Din sökning på "*" gav 533447 sökträffar
Holocene climate variability on the Kola Peninsula, Russian Subarctic, based on aquatic invertebrate records from lake sediments
Sedimentary records of invertebrate assemblages were obtained from a small lake in the Khibiny Mountains, Kola Peninsula. Together with a quantitative chironomid-based reconstruction of mean July air temperature, these data provide evidence of Holocene climate variability in the western sector of the Russian Subarctic. The results suggest that the amplitude of climate change was more pronounced in
A membrane-, mediator-, cofactor-less glucose/oxygen biofuel cell.
We report the fabrication and characterisation of a non-compartmentalised, mediator and cofactor free glucose-oxygen biofuel cell based on adsorbed enzymes exhibiting direct bioelectrocatalysis, viz. cellobiose dehydrogenase from Dichomera saubinetii and laccase from Trametes hirsuta as the anodic and cathodic bioelements, respectively, with the following characteristics: an open-circuit voltage o
Age and diagnostic performance of Alzheimer disease CSF biomarkers
Objectives: Core CSF changes in Alzheimer disease (AD) are decreased amyloid beta(1-42), increased total tau, and increased phospho-tau, probably indicating amyloid plaque accumulation, axonal degeneration, and tangle pathology, respectively. These biomarkers identify AD already at the predementia stage, but their diagnostic performance might be affected by age-dependent increase of AD-type brain
Time resolved, 3D imaging (4D) of two phase flow at a repetition rate of 1 kHz
A measurement technique capable of recording three-dimensional laser induced images with a spatial resolution of 610x512x20 voxels over a volume of 29x24x15 mm(3) and at a frame rate of 1 kHz is presented. A novel approach for sweeping the illuminating laser sheet across the investigated volume is introduced as a key feature. The technique is applied to imaging nebulized water droplets with a nitr
Study on nanocrystalline Cr2O3 films deposited by arc ion plating: I. composition, morphology, and microstructure analysis
Nanocrystalline Cr2O3 thin films were deposited on silicon wafers with (100) orientation by arc ion plating (AIP) technique at various negative bias voltages. By virtue of X-ray diffraction analysis, scanning electron microscope, and high-resolution transmission electron microscope, the influence of substrate bias voltage on the film growth process, microstructure, and characteristics was investig
Samtidshermeneutik. Sociologiska optioner, predikament, realiteter
Artikeln diskuterar moderniteten, samtiden, sociologin och förhållandet dem emellan samt hur samtiden betingar vetandet om denna samtid, och hur vetandet om samtiden gestaltas. Den epistemologiska konstellation som framkallas förstår jag som sociologisk samtidshermeneutik, eller samtidshermeneutisk sociologi. Dess grundantagande är: ju mer en kultur karakteriseras av kontingens (komplexitet, trans
Advantages and challenges with using hypoxic air venting as fire protection
The use of hypoxic air venting system as fire protection is increasing and is sometimes used to replace traditional extinguishing systems. An oxygen level of 15% is generally used because a lower concentration could pose serious health risks. On the request of the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, a literature review was conducted to determine advantages and challenges with the system and furthe
Diagnosing and Prognosticating the Quality Movement - a Review on the 25 Years Quality Literature (1987-2011
The added predictive value of biphasic events in ST analysis of the fetal electrocardiogram for intrapartumfetal monitoring
ObjectiveTo study the predictive value of biphasic ST-events for interventions for suspected fetal distress and adverse neonatal outcome, when using ST-analysis of the fetal electrocardiogram (FECG) for intrapartum fetal monitoring. DesignProspective cohort study. SettingThree academic hospitals in Sweden. PopulationWomen in labor with a high-risk singleton fetus in cephalic position beyond 36week
Claude Gratton, Infinite Regress Arguments
Measurement of the t(t)over-bar production cross-section using e mu events with b-tagged jets in pp collisions at root s=7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
The inclusive top quark pair (t (t) over tilde) production cross-section sigma(t (t) over bar) has been measured in proton-proton collisions at root s = 7 TeV and root s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, using t (t) over bar events with an opposite-charge e mu pair in the final state. The measurement was performed with the 2011 7 TeV dataset corresponding to an integrated luminosity of
Låt studenterna orchestrera sitt eget lärande- Det kollaborativa lärandet genom öppna digitala resurser (OER)
Ebba Ossiannilsson Lunds universitet Alastair Creelman, Linnéuniversitetet OER, MOOC, spelifiering och badgerörelsen Det är bara några av de trender vi har sett under 2012, mer kommer det att bli framöver och fort går det runt om i världen. I Horizon rapporten för 2012 förutsågs detta, men även augmented learning, individualiserat lärande, kursdesign och examination för lärande, sociala medier, le
Current practice, challenges and potential methodological improvements in environmental evaluations of food waste prevention - A discussion paper
A review was performed of eight previously performed investigations of environmental impacts from end-consumer food waste prevention. The overall aim of the study was to investigate the state of the art in these assessments, identify key factors which could explain seen variations in GWP-emission savings, and suggest methodological improvements leading to increased potentials for cross-study compa
Choice determinants for the (non) adoption of energy efficiency technologies in households - A litterature review
Postgraduate Education and Professional Careers - Conclusions from the Evaluation of Ph.D Programs at Lund university
Humor i romantisk text : om Jean Pauls estetik i svensk romantik: C.F. Dahlgrens Mollbergs epistlar (1820), C.J.L. Almqvists Amorina (1822) och C. Livijns Spader Dame (1825)
The three works analyzed here were published at the culmination of Swedish romanticism. The strange mixture of the high and the low, the sacred and the profane that is typical for them has been an interesting challenge for literary scholars. For instance, in older research one sometimes spoke of poor handwork, or bad taste of the writers or it was explained that these works were a stage between th
Medaljens framsida. Nobelpriset i pressen 1897–1911
Experimental Investigations of the Lean Blowout Limit of Different Syngas Mixtures in an Atmospheric, Premixed, Variable-Swirl Burner
An atmospheric, variable-swirl combustor was used to study the influence of syngas composition on the lean blowout (LBO) limit under various flow conditions created at different swirl numbers. The fuels used in the experiments consisted of generic mixtures of CO, H-2, and CH4. The results were compared to those for CH4 at the same swirl numbers. The effect of dilution on the LBO limit was studied