Aspectual Properties of the English Middle Construction
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An anthology of sermons from the third to the sixteenth century, translated from the original languages (Greek, Latin, Coptic, Old English, Old Norse, Early Modern German and Swedish) into modern Swedish. With introduction on sermons and preaching by the editor.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid extern strålbehandling används en s.k. linjäraccelerator för att producera och leverera den önskade strålningen till cancertumörer. I linjäracceleratorn accelereras elektroner till nära ljusets hastighet och styrs sedan mot en metalplatta där de bromsas upp och genererar bromsstrålningsfotoner (högenergetisk röntgenstrålning). Intensiteten av den strålning som sändsThe aim of this work was to investigate the dosimetric effects of removing the flattening filter from conventional C-arm medical linear accelerators. In conventional linear accelerators used for radiotherapy, a flattening filter is positioned in the beam line to provide a uniform lateral dose profile at a specified depth in water. However, for some radiotherapy treatments, a uniform lateral dose p
Critical infrastructures provide society with services that are essential for its functioning and extensive disruptions of these give rise to large societal consequences. Vulnerability analysis gives important decision information concerning improving their ability to withstand strains. To analyze vulnerabilities in infrastructures models for estimating consequences due to failures are needed. Con
Through practical experiments, edge-wear analysis, and the study of archaeological collections, the dissertation explores the complex relationship between style and function in a specific class of artifacts: the Neolithic axe. The results of the three-part approach described above, when applied for instance to thin-butted axes from the Funnel Beaker Culture, indicated that there was no clear-cut c
In 2006, a prohibition on less favourable treatment of workers related to parental leave was introduced in The Swedish Act on Parental Leave. The prohibition was designed on the basis of the rules on discrimination of pregnant workers and workers on maternity leave in the Equal Treatment directive. The Swedish rules do however separate from the EU rules in one crucial respect. While the European U
Yesterday’s sole hardware product is becoming more and more rare. Today, the original products are increasingly surrounded by value adding services, software or control systems, all bundled together to a “total offer”. Christopher (1998) states that it is the totality of the offer which delivers customer value, and that adding value through differentiation and/or service is a powerful means of ach
This thesis deals with numerical simulations of the turbulent combustion process in Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engines. An accurate and computationally efficient Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model was developed and used throughout this thesis to investigate the development of in-cylinder turbulence, temperature stratification, onset of auto-ignition, and development of the react
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a new treatment consisting of stretching, posture training, and auricular acupuncture immediately and at a 3-month followup. This method has not been tested previously. From an original pool of 41 potential subjects, we recruited 24 (12 men, 12 women; ages 18-70 years) into this study and divided them from a waiting list into either a treatment g
This dissertation examines the labor market outcomes of a population of natives and immigrants in Sweden from 1968 and until 2001. Previous research has consistently pointed to the importance of an individual’s country of origin, without being able to fully explain why this is the case. The standard approach is to use the country of origin as a way to measure everything occurring prior to migratio