

Din sökning på "*" gav 533280 sökträffar

Adolescent sexual offenders: a total survey of referrals to social services in sweden and subgroup characteristics.

Sampling methodology (e.g. population-based vs. clinical samples, anonymous self-reports vs. data collected as part of mandated treatment) affects the validity of conclusions drawn from research addressing the etiology of adolescent sexual offending. Studies of unselected samples allow testing of the generalizability of etiological models suggested from investigation of selected clinical or forens

Whitepaper: S88 for Universities

If you are working at a university teaching a course in automation, and/or process control or if you are a student in interested in those subjects 14 this paper is for you! You might already have heard about the S88 batch control standard 14 how it tries to define terminology and concepts that makes design and operation of process control plants easier. In this paper, we will try to briefly explai

A study of phase noise in colpitts and LC-tank CMOS oscillators

This paper presents a study of phase noise in CMOS Colpitts and LC-tank oscillators. Closed-form symbolic formulas for the 1/f/sup 2/ phase-noise region are derived for both the Colpitts oscillator (either single-ended or differential) and the LC-tank oscillator, yielding highly accurate results under very general assumptions. A comparison between the differential Colpitts and the LC-tank oscillat

The quality of reporting and outcome measures in randomized clinical trials related to upper-extremity disorders.

Purpose Randomized clinical trials can provide strong evidence regarding effective treatment options. The quality of reporting and the type of outcome measures used are important when judging whether results justify change in clinical practice. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of reporting of randomized clinical trials related to treatment of upper-extremity disorders, published in

Frequent finding of the androgen receptor A645D variant in normal population.

Background: The androgen receptor A645D mutation has been described in one patient with ambiguous genitalia and one boy with normal phenotype. Objective: Because of this phenotypic variation, we screened a cohort of men from the general population (n = 293) as well as men with the following disorders of the genital tract for the mutation: men with prostate cancer (n = 89), testicular cancer (n = 8

Integrating DNA data and traditional taxonomy to streamline biodiversity assessment: an example from edaphic beetles in the Klamath ecoregion, California, USA

Conservation and land management decisions may be misguided by inaccurate or misinterpreted knowledge of biodiversity. Non-systematists often lack taxonomic expertise necessary for an accurate assessment of biodiversity. Additionally, there are far too few taxonomists to contribute significantly to the task of identifying species for specimens collected in biodiversity studies. While species level

Weichselian glaciations in the middle Notec River region, northwest Poland

Popular Abstract in Swedish Nedisningar under Weichsel-istiden kring floden Notec i nordvästra Polen. Inlandsisar är en viktig komponent i jordens klimatsystem. Deras utbredning och rörelsemekanismer styrs till stor del av klimatet samtidigt som isarna i sin tur också påverkar klimatsystemet. Genom kunskap om hur inlandsisarna växte till och smälte av under den senaste istiden kan man utvärdera oThis thesis presents results of studies on the ice flow pattern and ice movement mechanism during the Weichselian glaciations in the middle Notec River area, NW Poland. A new lithostratigraphy of the study area has been established, based on correlation of stratigraphical position, clast lithology, fabrics and grain size composition of till units. The lithostratigraphy covers two glacial advances

Sivar Arnér - den livsbejakande nihilisten

Sivar Arnér tar i sitt tidiga författarskap (1943–56) upp frågor och motiv som liknar existentialismens: främlingskapet inför världen, de absurda handlingarna, den starka livsviljan och insikten att världen är ett kaos. I samtliga verk från fyrtio- och femtiotalet, även de hörspel som har ett politiskt budskap, beskriver han människor som kämpar med en svår livssituation. Oftast hakar de upp livsm

Effect of fly ash on the microstructure of cement mortar

A microstructural study of mortars prepared with a low-alkali, low-C3A cement and a Class F fly ash, both of Swedish origin, was carried out using the scanning electron microscopy - energy-dispersive X-ray analytical technique. Supplementary phase analyses were made by X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetry -differential thermal analysis. Normally, CH crystals in the transition zone grow with thei

VOn (n >= 3) defects in irradiated and heat-treated silicon

Local vibrational mode (LVM) spectroscopy has been used to study the evolution of vacancy-oxygen-related defects (VOn) in the temperature range 300-700 degrees C in carbon-lean Cz-Si samples irradiated with MeV electrons or neutrons. New experimental data confirming an attribution of the absorption bands at 910, 976 and 1105 cm(-1) to the VO3 complex are obtained. In particular, a correlated gener

Working Capacity and Well-Being after Radical Cystectomy with Continent Cutaneous Diversion.

Objectives: The primary aim was to compare the working capacity in patients with continent urinary diversion with a control group. Secondary aims were to assess the changes in electrolyte and acid-base homeostasis and the functional status during strenuous physical activity, and finally, the well-being in the two groups. Methods: Eleven patients who had undergone radical cystectomy and continent c

Vardagens landskap : lokala perspektiv på bronsålderns materiella kultur

Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen diskuterar jag hur materiell kultur förändras när den inlemmas i lokala sammanhang. Diskussionen utgår från gravar, hällristningar och bronsföremål i Sydskandinavien under perioderna senneolitikum och bronsålder, 2350-500 f. Kr. En viktig utgångspunkt i avhandlingen är ett praxisperspektiv. Jag understryker att föremåls och monuments betydelser var beroeIn the thesis the author discusses how materiel culture changed when it was incorporated into a local society. The discussion is based on graves, rock carvings and bronze items in south Scandinavia during the periods Late Neolithic and Bronze Age, 2350-500 BC. The thesis? starting point is a praxis perspective. The meaning of artefacts and monuments depended upon how they were used. The use of th

Patient satisfaction and return to work after endoscopic carpal tunnel surgery

One hundred twenty-eight patients with idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome were evaluated before surgery and 3 and 6 months after unilateral endoscopic carpal tunnel release. The variables analyzed included patient demographics, symptoms and signs, activities of daily living (ADL), sensibility and strength measurements, preoperative distal motor latency of the median nerve, operating surgeon, postop