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Iterative design of an audio-haptic drawing application
This paper presents the ongoing design and evaluation of an audio-haptic drawing program that allows visually impaired users to create and access graphical images. The application is developed in close collaboration with a user reference group of five blind/low vision school children. The objective of the application is twofold. It is used as a research vehicle to investigate user interaction tech
Om litteraturläsning och litterära praktiker som kunskapsformer
Weight-bearing exercise and its impact on arm lymphoedema
Autoimmune (type 1) diabetes
Autoimmune (type 1) diabetes (AI-DM) is a multistage disorder. Children are born genetically predisposed to putative environmental exposures. These trigger an aggressive, selective and chronic autoimmune response against the pancreatic islet beta cells. This stage is marked by autoantibodies against insulin, glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65), IA-2 and the ZnT8 transporter. Progression to clinica
Kampen om rummet. Monument som representationer av våld. Spår av ett våldsamt förflutet
Kampen för att resa monument och minnesmärken som en kamp om rummet i staden - om rätten till historien. Sverige och Ådalshändelserna 1931 som också blivit en del av berättelsen om det fredliga folkhemmet, samt USA och Haymarket 1886 som blivit en dela av traditionen om första majfirandet världen över.
Clinical Electrocochleography in Menière´s disease
Popular Abstract in Swedish Elektrocochleografi (ECoG) är en metod som mäter de elektriska signaler som uppstår i innerörat när örat stimuleras med ljud. Signalerna uppstår i snäckans sinnesceller, de så kallade hårcellerna, och i nervcellerna som utgår från snäckan. Snäckan är det organ som omvandlar ljudets mekaniska energi till elektriska signaler i hörselnerven. Hörselnerven förmedlar signalerElectrocochleography (ECoG) is an objective method to evaluate cochlear electrophysiology. The recordings are considered to reflect the mechano-electric processes of the cochlea, and can indicate the presence of suspected endolymphatic hydrops. The aim of the present thesis was to investigate the value of transtympanic (TT) ECoG in the clinical diagnosis and management of Menière´s disease. The tr
Dialog eller styrning? Om relationen mellan staten och de idéburna organsationerna, med särskilt fokus på Överenskommelsen och Svenska kyrkan.
Dialogue or governance? The relationship between the state and the voluntary organizations, with particular focus on Överenskommelsen (the compact) and the Church of Sweden Government-voluntary sector compacts have emerged in the recent years, as a nonprofit policy practice in many industrialized countries. The compact – in Sweden signed by the government in 2008 – is by some researchers regarded
Capsule Enteroscopy and Radiology of the Small Bowel
Att pryda en plats
Parsifal in exile: Wagner's 'Bühnenweihfestspiel' as it was patronized and perfomed in exile, 1933-1945
I understand patronage principally as a work of cultural and material support - the support shich was necessary to stage the performance of a piece of music in mayn different contexts. I focus on the fate of an opera, Richard Wagner's Parsifal, a work which was not performed at the Bayreuth festival between 1939 and 1944 because of its emphasis on reconciliation, non-violence and faith, but which
Recognizing the Other : The Armenian Genocide in Scandinavian literature
Modeling the cost of varying surface finish demands during longitudinal turning operations
Tolerances, including geometry, dimension, and surface roughness, are an important part of production where the desire to manufacture quality products have to be weighed against the increase of manufacturing costs. The desired tolerance will influence the choice of both manufacturing method and machine tool. Given that machining is an adequate production method, variation of the required tolerance
Transport Into and Out of Plant Mitochondria.
Abstract is not available
Two modes of C-H bond activation of tris(2-thienyl)phosphine in trinuclear osmium carbonyl clusters
Health in middle-aged women, with emphasis on features of the metabolic syndrome and related markers for diabetes. Women´s Health in the Lund Area Study.
The aims were to study the biological, socio-demographic and psychosocial health profile in a geographically defined population of middle-aged women, with focus on features of the metabolic syndrome and diabetes, and to study the efficiency of a screening method for high-risk individuals and the outcome of baseline lifestyle advices on the diabetes incidence. All women aged 50-59 years (n=10766)
Gud vill det! Nordiska korsfarare under medeltiden.
Boken handlar om nordiska korståg och korsfarare från sent 1000-tal till början av 1500-talet. Vi får följa korstågsidéns utveckling och se hur den omsattes i praktik i medelhavsområdet och längs både södra och östra östersjökusten, mot vender och balter. Ett stort avsnitt ägnas även åt de svenska korstågen mot Ryssland på 1200-, 1300- och 1400-talen. Boken är försedd med en omfattande käll- och
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Abstract not available