

Din sökning på "*" gav 533789 sökträffar

Underlying contributing conditions to breathlessness among middle-aged individuals in the general population : A cross-sectional study

Introduction Breathlessness is common in the general population and associated with poorer health. Prevalence, frequencies and overlap of underlying contributing conditions among individuals reporting breathlessness in the general population is unclear. The aim was to evaluate which conditions that were prevalent, overlapping and associated with breathlessness in a middle-aged general population.

"Hidden" vibrations in CO : Reinvestigation of resonant Auger decay for the C 1s → π* excitation

The higher vibrational levels of the C 1s→π* excitation in carbon monooxide (CO) were investigated by using resonant Auger electron spectroscopy. The absorption profile of the CO was recorded in the partial electron yield mode. The results showed that the vibrational states were not seen in a total yield absorption spectrum whereas they were shown to be discernable in a partial electron yield spec

In My Flowering Garden : Nordic picture books in the era of student occupation 1968

The aim of my presentation is to examine the concept of gardening as a cultural construct, and how this concept is created and transformed in picture books from 1968 (the canonical year of student revolt). We often think of the 1970s as the decade when Nordic children’s literature became political. But such a judgment may bepremature. An analysismight show that this claim only offersa schematic imThe aim of my presentation is to examine the concept of gardening as a cultural construct, and how this concept is created and transformed in picture books from 1968 (the canonical year of student revolt). We often think of the 1970s as the decade when Nordic children’s literature became political. But such a judgment may be premature. An analysis might show that this claim only offers a schematic

Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase mRNA and protein expression analysis in normal and drug-resistant cells

To follow the expression of the fourth enzyme of pyrimidine de novo synthesis dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH) in cells and tissues, we studied the DHODH mRNA expression by means of RT-PCR in rat tissues. Rabbit polyclonal anti-DHODH immunoglobulins were applied for immunochemical quantification of the enzyme protein by Western blotting. In mouse B-lymphocytes, which were adapted to tolerate u

Functional expression of a multisubstrate deoxyribonucleoside kinase from Drosophila melanogaster and its C-terminal deletion mutants

The occurrence of a deoxyribonucleoside kinase in Drosophila melanogaster (Dm-dNK) with remarkably broad substrate specificity has recently been indicated (Munch-Petersen, B., Piskur, J., and Søndergaard, L. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 3926-3931). To prove that the capacity to phosphorylate all four deoxyribonucleosides is in fact associated to one polypeptide chain, partially sequenced cDNA clones

A software platform for adaptive high order multistep methods

We present a software package, Modes, offering h-adaptive and p-adaptive linear multistep methods for first order initial value problems in ordinary differential equations. The implementation is based on a new parametric, grid-independent representation of multistep methods [Arévalo and Söderlind 2017]. Parameters are supplied for over 60 methods. For nonstiff problems, all maximal order methods (

Simulation and control of dissolved air flotation and column froth flotation with simultaneous sedimentation

Flotation is a separation process where particles or droplets are removed from a suspension with the aid of floating gas bubbles. Applications include dissolved air flotation (DAF) in industrial wastewater treatment and column froth flotation (CFF) in wastewater treatment and mineral processing. One-dimensional models of flotation have been limited to steady-state situations for half a century by

Mosquito has a single multisubstrate deoxyribonucleoside kinase characterized by unique substrate specificity

In mammals four deoxyribonucleoside kinases, with a relatively restricted specificity, catalyze the phosphorylation of the four natural deoxyribonucleosides. When cultured mosquito cells, originating from the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae, were examined for deoxyribonucleoside kinase activities, only a single enzyme was isolated. Subsequently, the corresponding gene was cloned and over-expresse

Berättelser, retorik och medier : Texter till minne av Sofi Qvarnström

Sofi Qvarnström var lektor i retorik vid Lunds universitet. Hon avled i augusti 2018. Hon var en person som berörde många, både som akademiker och som medmänniska. Berättelser, retorik och medier samlar elva texter skrivna av vänner och kollegor till Sofi. Texterna tar sina utgångspunkter i hennes forskningsintressen, hennes lärargärning och i de existentiella frågor som väcks i samband med att en

Molecular mechanisms and immunomodulatory approaches in acute cystitis

hand in the fight against resistant microbes. This thesis discusses the feasibility and potential of specific immunotherapy in treating acute bacterial infections and chronic sequels. The infection model is acute cystitis; the most common form of urinary tract infection, affecting millions of patients annually. Susceptible patients develop the characteristic clinical manifestation of dysuria, urge

Världens jämlikaste land?

UNDER 1900-TALET blev Sverige världens jämlikaste land. Inkomstfördelningen var jämn, klassresorna många och det politiska deltagandet stort och relativt jämnt fördelat i befolkningen. Sverige var ett föregångsland som debatterades över hela världen som en förebild eller ett skräckexempel. Men hur kom det sig att just Sverige blev så jämlikt? Akademiker, debattörer och politiker över hela den poli