

Din sökning på "*" gav 532830 sökträffar

MobilePose: Real-Time 3D Hand Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image

Att i vardagen interagera med virtuella objekt med hög precision har länge ansetts vara futuristiskt. I vårt examensarbete har vi med neurala nätverk tagit ett första steg för att uppnå detta. Tänk om du kunnat prova kläder och smycken hemma innan du handlar på internet. Om du kunnat möblera din lägenhet innan du köpt möblerna. Tänk om du hade kunnat göra allt du gör med din telefon idag, och myckEstimating 3D hand poses from RGB images is a challenging task. In this work we construct efficient neural networks to regress sparse 3D skeletons consisting of 21 keypoints in the hand. Additionally heatmaps are regressed to locate the keypoints in 2D. The networks created can be divided into three parts: feature extraction, heatmap regression and 3D pose regression. To obtain the 3D coordinates

“Don't Worry, I Know A Guy”: Foreign firm employee views on ‘guanxi’ culture.

Purpose: The study aims to examine how employees of foreign firms operating in China perceive guanxi and its influence in business settings. Further, it will analyze how these views align with existing research on guanxi in business, with the aim of identifying promising directions for future research. Theoretical perspectives: Three primary theoretical themes are explored (1) definitions of guan

Eating the Rainbow: The Changing Trend of Food Porn from a CCT Perspective

This thesis explores the way in which the changing trend of food porn recently reveals itself on Instagram. Its purpose is to investigate the trend and its changing meaning in the prevalent digital age. By examining the food porn trend from a consumer culture theory (CCT) perspective, which focuses on the meaning of consumption goods within our consumer culture and therefore opens up new ways of i

Interpreting the Repurchase Signal

The purpose of this study is to examine the potential of improving the interpretation of signals of undervaluation inherent to share repurchases, by accounting for insider trading, level of insider and cash holdings. The goal is to contribute to decreased information asymmetry and increased efficiency in capital markets. The study performs a long-horizon event study, applying buy-and-hold abnorma

Resistance to Coal: The Challenges of Achieving Environmental Justice in South Africa

While the environmental justice movement has grown worldwide, it seems that the movement has yet to mobilise in South Africa. The instances of environmental injustices in South Africa are abundant but paradoxically this has not given rise to a united movement demanding environmental justice for a transition to a new and renewable energy path. This thesis explores the challenges of creating an envi

Occupied Peripheries: Rethinking Landscape in the Anthropocene Visuality

Although landscape representations in the US-European culture have traditionally been acknowledged as a peaceful ordering of the world or the tool of imperialism, nationalism and private property (sometimes all simultaneously), a new shift in the landscape scopic regime seems to be happening. Produced by the current rise of concerns around climate change and environmental crisis, this shift seems

Etik, Rykte och Riktlinjer. En kvalitativ studie om svenska Public Affairs-konsulters syn på etik i sitt arbete

Public Affairs är en liten men inflytelserik bransch i Sverige och forskning visar att branschen har dåligt rykte, då den anses oetisk. Studien är baserad på kvalitativa intervjuer med Public Affairs-konsulter i Stockholm och syftet är att skapa större förståelse för hur en Public Affairs-konsult resonerar kring etik i sitt yrkesutövande. Detta innefattar hur de resonerar kring transparens, val avPublic Affairs is a small, yet influential industry in Sweden, however, research shows that the industry has developed a bad reputation for its lack of ethics. I have based my study on qualitative interviews with Stockholm based Public Affairs consultants with the purpose of creating a greater understanding of their approach to professional ethics. The essay includes how they reflect on transparen

”Och… vad väcker det i dig?” En korrelationsstudie; alexitymi, kvalitet i nära relationer och generell hälsa i en allmänpsykiatrisk population

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka förekomsten och graden av alexitymi och dess samband med kvalitet i nära relationer och psykisk ohälsa i en allmänpsykiatrisk population. Studien genomfördes på en allmänpsykiatrisk mottagning för vuxna under två veckors tid med ett konsekutivt urval där patienterna vid ett ordinarie besök ombads besvara ett enkätmaterial. Statistikprogrammet SPSS användesThe aim of this study was to investigate the incidence and degree of alexitymia and its correlation with quality in close relationships and health distress in a general outpatient population. The study was performed in a general outpatient care unit for two weeks with a consecutive selection where the patients, during an ordinary visit, was asked to participate and complete questionnaires assessin

Jag hade nog kunnat gå långt. Om jag inte satt så skönt

Forskning visar att behovet av människans kontakt med sina biologiskt nedärvda affekter är viktig för att uppnå affekttolerans, vilket ger förmåga att mentalisera och kognitivt tänka om både sina egna och andras känslor. I psykoterapi tränas affekttolerans. Det kan vara en stor utmaning för människor att exponeras för de affekter man förkroppsligat. När affekterna aktiveras blir de ett hot för perResearch shows that the need for human contact with its biologically inherited effects is important in achieving affective tolerance. This provides the ability to mentally and cognitively think about both their own and others' feelings. In psychotherapy, stress tolerance is exercised. It can be a great challenge to be exposed to the effects that are embodied. When the effects are activated, th

Självledarskap eller självförledarskap? En kvalitativ studie om individens strävan efter självförbättring.

Titel: Självledarskap eller självförledarskap - en kvalitativ studie om individens strävan efter självförbättring. Nivå och kurs: Kandidatuppsats vid Institutionen för Service Management och tjänsteveten- skap, Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, KSMK65 Service Management: Examensar- bete för kandidatexamen, VT 2018, 15 HP. Författare: Elenor Mårtensson och Johanna Thomsen Handledare: Johan Alv

En kvalitativ intervjustudie om barnsekreterares arbete med familjehem

The study aims to examine social workers within the foster care fields experiences of foster placements, and what methods that are used during the work with foster parents. In order to reach the results, social workers has been interviewed. The social workers described experiences quite similar to the previous research that was found. We also found that the respondents are working according to cer

Metadata filtering for secure and high performance user identification

På grund av begränsningar i existerade biometriska matchningsalgorithmer är det i dagsläget en mycket svår uppgift att utföra pålitlig identifiering med en stor mängd registrerade användare. Detta arbete undersöker om det är möjligt att utföra en pålitlig identifiering genom att först reducera antalet möjliga kandidater genom att använda tillgänglig information i en filtreringsprocess. Detta arbeThe aim of this thesis is to investigate the possibility of enabling biometric identification given a large number of enrolled users. This area is relatively unexplored compared to biometric authentication where a fingerprint template is compared against just a few number of templates. The selected approach is to use auxiliary information available during an identification. This information will b

Vårdtyngdsmätning inom anestesisjukvård

Inom anestesiologisk omvårdnad i Sverige används vårdtyngdsmätning sparsamt men behovet finns då det underlättar planering och resursfördelning. Syftet var att mäta vårdtyngd och jämföra mellan det planerade och det faktiska operationsprogrammet på en ortopedisk operationsavdelning. Metoden var av icke experimentell karaktär med kvantitativ ansats och utformades som en tvärsnittsstudie. Ett nyutve

Remittances and Dutch Disease in the Eurozone

This thesis analysis the connection between remittances and economic growth in the Eurozone. The purpose is to control for remittances impact on GDP growth in absence of Dutch Disease to see if current theory holds. In remittance-research it is assumed that the lack of transmission between the positive micro-economic impact and economic growth is much due to disruptive real exchange appreciation k

The Effect of Cognitive Workload on Shooting Performance and Quiet Eye Duration

This study explored the effect of cognitive workload on shooting performance and quiet eye duration (QED) using a Stroop based handgun-shooting task (Stroop shooting). Furthermore, the difference between the reverse Stroop effect and the traditional Stroop effect when shooting based on the Attentional Control Theory was assessed. The methods used were partially based on previously published resear

Jakten på Dewey : en kunskapsorganisatorisk studie av Malmö stadsbiblioteks tillämpning av DDK

During the last three years the Malmö City Library made a transition from the Swedish classification system SAB to the internationally established Dewey Decimal Classification. The Malmö City Library is the first public library of a larger magnitude to make such a transition in Sweden. The aim of this thesis is to contribute with knowledge and reflections about how the Dewey Decimal Classification

#memetoo : en studie i vilka funktioner internetmemetiska principer fyller i relation till politisk mobilisering

#metoo är en gräsrotsrörelse som synliggjort sexuella trakasserier och övergrepp mot kvinnor. Rörelsen har fått historisk genomslagskraft i Sverige genom uppkomsten av olika branschupprop och skakat om samhället. Denna uppsats argumenterar för att #metoo är en nätgemenskap präglad av innehåll vars spridning skett genom internetmemetiska principer. Genom en netnografisk metod har inlägg på det soci

European Takeover Law and the Freedom of Establishment: Towards Efficient Regulation

The European Takeover Bids Directive has been at the centre of criticism since it was adopted on 21 April 2004. This study adds a voice to the enduring discourse on the extent to which the Directive is fit for purpose. Specifically, the study considers whether and, if so, how the Directive could be reformed in order to facilitate the exercise of the freedom of establishment of companies through ta

How to justify an intervention: The Saudi Arabian arguments for military intervention in the Yemen Civil War

In 2015, a coalition comprised of Saudi Arabia and its allies, conducted a military intervention in Yemen to protect the internationally recognized government. This study aims to analyse how Saudi Arabian officials has justified the intervention to fight against the Houthi rebels through three principles of just war theory. The study uses these principles as analytical tools in an argumentative an

Transferability of features from multiple depths of a deep convolutional neural network

Djupa faltningsnätverk har blivit otroligt populära de senaste åren tack vare sin förmåga att lära sig att förstå innehållet i signaler och bilder. Dessa djupa nätverk ligg\-er bakom moderna tekniker såsom självkörande bilar och avancerad ansiktsigenkänning i mobiltelefoner. Genom att undersöka hur strukturer kan utvinnas ur dessa nätverk så kan vi förbättra vår förmåga att lära oss nya problem.Deep convolutional neural networks are great at learning structures in signals and sequential data. Their performance have surpassed most non-convolutional algorithms on classical problems within the field of image analysis. A reason behind their success is that even though these networks generally need a great amount of examples to learn from, they can be used to learn smaller tasks through diffe