

Din sökning på "*" gav 534167 sökträffar

Laparoscopy Diagnostic applications in suspected appendicitis and access-related complications

Laparoscopic surgery was introduced to minimize patient trauma. However, fatal technique specific complications, due to major vascular or visceral injury, were at times seen related to blind abdominal access using the Veress technique. A modified open access technique was developed and evaluated in 100 patients and found to be fast and easy to learn with few associated complications. This open te

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Judaism in modern times. Zionism. Holocaust. State of Israel.

Are the Sweden Democrats really Sweden’s largest party? A maximum likelihood ratio test on the simplex

In August 2015 a Swedish newspaper claimed that the Sweden Democrats were the largest political party in Sweden based on the results of single poll. We ask ourselves if this is a correct conclusion, considering the fact that the three largest parties in the poll were of roughly the same size. We analyse the parameter space and identify the subspace where the Sweden Democrats are the largest party.

A Distinction in Value - Intrinsic and For Its Own Sake

The paper argues that the final value of an object, i.e., its value for its own sake, need not be intrinsic. It need not supervene on the object’s internal properties. Extrinsic final value, which accrues to things (or persons) in virtue of their relational features, cannot be traced back to the intrinsic value of states that involve these things together with their relations. On the opposite, suc


This is a novel, the third in a series, about a fictional character, Ulvbjörn Vamodsson, and his adventures in seventh-century Europe. The main event in the novel is the murder of Ulvbjörn's father-in-law during a visit to Lejre, a central place in Iron Age Denmark, which takes place in the prologue. Ulvbjörn's task is to find the murderer. From a literary point of view, the novel is an experiment

Generations in motion : The transition in Hungary and the democratic change of regime, 1987-94

Popular AbstractDen här avhandlingen handlar om enpartistatens kollaps i Ungern och övergången till parlamentarisk demokrati i slutet av 1980- och början av 90-talet. Denna process, fortsättningsvis kallad transitionsprocessen, medförde förändringar inte bara i den politiska toppen, utan hade också återverkningar på de intellektuella och ekonomiska fälten. Drivkraften bakom dessa förändringar var,This dissertation explains the transition - the change of political system from a one-party state to a multi-party system - in Hungary as the result of a generation change, where different generations with different historical experiences either lost or gained political capital. It also includes a review of what consequences the changes in the political field had for the intellectual and economic

Long Term Stability of Time Preferences and the Role of the Macroeconomic Situation

We look at the stability of survey based subjective time preferences over time. Using data from a Dutch panel survey spanning the period 1998 to 2012, the stability of subjective time preferences at the aggregate level and at the individual level are studied. While aggregate preferences are clearly unstable, individual subjective time preferences are relatively stable over time. In order to shed l

I litteraturens mittfåra. Månadens bok och svensk bokmarknad under 1970-talet

Popular Abstract in Swedish Föreliggande avhandling, I litteraturens mittfåra, behandlar bokmarknad, bokklubbar och litteraturen under 1970-talet i Sverige. Bakgrunden till undersökningen är de radikala förändringar som skedde på den svensk bokmarknaden efter den genomgripande avregleringen av handeln med böcker 1970. Bokklubbarna växte från att inneha en marknadsandel på 9% 1970 till att ha 30% aThe present dissertation, I litteraturens mittfåra, deals with book trade, book clubs, and the fiction prose of the 1970s in Sweden. The background to the study is the radical change in Swedish book trade through a far-reaching deregulation of the trade in 1970. The book clubs expanded from a position where they held a 9% share of the market in 1970 to a market share of 30% in 1980.And the specifi