

Din sökning på "*" gav 537423 sökträffar

Structural characterization of inter-alpha-inhibitor. Evidence for an extended shape

Inter-alpha-inhibitor (IalphaI) is a 180-kDa serum protein consisting of three polypeptides. Two of these, the heavy chains 1 and 2 (H1 and H2), are of 75-80 kDa and have similar amino acid sequences. The third polypeptide, bikunin, has a molecular mass of 25 kDa and contains a 7-kDa chondroitin sulfate chain that is covalently linked to the C-terminal amino acid residues of H1 and H2. IalphaI has

Clocking femtosecond X-rays

Linear-accelerator-based sources will revolutionize ultrafast x-ray science due to their unprecedented brightness and short pulse duration. However, time-resolved studies at the resolution of the x-ray pulse duration are hampered by the inability to precisely synchronize an external laser to the accelerator. At the Sub-Picosecond Pulse Source at the Stanford Linear-Accelerator Center we solved thi

Occupational exposure to endocrine-disrupting compounds and biliary tract cancer among men

Objectives This study investigated the association between cancer of the extrahepatic biliary tract and exposure to endocrine-disrupting compounds. Methods Altogether 183 men with histologically confirmed carcinoma of the extrahepatic biliary tract and 1938 matched controls were interviewed between 1995 and 1997 in the frame of an international multicenter case-control study in six European countr

Sustainability and biodiversity: from policy to implementation, with examples from Swedish forests

The implementation of the Rio protocol and the preservation of biodiversity at national and regional level is an important step in achieving a sustainable forestry. This is indeed a challenging task since our knowledge of the ecology and habitat demands for but a few species is severely restricted. Research in the last years show that forest species have very different qualitative and spatial dema

A new liposomal liver-specific contrast agent for CT: first human phase-I clinical trial assessing efficacy and safety

In this first clinical trial liposome-encapsulated iodixanol, CT particles (CTP) were studied. The aims of the present trial were to assess the efficacy of CTP in CT and to determine the safety of different doses of CTP. A total of 47 healthy volunteers were enrolled in the present study. The CTP was administered at doses 10, 30, 70 and 100 mg encapsulated I/kg bw. Efficacy was assessed using sing

Biglycan and decorin induce morphological and cytoskeletal changes involving signalling by the small GTPases RhoA and Rac1 resulting in lung fibroblast migration

Biglyean and decorin are small chondroitin/dermatan sulphate proteoglycans in the extracellular matrix of connective tissue that belong to the family of structurally related proteoglycans called small leucine-rich repeat proteins. We show for the first time that biglycan and decorin induce morphological and cytoskeletal changes in fibroblasts, resulting in an increase in migration. Biglycan change

Ectomycorrhizal fungal biomass in roots and uptake of P from apatite by Pinus sylvestris seedlings growing in forest soil with and without wood ash amendment

Forest soil from an experimental Norway spruce forest with four levels of wood ash addition (0, 1, 3 and 6 tonnes ha(-1)) was used to inoculate pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedlings with indigenous ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi. Uptake of P-32 and Rb-86 in a root bioassay was used to estimate the demand for P and K by seedlings grown in the different soils. Utilisation of P from apatite was tested in a l

Hygroscopic growth and critical supersaturations for mixed aerosol particles of inorganic and organic compounds of atmospheric relevance

The organic fraction of atmospheric aerosols contains a multitude of compounds and usually only a small fraction can be identified and quantified. However, a limited number of representative organic compounds can be used to describe the water-soluble organic fraction. In this work, initiated within the EU 5FP project SMOCC, four mixtures containing various amounts of inorganic salts (ammonium sulf

Carboxylic acids in the hindgut of rats fed higly soluble inulin and Bifidobacterium lactis (Bb-123), Lactobacillus salivarius (UCC 500) or Lactobacillus rhamnous (GG)

Background: Propionic and butyric acids are important nutrients for the mucosal cells and may therefore increase the nutritional status and reduce the permeability of the colonic mucosa. These acids have also been suggested to counteract diseases in the colon, e.g. ulcerative colitis and colon cancer. Different substrates lead to different amounts and patterns of carboxylic acids (CAs). Objectiv

Reliability and construct validity of the compatible MRI scoring system for evaluation of haemophilic knees and ankles of haemophilic children. Expert MRI working group of the international prophylaxis study group

We tested the reliability and construct validity of the Compatible magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scale for the evaluation of haemophilic knees and ankles and compared the diagnostic performance of MRI and plain film radiographs. Sagittal and coronal gradient-echo 1.5-T MR images of knees (n = 22) and ankles (n = 23) were obtained from boys (age range 4-16 years; mean 11 years) in two centres (T

The effect of unfractionated and low-molecular-weight heparin on the release of prostacyclin from the arterial wall

Heparin is widely used as an antithrombotic agent, but one reported complication is thrombocytopenia associated with platelet aggregation. The mechanism is not fully clear but heparin interference in the prostaglandin production has been proposed. To investigate if heparin interacts with the production of prostacyclin from the vessel wall, and if low-molecular-weight heparin differs from unfractio

Experimentally induced anhydrobiosis in the tardigrade Richtersius coronifer: Phenotypic factors affecting survival

The ability of some animal taxa (e.g., nematodes, rotifers, and tardigrades) to enter an ametabolic (cryptobiotic) state is well known. Nevertheless, the phenotypic factors affecting successful anhydrobiosis have rarely been investigated. We report a laboratory study on the effects of body size, reproductive condition, and energetic condition on anhydrobiotic survival in a population of the eutard

Species delimitation and the partitioning of genetic diversity - an example from the Carex flava complex (Cyperaceae)

The Carex flava complex ( Cyperaceae) was used as a model system in a study of the effects of variation in species delimitation on genetic diversity estimates. The whole complex constitutes a syngameon within which gene flow may occur between taxa. Several more or less distinct evolutionary lineages in the complex are morphologically similar to each other and are often combined into broadly define

Protein banding pattern in the Ramalina siliquosa group.

The value of primary chemical compounds correlated with known secondary chemistry and morphological variation within the Ramalina siliquosa group has been investigated. A hundred specimens were collected on two different occasions from 13 different populations on the Swedish west coast during April 1984. Protein extracts were prepared from 27 on secondary constituents identified and morphologicall

Intersexual selection and reproductive success in the pheasant Phasianus colchicus

Some recent sexual selection models predict that female choice in species without paternal care may function to discriminate among males in order to pass ''good genes'' to offspring. Data quantifying the relationship between female mate choice and reproductive success are scarce. In a Swedish population of pheasants females prefer to mate with long-spurred males. Male viability also correlates wit

MalAvi : A public database of malaria parasites and related haemosporidians in avian hosts based on mitochondrial cytochrome b lineages

Research in avian blood parasites has seen a remarkable increase since the introduction of polymerase chain reaction-based methods for parasite identification. New data are revealing complex multihost-multiparasite systems which are difficult to understand without good knowledge of the host range and geographical distribution of the parasite lineages. However, such information is currently difficu

Genetic, morphological, and feather isotope variation of migratory willow warblers show gradual divergence in a ring.

Abstract The circular distribution of the willow warbler Phylloscopus trochilus around the Baltic Sea shares many features with the classic examples of ring species; however, the system is much younger. It has previously been shown that a secondary contact zone is located in central Scandinavia, where there are narrow clines for several morphological traits coincident with a migratory divide. Here