

Din sökning på "*" gav 533074 sökträffar

Structural properties of (111)B-oriented III-V nanowires

Controlled growth of nanowires is an important, emerging research field with many applications in, for example, electronics, photonics, and life sciences. Nanowires of zinc blende crystal structure, grown in the left fence111right fenceB direction, which is the favoured direction of growth, usually have a large number of twin-plane defects. Such defects limit the performance of optoelectronic nano

Orthopaedic treatment of displaced femoral neck fractures in elderly patients

Purpose and method: A review article concerning orthopaedic treatment and rehabilitation of displaced femoral neck fractures, focusing on evidence-based knowledge. Results: Properly performed randomized controlled studies comparing internal fixation and primary arthroplasty provides the best basis to decide which method should be used. During the last decade, several such studies have been publish

Chlamydia trachomatis antigens in enteroendocrine cells and macrophages of the small bowel in patients with severe irritable bowel syndrome

Background: Inflammation and immune activation have repeatedly been suggested as pathogentic factors in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The driving force for immune activation in IBS remains unknown. The aim of our study was to find out if the obligate intracellular pathogen Chlamydia could be involved in the pathogenesis of IBS. Methods: We studied 65 patients (61 females) with IBS and 42 (29 fem

Long-term stability of return to work after a workplace-oriented intervention for patients on sick leave for burnout.

The period from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s saw a rapid increase in long-term sick leave in Sweden, primarily due to mental illness and often related to job burnout. This led to an urge for effective treatment programs that could prevent the often long sick leaves. In 2010 we presented a newly developed work-place intervention method, showing that 89% of the intervention group had returned to w

MOLSIM: A modular molecular simulation software.

The modular software MOLSIM for all-atom molecular and coarse-grained simulations is presented with focus on the underlying concepts used. The software possesses four unique features: (1) it is an integrated software for molecular dynamic, Monte Carlo, and Brownian dynamics simulations; (2) simulated objects are constructed in a hierarchical fashion representing atoms, rigid molecules and colloids

Development of Laser-Spectroscopic Techniques for New Detection Schemes in Combustion Diagnostics

Popular Abstract in Swedish Förbränning förknippas av många som förlegat. Att utvinna energi genom att ”elda” har människan gjort under årtusenden, men trots det bestod Sveriges totala energiproduktion 2004 till 52 % av förbränning. De flesta bilar, båtar, flyg och i vissa fall även tåg utnyttjar den kemiskt lagrade energin i fossila bränslen. Uppvärmningen av bostäder är inte heller att förringa,The thesis work, aimed at the development of laser-spectroscopic detection schemes, consists of three parts, concerned with the development and application of different techniques. The development of UV filtered Rayleigh scattering (FRS) for thermometry and fuel/air ratio measurements, using a frequency tripled, single-longitudinal-mode alexandrite laser at ~254 nm together with an isotopically en

The ALICE TPC, a large 3-dimensional tracking device with fast readout for ultra-high multiplicity events

The design, construction, and commissioning of the ALICE Time-Projection Chamber (TPC) is described. It is the main device for pattern recognition, tracking, and identification of charged particles in the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC. The TPC is cylindrical in shape with a volume close to 90 m(3) and is operated in a 0.5T solenoidal magnetic field parallel to its axis. In this paper we describ

Magnetic permeability based diagnostic test for the determination of the canine C-reactive protein concentration in undiluted whole blood

We describe an one-step 11-min magnetic permeability based two-site immunoassay for C-reactive protein (CRP) utilizing polyclonal anti-canine CRP antibody conjugated dextran iron oxide nanoparticles (79 nm) as superparamagnetic labels and polyclonal anti-canine CRP conjugated silica microparticles (15 to 40 mu m) as carriers. An inductance based magnetic permeability reader was used to detect the

Biomimetic macroporous hydrogel scaffolds in a high-throughput screening format for cell-based assays.

Macroporous hydrogels (MHs) hold great promise as scaffolds in tissue engineering and cell-based assays. In this study, the possibility of combination of three-dimensional (3D) cell culture with a miniaturized screening format was demonstrated on human colon cancer HCT116, human acute myeloid leukemia KG-1 cells, and embryonic fibroblasts cultured on MHs (12.5 mm x 7.1 mm I.D.) in a 96-minicolumn

Influence of defects on the lattice constant of GaMnAs

We study the influence of the major compensating defects As antisites and Mn interstitials known to occur in the GaMnAs ferromagnetic semiconductor on its structural properties. Our experimental results show that there is a balance between Mn interstitial and As antisite defects, leading to the reduced density of one type of defect upon increasing the density of the other defect. Significant diffe