

Din sökning på "*" gav 532993 sökträffar

Systems analysis: exploring the spectrum of diversity

Complex problem spaces, such as those addressed by knowledge management or systems analysis projects, call for complex methods of inquiry. A phenomenon in contextual analysis means that there is a need to go beyond consensus and recognized ‘best practice’. As part of a complex method, for contextual analysis, inter-analysis may be conducted, in which individuals explore one another’s perspectives

Skogsrået, näcken och Djävulen : erotiska naturväsen och demonisk sexualitet i 1600- och 1700-talens Sverige

Popular Abstract in Swedish I stormaktstidens Sverige utgavs en fornsaga där den mytiske svenske kungen Vilkinus ligger med havsfrun. Under denna tid kunde vanliga människor som påstod sig ha sådana förbindelser dock råka illa ut. År 1630 förhördes pigan Anna Larsdotter, som misstänktes ha fött näckens monstruösa avkomma. ”Trollkarlen” Peder Jönsson avrättades tio år senare för könsumgänge och pakThis dissertation examines conceptions of erotic nature spirits and their association with demonic sexuality in 17th and 18th century Sweden. Its purpose is to reconstruct the various cultural and symbolic meanings which such notions had for the society of the day. Cultural history and the analytical concepts culture(s), liminality and figures of thought provide the general framework of the study.

Image coding with the MAP criterion

BCJR based source coding of image residuals is investigated. From a trellis representation of the residual, a joint source-channel coding system is formed. Then the BCJR algorithm is applied to find the MAP encoding. MAP and minimized squared error encoding are compared. The novelty of this work is the use of the BCJR algorithm and the MAP criterion in the source coding procedure. The source encod

Comparison of different powered-wheelchair control modes for individuals with severe motor impairments

This paper presents the preliminary evaluation of different powered-wheelchair control modes for individuals with severe motor impediments. To this end, a C400 Permobil wheelchair has been updated with a control command communication interface and equipped with a scanning laser sensor to carry out the automation algorithms that are part of the robot operating system framework. A pilot test was per

Energy Supply Models for Transition to Renewable and Locally Produced Energy: a Study of the Possibilities for the Municipality of Tjörn to Make an Energy Transition

An energy system that relies on fossil fuel is not sustainable. Emissions, such as carbon dioxide, nitric oxide and corpuscles, affect the climate and pollute the air. Furthermore, the supply of oil, coal and natural gas is located a few places worldwide, which can give provide incentive to geopolitical conflicts for access to these areas. This is not a local issue for Tjörn, nor even a national i


Fashion's universal nature does not preclude strong variations in its significance from society to society. As a stratification variable, fashion's importance increases in step with economic growth. Simmel sees the ‘need for distinction’ and the ‘need for union’ as preconditions for fashion, with certain societies lacking the necessary motivation. Variations in fashion's importance have also been

The neurophysiology of grammatical constraints : ERP studies on the influence of prosody and pragmatics on the processing of syntax and morphology in Swedish

This dissertation investigates the interaction of information from word order, morphology, lexical semantics, and prosody in the on-line processing of Swedish sentences using Event-Related Potentials. Study I examines how the form, meaning, and syntactic position of objects influence their interpretation in ‘Object Shift’ contexts. In Swedish, object pronouns can either follow or precede sentence

Från målsägande till brottsoffer. Milstolpar och kursändringar längs med vägen.

Abstract in Undetermined I denna essä skildras hur målsägarens ställning successivt förändrats i ett långt historiskt perspektiv, från medeltiden till nutid. Genom den judiciella revolutionen och rättsväsendets professionalisering har målsägandens ställning som den som "äger målet", rätten att tala vid tinget, förändrats och målsäganden slutligen omvandlats till ett brottsoffer. Offer för våld stå