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djävulen, the devil, Satan
djävulen, the devil, Satan
Background: During the last few years many new human picornaviruses have been discovered due to advances in metagenomics and other molecular biological approaches. The clinical significance and the occurrence are only sparsely described. Objectives: To determine the epidemiology and clinical significance of infections with the novel human picornaviruses, aichi virus, cosavirus, salivirus, and saff
Box jellyfish have an impressive set of 24 eyes of four different types, including eyes structurally similar to those of vertebrates and cephalopods [1, 2]. However, the known visual responses are restricted to simple phototaxis, shadow responses, and object avoidance responses [3-8], and it has been a puzzle why they need such a complex set of eyes. Here we report that medusae of the box jellyfis
We examined the relation between nutrient-stimulated insulin secretion and the islet lysosome acid glucan-1,4-alpha-glucosidase system in rats undergoing total parenteral nutrition (TPN). During TPN treatment, serum glucose was normal, but free fatty acids, triglycerides, and cholesterol were elevated. Islets from TPN-infused rats showed increased basal insulin release, a normal insulin response t
The aim was to explore radiotherapy nurses' perceptions of their experiences of caring for children undergoing radiotherapy treatment for cancer.
Abstract: The social relationship between sales assistants and customers has often been described as relatively one-sided one in which sales assistants are subordinate to customers. One of the ways in which the subordination of sales assistants is manifested is when customers treat them badly, for instance in the form of verbal and physical abuse. We suggest that these power relations are not one-
My paper will focus on the expanding tourism connected to popular crime novels in Sweden. The Swedish crime genre has been exploding during the last decades, and several Swedish crime writers have had an immense success abroad, e. g. Henning Mankell, Liza Marklund and Karin Alvtegen. Some of these writers have chosen to connect their stories to a specific place or region; a fact, which has been ex
Krönika om besök vid konferensen Marxism and the world stage 2003.
Objective. To explore how individuals with SSc manage their work life.Methods. We conducted four focus group interviews, which included 17 patients currently working at least 20 h per week. The interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. The transcribed texts were analysed according to thematic content analysis. Relevant statements that generated preliminary categories were identified, afte
Högsta domstolen meddelade år 2011 en dom om brott enligt knivförbudslagen och en dom om förberedelse till allmänfarlig ödeläggelse. Båda domarna avser brott som inte har inneburit någon konkret skada mot person eller egendom. Vad kriminaliseringen tar sikte på är snarare risken för ett eventuellt brott som ligger i framtiden, vilket skulle innebär konkret skada. Högsta domstolens domar kommentera
Background.- Among the most common chronic pain conditions, yet poorly understood, are temporomandibular disorders (TMDs), with a prevalence estimate of 3-15% for Western populations. Although it is increasingly acknowledged that central nervous system mechanisms contribute to pain amplification and chronicity in TMDs, further research is needed to unravel neural correlates that might abet the dev
Abstract in Italian Come gli altri dialetti della penisola salentina, il dialetto di Gallipoli è caratterizzato da un uso limitato dell’infinito. In alternativa alle costruzioni infinitive dell’italiano standard, il Gallipolino ricorre a costruzioni di forma finita rette da due complementatori: ka e ku. Tradizionalmente, il sistema di complementazione dei dialetti italiani meridionali è stato illuLike the other dialects spoken in the Salentine peninsula, the dialect from Gallipoli, Gallipolino, presents a limited use of infinitival clauses. Instead of several infinitival constructions as in standard Italian, we find some finite constructions introduced by two different complementizers: ka and ku. Traditionally, the phenomenon of the double complementation system in Southern Italian dialect