

Din sökning på "*" gav 533925 sökträffar

Modelling Life Cycle Cost for Indoor Climate Systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish För att förse en byggnad med rätt luftkvalitet och temperatur behövs ett inneklimatsystem som i denna avhandling är ett samlingsnamn för ventilations-, värme- och kylsystem. Hittills har val av inneklimatsystem i byggnader mest baserats på en lägsta initialkostnad. Med ett livscykel-perspektiv borde de totala kostnaderna och miljöpåverkan från systemen kunna minskas. MoThe indoor climate system, which serves a building with a proper indoor air quality and thermal comfort, has been predominantly designed based on the initial cost. A life cycle approach could improve both the economic and environmental performance since the energy use could decrease. There has been a lack of knowledge, models and tools for determining the life cycle cost (LCC) for an indoor climat

Effect of near-infrared radiation and jet impingement heat transfer on crust formation of bread

Rapid heat transfer methods can be used to speed up the baking, process and create new product properties. This study investigates the effect of air jet impingement and infrared radiation (alone or in combination) on crust formation of par-baked baguettes during post-baking. The parameters investigated are crust color; crust thickness, total water loss, and heating time. The results show that infr

Ur Hysteran

Om kvinnlighet och hysteri utifrån den franske psykoanalytikern Luce Irigarays teorier.

Målgruppen och budskapet : En modell för målgruppsanpassning av trafiksäkerhetsbudskap till unga manliga trafikanter

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar målgruppsanalysens betydelse för budskapsformning och planering av informationskampanjer. Boken innehåller en genomgång av teorier som kan ligga till grund för målgruppsanalys samt för attityd- och beteendeförändring. Teorierna tillämpas så långt det varit möjligt i en målgruppsanalys av unga trafikanter i åldern 18-24 år. Målgruppsanalysen beståThe empirical work rests on two separate theoretical foundations: theories that form the basis for analyzing the different target groups and theories dealing with persuasion. Theories of the first sort concern life-style, individual values, perceived risk, individual characteristics and self-image. Earlier research on young car drivers is also relevant in this context. Theories on attitudes and at

Factor V Leiden in pregnancies complicated by placental abruption

Objective Recent studies suggest an increased prevalence of obstetric complications in female carriers of hereditary or acquired thrombophilias. The aim of the study was to determine if carriership of the factor V (FV) Leiden mutation (activated protein C [APC] resistance) is higher in women who have had of placental abruption during pregnancy. Design A retrospective case-control study. Setting Un

Invariant Subspaces in Spaces of Analytic Functions

Let D be a finitely connected bounded domain with smooth boundary in the complex plane. We first study Banach spaces of analytic functions on D . The main result is a theorem which converts the study of hyperinvariant subspaces on multiply connected domains into the study of hyperinvariant subspaces on domains with fewer holes. The Banach spaces are defined by a natural set of axioms fulfilled by

Intermolecular charge and energy transfer in neurosporene and chlorophyll a derivative complex

Dye-sensitized solar cells using a chlorophyll a derivative (PPB a der.) as the sensitizer and carotenoids having different conjugation lengths as redox spacers was studied experimentally. In this Letter, the excited state properties of the neurosporene & PPB a der. complex are investigated theoretically with quantum chemistry method. The 2D real space analysis with the transition density matr

Extrarenal plasma clearance of iohexol, chromium-51-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, and inulin in anephric pigs

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: To improve the measurement of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), we determined the extrarenal plasma clearance of the GFR markers iohexol, chromium-51-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (51Cr-EDTA), and inulin using 11 anephric pigs. METHODS: After an intravenous (i.v.) bolus injection of the markers, the decay curves of their plasma concentrations were monitored for 29 h

Cadmium in food production systems: A health risk for sensitive population groups

This paper gives an overview of the cadmium (Cd) situation in agricultural systems and human exposure in Sweden. Cadmium levels in agricultural soils (the plow layer) increase by 0.03% to 0.05% per year. Feed can give substantial contributions of Cd to local agricultural systems. Effects on human kidney function are indicated by some measurements already at today's exposure levels. If food product

Water adsorption on O-covered Ru {0001}: Coverage-dependent change from dissociation to molecular adsorption

When water is coadsorbed with oxygen at coverages above 0.25ML an intact water species is observed in high resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy up to 220 K, which is significantly more stable than intact water on the clean surface. The presence of this species causes a shift in the O 1s binding energy of the pre-adsorbed oxygen, which indicates the formation of hydrogen bonds between the tw

Simultaneous and continuous measurement of choroid plexus blood flow and cerebrospinal fluid production: effects of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide

Using laser-Doppler flowmetry during ventriculocisternal perfusion with inulin-[14C]carboxylic acid, choroid plexus blood flow (CPBF) and CSF production were measured simultaneously in rats during periods of 3 h. Blood flow and CSF production decreased only slightly during control experiments. The effect of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) was studied at different concentrations of the pept