Din sökning på "*" gav 534615 sökträffar
Feeling or calculating in helping situations: Induced mindset influence both helping intentions and money allocations
International survey on stakeholders' perception of the concept of extended producer responsibility and product stewardship
Quantitative microanalysis with a nuclear microprobe
[abstract missing]
Neurophysiology of a left-edge boundary tone using natural and edited F0
The ERP effects of left-edge, sentence-medial boundary tones in East Swedish were examined using synthesized and non-synthesized F0. The perception of the boundary tone gave rise to an N100 effect, reflecting automated processing of the acoustic features of the stimuli, a broadly distributed P200 effect, similar to what has earlier been seen for sentence-initial pitch accents, and an expectancy ne
On the personality, neurobiology, and cognition of creativity
Two extreme groups of healthy male undergraduate students, either highly (n=12) or low creative (n=12), were pre-selected from a larger cohort (N= 60) by way of the Creative functioning test (Smith and Carlsson, 1990). The two groups underwent measurements of cerebral blood flow (CBF). CBF was measured first during rest and during three verbal tasks (random order): Automatic speech (Auto), word fl
Constructing credibility in discourse Modes of knowing, temporality and epistemic control
Analys och syntes av en industrirobots dynamik
Going lean and global? Evidence from Swedich MNCs.
Structural and Functional Studies of the Wilms' Tumour 1 Protein (WT1) in Interaction with Nucleic acids
The WT1 protein, a product of the Wilms’ tumour 1 gene (WT1) is a zinc finger transcription factor implicated in a number of cellular processes particularly involved in the development of the urogenital system. Mutations in this gene have been implicated in abnormal development of the urogenital system resulting in syndromes such as the Denys-Drash, WAGR and Frasier and in the childhood kidney mal
Lokalhistoria i norsk och svensk skola : historiekulturella perspektiv
Kombinera flexibilitet med trygghet på Lunds universitet!
Sequential decoding and Wald's identity
High Order Cartesian Grid Method for Calculation of Incompressible Turbulent Flows
Rights to a green future: Collective action and the way forward
Food provisioning, anxiety and control. The process of feeding from the perspective of the mothers
Food and feeding is an important part in bringing up children. It is one way in which children become socialized; it gives rise to both pleasure and anxiety. In this article Marjorie DeVault’s understanding of food management is combined with the concept of responsibilisation. Building on in-depth interviews with mothers from different socio-economic backgrounds and focusing on their different exp
Integrated Scheduling and Synthesis of Control Applications on Distributed Embedded Systems
Many embedded control systems comprise several control loops that are closed over a network of computation nodes. In such systems, complex timing behavior and communication lead to delay and jitter, which both degrade the performance of each control loop and must be considered during the controller synthesis. Also, the control performance should be taken into account during system scheduling. The
Optimal Levels for the Two-phase, Piecewise Constant Mumford-Shah Functional
Recent results have shown that denoising an image with the Rudin, Osher and Fatemi (ROF) total variation model can be accomplished by solving a series of binary optimization problems. We observe that this fact can be used in the other direction. The procedure is applied to the two-phase, piecewise constant Mumford-Shah functional, where an image is approximated with a function taking only two valu
Communicating the environmental characteristics of products: the use of environmental product declarations in the building, energy and automotive industries
Environmental policy is shifting the focus from production processes to product-related issues. The provision and use of environmental information is generally considered an essential element in addressing the environmental impacts associated with the life cycle of products. Environmental product declarations (EPD) are one of the much promoted informative instruments. A wide range of self-declarat