

Din sökning på "*" gav 535355 sökträffar

Looking into the Influence of E-servicescape Conceptual Model in Bangladeshi online travel industry and understanding the customer influence in building trust among customers

The influence of the classic e-servicescape conceptual model in the context of "Flight expert", the first fully functional OTA in Bangladesh has been scarcely explored in existing e-servicescape literature. In addition to this, social factors in e-servicescape conceptual model are another thing that is less studied in social science. The objective of this study was to look into the influ

Reactions to natural disasters in antiquity

The article surveys the ways in which the peoples of Greco-Roman antiquity reacted to natural disasters of their time. The focus is on earthquakes, and particularly one major event, viz. the destruction of Helike in 373/2 B.C. Mainly three themes are discussed: (i) The hypotheses on the causes of natural disasters: had they natural causes or were they thought to be the result of divine intervent

Affinity precipitation of dehydrogenases

Affinity precipitation, a novel technique closely related to immunoprecipitation and affinity chromatography, has been evaluated in systems comprised of dehydrogenases and a bifunctional NAD derivative, Bis-NAD. Lactate dehydrogenase and glutamate dehydrogenase were easily precipitated whereas yeast alcohol dehydrogenase required the presence of salt to enhance the affinity precipitation. Liver al

Analysis of visual and acoustic measures for self-evacuations in road tunnels using virtual reality

Emergency fire situations in tunnels can be especially dangerous when occurring in long underground or subsea tunnels, particularly when evacuation on foot is the only alternative. This paper presents the results from a study comparing different visual and acoustic measures to facilitate efficient and safe emergency evacuation and their effect on people's self-rescue behaviour in response to a tun

Tick chemosensation and implications for novel control strategies

Ticks pose a major threat to the health of humans and animals. The use of synthetic acaricides and repellents has raised the concerns of potential health and environmental risks and increasing resistance in ticks. This article highlights the importance of the research on tick chemosensation in developing novel control agents. It provides a review on our current understanding of tick chemosensory s

New theory to explain the effect of lactose fines on the performance of adhesive mixtures for inhalation

A new theory for the dispersibility enhancing effect of excipient fines for adhesive mixtures for inhalation is presented in this paper, while at the same time the shortcomings of current hypotheses are discussed. The proposed mechanism, denoted the ‘viscoelastic damping effect’, states that the presence of fines particles acts to dampen the collisions between carrier particles during mixing. As a

Thrombin-derived C-terminal peptides bind and form aggregates with sulfated glycosaminoglycans

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) such as heparin and heparan sulfate (HS) play crucial roles in inflammation and wound healing, serving as regulators of growth factors and pro-inflammatory mediators. In this study, we investigated the influence of heparin/HS on thrombin proteolysis and its interaction with the generated 11 kDa thrombin-derived C-terminal peptides (TCPs). Employing various biochemical and

The tangled warp of the Milky Way

Aims. We aim to determine the influence of the Milky Way's warp on the kinematics of stars across the disc, and therefore measure its precession rate and line of nodes under different assumptions. Methods. We applied Jeans'first equation to a model of a rigidly precessing warp. The predictions of these models were fitted to the average vertical velocities of stars with measured line-of-sight veloc

Exploring the viability of a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson as ultralight dark matter in a mass range relevant for strong gravity applications

We study a simple extension of the Standard Model featuring a dark sector with an ultralight pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson as a dark matter candidate. We focus on the mass range O(10-20-10-10) eV, relevant for strong gravity applications, and explore its production and evolution in the early Universe. The model is formulated in such a way that dark matter does not couple directly to photons or othe

Elemental and Structural Characterization of Heterotopic Ossification during Achilles Tendon Healing Provides New Insights on the Formation Process

Heterotopic ossification (HO) in tendons can lead to increased pain and poor tendon function. Although it is believed to share some characteristics with bone, the structural and elemental compositions of HO deposits have not been fully elucidated. This study utilizes a multimodal and multiscale approach for structural and elemental characterization of HO deposits in healing rat Achilles tendons at

High-performance liquid affinity chromatography on silica-bound concanavalin A

Concanavalin A was covalently bound to porous silica (100-1000 Å) by three different coupling procedures. The performance of the preparations was evaluated from their ability to resolve a mixture of closely related sugars. The Concanavalin A-silica was used for efficient and rapid (5-20 min) analysis/purification of samples containing the glucoproteins peroxidase and glucose oxidase. Such columns

Covalent stabilization of alginate gel for the entrapment of living whole cells

Three methods were developed for preparing alginate gels containing cells that are stable in phosphate containing media. In Method I preformed alginate beads containing entrapped cells were treated with polyethyl eneimine followed by glutaraldehyde. In Method II alginate sol was treated with a carbodiimide and N-hydroxysuccinimide (to form active esters), mixed with cells and extruded into calcium

High-performance liquid affinity chromatography of proteins on Cibacron Blue F3G-A bonded silica

The reactive triazine dye, Cibacron Blue F3G-A, has been covalently attached to microparticulate porous silica and used for the resolution of a number of complementary proteins by high-performance liquid affinity chromatography (HPLAC). Cibacron Blue F3G-A was converted to its 6-aminohexyl derivative by reaction with 1,6-diaminohexane and coupled to γ-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane-activated poro

Electrochemical Regeneration of NAD Covalently Bound to Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase

An enzyme-coenzyme complex was immobilized on the surface of a glassy carbon electrode and investigated with cyclic voltammetry in ethanol-containing buffers. The complex consists of an Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase molecule to which an NAD-analogue is covalently attached via its straight six-carbon, spacer. One cycle was observed but repeated recycling could not be carried out. presumably due to ca

Ingenting försvinner, allt finns kvar – En studie om konstruktörens möjligheter att minska byggprojektets avfallsmängder

De snabba klimatförändringar som nu sker kopplas av de flesta klimatforskare ihop med ökad halt av växthusgaser i atmosfären, något byggbranschen är starkt bidragande till. Byggbranschen ger också upphov till mycket avfall, år 2020 uppgick bygg- och rivningsavfallet till 14, 2 miljoner ton vilket motsvarar 40 procent av allt genererat avfall i Sverige. Enligt Boverkets miljöindikatorer verkar mängThe rapid climate changes that are now occurring are linked by most climate scientists to increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, something the construction industry is a strong contributor to. The construction industry also generates a lot of waste. A simple way to quickly reduce the climate impact from the construction industry can be to reduce the amount of waste. The purpose of

Waiting list and post-transplant outcome in Sweden after national centralization of heart transplant surgery

BACKGROUND: Previous studies have demonstrated an association between transplantation rate per center and postoperative mortality after heart transplantation. In 2011, Sweden centralized heart transplants and waiting lists, reducing the number of centers from 3 to 2. We aimed to assess the active waiting time and pre- and post-transplant mortality before and after centralization.METHODS: Heart tra