

Din sökning på "*" gav 532693 sökträffar

Commissioning of the HIPPIE beamline

The MAX IV synchrotron light source in Lund, Sweden is being commissioned for full operation in late 2017. The HIPPIE beamline will provide research groups with a state of the art machine for ambient pressure photoelectron spectroscopy. The beamline con- tains a range of diagnostic instruments that measure the status of the beam within the beamline. These tools are used in combination with methodi

Citizenship in Return for Allegiance - A Study on the Facilitated Naturalization of Undocumented Stateless Persons in Sweden

Following the UNHCR:s launch of the #IBelong Campaign to End Statelessness by 2024 in November 2014, a Global Action Plan to End Statelessness: 2014 – 2024 was adopted urging states to undertake ten actions to end statelessness, including to facilitate the naturalization of stateless migrants. While the facilitated naturalization of stateless persons would certainly reduce the occurrence of statel

Hydrological and hydrogeological consequences of rapid and large-scale urbanization

Urbanization is a process where rural population move to urban places for better job opportunities and facilities. This is a natural process and more or less unavoidable. But when this process takes place rapidly and at large -scale, the urban cities will undergo various changes that will impact the environment. Rapid and large-scale urbanization is mainly observed in developing countries of Asia

"God tanke, men inte så genomtänkt" - En fallstudie av förstelärarreformen i Lunds kommun

Det svenska skolväsendet har den senaste tiden genomgått många reformer och förändringar med syfte att stärka elevers måluppfyllelse och på så sätt skapa grunden för ett välmående samhälle. En av de senaste reformerna är förstelärarreformen som trädde i kraft 2013. Med hjälp av Evert Vedungs teori om implementeringsprocesser, Lennart Lundquists teori om förstår, kan och vill och Anders Sannerstedt

Skatteavtalstolkningens kärnfrågor - En komparativrättslig studie av skatteavtalstolkning i Kanada och Sverige

Avtalsrätten i hela världen styrs av begreppet pacta sunt servanda . Ett problem som kan uppstå när ett avtal ska tolkas är att parterna anser att avtalet kan tolkas på olika sätt. Det blir ännu svårare när det gäller bilaterala skatteavtal eftersom stater har internationella skyldigheter samtidigt som begreppen i avtalen tolkas på olika sätt i de olika staterna. Denna uppsats är en komparation meContract law is governed by the concept of pacta sunt servanda . A problem that can arise when a contract is to be interpreted is that the parties believe that the agreement should be interpreted in different ways. It becomes even more difficult when it comes to bilateral tax treaties when states have international obligations while terms in the tax treaties are interpreted differently in differen

Hit men inte längre - En granskning av EU:s gränshinder och staters förpliktelser att ge tillgång till ett asylförfarande

Uppsatsen tar avstamp i den ökning av människor som vill söka asyl i Europa som skett under hösten 2015 och våren 2016 och medlemsstaterna i EU:s åtgärder för att hantera detta. Dessa åtgärder består bland annat av stängda gränser, resande av taggtrådsstängsel, upprättande av gränskontroller och transitzoner och genomföranden av snabba gränsförfaranden. Förfarandena har kritiserats för att strida This thesis starts of in the increase of people seeking protection in Europe in the autumn 2015 and spring 2016 and on EU member states actions to handle this. These measures consist, inter alia, of closed borders, erecting barbed wire fences, the establishment of border controls and transit zones and implementation of rapid border procedures. The procedures have been criticized as contrary to the

Uppskjutet offentliggörande av insiderinformation i en utdragen process

Under de senaste femtio åren har de europeiska kapitalmarknaderna blivit allt mer integrerade. För att garantera allmänhetens förtroende, för att förhindra framtida finanskriser och för att nå den ekonomiska effektiviteten på marknaden, är det viktigt att det finns harmoniserade förbud mot marknadsmissbruk. En vanlig form av marknadsmissbruk är handel med insiderinformation, som kan leda till stoDuring the last fifty years, the European capital markets have become increasingly integrated. In order to ensure public confidence, to prevent future financial crises and to reach economic efficiency on the market, it is of importance that there are harmonised prohibitions against market abuse. A common form of market abuse on the European market is trading with inside information, which can lea

EU:s och USA:s förslag till tvistlösning i TTIP - en regeljämförelse

Syftet med uppsatsen var att göra en regeljämförelse av USA:s och EU:s förslag till tvistlösning i handels- och investeringsavtalet TTIP, som förhandlades fram då uppsatsen skrevs. Studien gjordes med följande frågeställning som grund: - Vilka möjligheter ger USA:s respektive EU:s nuvarande förslag till tvistlösningsmekanism i TTIP en investerare att bevaka sin investering? Frågan besvarades genoThe purpose of this thesis was to make a comparison between the two proposals for investment dispute resolution under TTIP, currently being negotiated between the European Union and the United States. The study was made to answer the following question: - What level of protection does the US and the EU proposals, respectively, grant an investor wanting to safeguard an investment? The question was

Försäkringsutredningar: bilbränder, försäkringsbedrägerier och rättssäkerhet

The current study is a case study in which we explore insurance companies’ investigative work by looking at cases of fraudulent arson in motor vehicles. Through interviews with people in the insurance industry, as well as representatives from the police and justice system, we examine the practices and realities of insurance investigations, and by analyzing verdicts from Swedish district courts in

From Reporting to Analytics: Leveraging Business Intelligence in enabling organisations’ transformation towards becoming data-driven

Today, the world contains an unimaginably massive amount of digital information, increasing ever so rapidly and bringing about a wide range of opportunities across industries such as predicting future trends, combating crime to name a few. As a result, more and more organi-sations are investing heavily in Business Intelligence (BI) with the hope of gaining insights through data and analytics and h

Antibiotikaresistens – det förbisedda säkerhetshotet

Antibiotikaresistens är ett växande problem som orsakar både långvarig sjukdom och dödsfall världen över. Trots att man kan se antibiotikaresistens som ett säkerhetshot är det ofta förbisett i säkerhetsstudier. Denna uppsats gör en säkerhetsanalys över antibiotikaresistens, undersöker huruvida det kan inkorporeras i teorin human security och diskuterar olika lösningar på problemet. De specifika sj

Digital Landscapes of Imperialism - US Intervention in Video Games

Within the cultural imaginary of video games, armed conflicts have always occupied a central space. Their subject material, as well as technologies and visual techniques, are often based on historical and present-day conflicts, often involving US Armed Forces, subcontractors or intelligence agents. US actors and interests disproportionally occupy the privileged position of protagonist, which has c

Eco-innovation for Economic Growth

As the capacity of our planet to sustain the needs of future generations is deteriorating at an unprecedented rate, the role of innovation, research and development is becoming increasingly important. While the restrictions imposed on economic growth by the environment have been extensively examined and subject to much debate, the emerging concept of eco-innovation has not gained similar attention

Huvudcykelstråk för ett hållbart Lund - Studie av det gula huvudcykelstråket i Lund.

The purpose of the report is to study the yellow cycle route in the city of Lund and investigate the inadequacies that could be found on today's route. The yellow cycle route goes from Dalby in the south to Gunnesbo in the north. The method used to answer the questions of this report is literature study and a technical inventory. The analysis of the studied route is based on Lund’s cycle strat

Building a circular economy

The construction sector is one of the biggest contributors to global CO2 emissions and buildings account for a significant part of the energy use in Sweden. Population growth in combination with economic development is putting more pressure on the environment, resulting in escalating consumption trends and larger quantities of raw material extraction. Policies and directives are promoting a circul

Construction and Characterization of a Confocal Setup for Functionalization of Light Emitting Diodes and Laser Diodes Using an Amorphous Nonlinear Medium

A confocal microscope is built to examine molecular powders, and in particular the (PhSn)_4S_6 cluster, that emits white light when irradiated with infrared laser light. The confocal microscope operating at long working distances is assembled and characterized. The components of the setup are first chosen according to requirements of the planned experiment. Thereafter, the microscope is assembled

”Jag kan shoppa vad, när och hur jag vill”. Generation Ys kundlojalitet genom omnikanaler.

Studien belyser hur digitaliseringen och framväxten av omnikanaler har skapat ett dynamiskt shoppingbeteende hos generation Y. Vid inköp av kläder rör sig kunder inom generation Y idag mellan flera försäljningskanaler, vilket ökar tillgängligheten till ett större utbud av klädföretag. Syftet med studien är bidra med förståelse för den lojalitetsskapande effekt hos kundgruppen generation Y som kläd

Familjecentralers arbete med Barnkonventionen : En kvalitativ intervjustudie ur de professionellas perspektiv

The aim of my research was to study the implementation of the UNs Convention on the Rights of the Child on different family centers in Sweden. I wanted to examine if the family centers had policies concerning the Children’s Convention that affected their daily work, and if not, how they managed the implementation through the daily work. The study used a qualitative method with semi structured inte

Maskulinitetens roll i den psykiska ohälsan bland manliga elever: En kvaliativ studie ur ett skolkuratorsperspektiv

Masculinities role in the mental illness among male students - a qualitative study from a school counsellor’s perspective The aim of the study was to understand how school counsellors speak about masculinity in relation to male student’s mental health. Seven qualitative interviews were held at seven different high schools with seven different counsellors. The interview questions were based on th

The Discursive Construction of Communities of Practice

Communities of Practice (CoPs) have been featured heavily in the literature of organisational learning and knowledge sharing in recent years. However, the concept denotes a paradigmshifting learning theory that goes beyond a mere management tool. In the present text, we review the CoP literature and argue that it lacks an elaborate explanation of CoPs’ organisation, resorting to saying they are ‘s