introduction In the later stages of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learning, and foreign language learning in general, emphasis is put on approaching a native-like command of the target language. Native-like command of a language entails, besides using correct grammar and vocabulary, being able to use

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol01/Maria.pdf - 2025-02-24

Robert Ryan.doc

Robert Ryan.doc A method of interpreting prenominal possessives: incorporating the generative lexicon and type-shifting. ROBERT RYAN Växjö University 1. Introduction Using Pustejovsky’s lexical semantic theory, according to which word senses have a rich internal structure (Pustejovsky (1995)), Jensen & Vikner (1994), and Vikner & Jensen (1999), present a unified formal semantic analysis of the pre

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol01/RobertRyan.pdf - 2025-02-24


Cim.doc Between epistemic modality and degree: the case of really1 CARITA PARADIS 1 Background and major claims Research on the interpretation of adverbs such as really, just, only, rather, quite, apparently or absolutely shows that they are contextually sensitive and highly flexible.2 This paper takes a closer look at really in order to account for its various interpretations. Stenström’s (1986)

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol02/Cim.pdf - 2025-02-24


Fabian.doc The syntax and pragmatics of exclamations and other expressive/emotional utterances1,2 FABIAN BEIJER 1 Introduction In the linguistic literature we find discussions and descriptions of linguistic phenomena such as EXPRESSIVE UTTERANCES, EXCLAMATORY UTTERANCES, EXPRESSIVE SENTENCES, EXCLAMATIONS, EXCLAMATIVES, and EXPRESSIVE SPEECH ACTS. Linguists have thus observed that there are emotio

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol02/Fabian.pdf - 2025-02-24


Fredrik.doc Binding Condition C and Derivation by Phase 1 FREDRIK HEINAT 1 Introduction In earlier theories of generative grammar (e.g. Chomsky 1981), the checking of binding conditions has generally been assumed to take place at Surface-structure or at Logical Form, LF, after reconstruction (see Belletti and Rizzi 1988, among others for applying binding theory at Deep-structure). Up till Chomsky

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol02/Fredrik.pdf - 2025-02-24


WP_word_2.doc Functions of attributive adjectives in English HELENA KULLENBERG 1 Introduction This is a paper about premodification in the English noun phrase, focusing on functions of attributive adjectives. Modification in general is an issue that has received comparatively little attention in linguistic research, at least outside the field of syntax (see eg Frawley 1992: 437); Although there ar

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol02/Helena.pdf - 2025-02-24


Mats-word-ny.doc English translations as a clue to the structure of Swedish över.* MATS JOHANSSON 1 Introduction At first blush, prepositional meanings appear highly arbitrary and idiomatic. Moreover, as dictionary entries for reasonably common prepositions show, one and the same preposition can have a considerable range of senses. Lexicographers’ intuitions about what constitutes a main entry and

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol02/Mats.pdf - 2025-02-24


Satu2.doc Extraposition and Restrictive Relative Clauses SATU MANNINEN 1 Introduction In this paper, I investigate the construction found in English and a number of other languages in which the nominal “head” of a relative clause becomes separated from the rest of the relative clause by intervening material (the so-called relative clause extraposition construction).1 The basic pattern in illustrat

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol02/Satu.pdf - 2025-02-24


Stefan.doc Extractions from Relative Clauses in Swedish as Self-answering Questions 1 STEFAN HUBER, DEPARTMENT OF GERMAN, LUND UNIVERSITY 1 Introduction Since the earliest days of generative grammar, it has been pointed out that extractions out of relative clauses (henceforth: RCs) are banned, hence the ungrammaticality of the English examples in (1): (1) a. * Whoi did you read [[DP an article [CP

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol02/Stefan.pdf - 2025-02-24

Microsoft Word - WP3 Anna Wärnsby EDITERAD 15 aug 2003.doc

Microsoft Word - WP3 Anna Wärnsby EDITERAD 15 aug 2003.doc (De)coding epistemic modality in English and Swedish ANNA WÄRNSBY 1 Introduction When hearers are confronted with modal expressions in their native language, especially expressions that contain a modal verb, they are normally able to interpret these expressions immediately as being either epistemic or non-epistemic1. What it is that enable

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol03/Warnsby-decodingepistemicmodality.pdf - 2025-02-24

This is the title of my paper

This is the title of my paper I quite fancy this: Quite as a degree modifier of verbs in written British English HANNELE DIEHL Abstract This paper focuses on the readings of quite as a degree modifier of verbs in written English on the basis of the British National Corpus (BNC). The study explores the semantic constraints that govern the relationship between quite and the verbs it combines with in

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol04/diehl-wp-04.pdf - 2025-02-24

This is the title of my paper

This is the title of my paper Testing L2 Vocabulary: Current Test Formats in English as a L2 Used at Swedish Universities HENRIK GYLLSTAD Abstract Recent literature on L2 vocabulary testing points to a move away from discrete vocabulary testing towards more embedded and integrative approaches. This paper investigates if the way vocabulary is currently tested at English departments at Swedish unive

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol04/gyllstad-wp-04.pdf - 2025-02-24